Defining Lines- Part 6

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Several things were strange to me about this moment right now, but not completely unwanted. 

One, my head felt absolutely dreadful. I don’t think I have ever had such a bad headache before in my life. It felt as if thousands of hammers were hacking away at my skull for pure amusement. 

Two, I was not alone. When I first began to stir in my sleep, it was apparent that someone had their arm laced around my waist with me cradled against them for warmth. At first I was confused, but when I breathed in I recognized the scent almost instantly. 
I smile to myself; content with the morning besides the fact that I desperately needed aspirin. But Dantes presence felt so good it almost completely wiped out the side affects of my nasty hangover.

His embrace was warm and comforting, yet still evokes a mild case of the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. I roll over slowly with my eyes shut, taking a deep breath in before setting in against his bare chest. When I touch him lightly with my fingers the faint memories of last night flood in to my memory.

We didn’t get to kiss though, at least…did he? I remembering wanting him too, but I don’t remember…

My eyes shot open. My sudden jerking motion causes him to yawn quietly, his eyes fluttering open to meet mine. 

“What’s wrong?” He asks in his morning voice.

“We didn’t…Did we?” I ask looking at his bare chest. 

“We didn’t what…” He yawns.

“We didn’t…Do it right?” I whisper blushing.

He chuckles quietly, tucking my head beneath his chin. “Would you have liked to?” he whispers in my ear.

“T-that wasn’t my question.” I respond shivering from his voice.

“No we did not have sex.” He grins, “It’s still early Rae, go back to sleep.” He says closing his eyes once more.

I nod closing my eyes, my thumb rubbing his chest lightly as I was completely pressed against him. 
I would remember something like that right? I want to remember that moment. I was a virgin. I would have shot myself if I let him take me! How long had I known him? Just a matter of day’s right? 
I wonder if he knew I was a virgin…What would he say? Maybe he wouldn’t like me because of it.

Sebastian said he liked me though. I remembered that tid-bit too out of the foggy events from the night before. I remind myself to thank him next time I see him, he was so…sweet.
 When did he leave me?

I roll on to my back stretching my arms over my head before opening my eyes in frustration. I couldn’t sleep, there was no way. 

Carefully, I snake my way out of Dante’s bed, adjusting my attire. I saw a glimpse of myself in the mirror and just shook my head. I was that girl. I weave my hair in to a loose braid while quietly sneaking out the door, tip toeing towards the sound of the television down the hall.

“Good morning!” A young voice chirps from the sofa in front of the tv.

“Well hello…” I yawn rubbing underneath my eyes, smiling at the dark haired girl. 

“Are you Dante’s girl?” She asks bluntly.

“Oh I don’t think so,” I chuckle sitting on the plush armchair next to her. “Are you his sister?”

“The only one he’s got!” She grins, shoving a spoonful of fruit loops into her mouth.

“I’m Amara. Who are you?”

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