Defining Lines- Part 7

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"At least eat something Rae..." Nicole says shoving her hand into the bag of salt and vinegar chips that sat in between us on the couch.

"I'm not hungry, I told you." I repeat for the millionth time.

"You haven't eaten since yesterday!" She groans.

"I had an apple this morning." I say looking out the window at the now dark sky. The whole day had passed quickly and in a blur almost.

"You need to stop thinking about him." She said pausing our movie.

"I was watching that." I say pulling my blanket over my knees, glaring at her.

"Like hell you were." She rolls her eyes. "Come on, can you at least tell me what happened? You disappeared running all day. Didn't eat dinner. And now on weekly movie night you aren't even watching!"

"What do you want to know?" I groan.

"Oh I don't know...Where the hell were you?! And why did you come back ready to punch a baby!" She exclaims turning towards me.

I look at her swallowing the dry lump in my throat, glancing down at the chips then back at her. "It's really nothing." I say quietly.

"Well obviously not." She shakes her head.

"I was drunk, Sebastian brought me to Dantes, that's it." I say quickly.

"Wait, Sebastian... De La Vega?" She says slowly.

"Yeah...He's nice." I say looking up at her.

"You are just in with the whole crowd huh?" She asks amusingly.

"Is there a problem with that?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Well yes, since you were, and still are, so upset." She says popping a chip into her mouth. "Rae. It's me. What can't you tell me?" She says softly looking me in the eye.

I look at her helplessly, "I think I like him." I admit.

"He obviously likes you too!" She smiles excitedly.

"No..." I shake my head.

"Is that what your upset about?" She asks

"It's more complicated than that." I murmur, "Please, just play the movie. I say shoving a handful of chips into my mouth. "I don't want to think about it anymore."

"Do you want the guys to come over?" She asks dwindling her cell phone between her fingers.

"Why not..." I sigh sinking back into the oversized couch cushions. I wanted to see Sebastian again, oddly. I have this urge to talk to him, ask him questions, remember and forget all about Dante.

Or maybe it was Dante I want to see. When ever my thoughts trickled away from reality, the immediately flashed to this morning with me in his arms.

Except now I know he's not safe, not secure, not the kind of guy I let myself be with.

"Travis knows about the way." Nicole says quietly.

"Excuse me?" I sit up suddenly.

"He was here this morning looking for you!" She puts her hands up innocently.

"Great Nic, thanks. Do you realize what problems that's gonna start?" I sigh angrily falling back into the pillows again. That was the last thing I wanted to have to deal with tonight. While Nicole would be sucking Alexs' face off, I'd be stuck with a jealous Travis.

"I'm gonna take a walk, I'll be back in 15." I say pushing myself up while she was texting away.

"Okay, hurry." She says without looking up at me.

I didn't really have any idea where I was planning on going, or how far. I just knew I had to think for a little while longer before they got to the house. In the back of my mind, I was hoping to see Sebastian or Dante on the way, but I knew that was not going to happen.

I wrap my arms around myself, starring down at the street light lit boardwalk as I walk down the ways. The boards were rough beneath my bare feat, but not enough to hurt. The breeze was cooling but not frigid, quite perfect actually. Yet why was I so unhappy for all this time? What had I expected from him last night anyways? I told myself to expect the bare minimum and that was still too much, obviously.

"I wouldn't go any further." A familiar voice interrupts my mental rant.

"Why?" I ask Sebastian curiously.

"Did he talk to you this morning?" He asks hoping off the rock wall in front of an off white small house.

"Barely." I roll my eyes.

"Of course..." Sebastian shakes his head, running his fingers through his hair. "Alan and him are getting into it down there." He nods a few feet down the boardwalk.

"Alan?" I ask.

He sighs looking down at the ground.

"Can you just explain to me what's going on?" I ask, exasperated.

"I really shouldn't." He shakes his head looking up at me.

"I need to know what I'm getting myself into Sebastian. Please." I ask again.

"Walk with me," He says walking down onto the sand towards the dark water. I walk beside him waiting. "Esme. They were...A thing. It was mostly physical. She messes with his head," He explains carefully. "Alan, our friend, was the other guy. While his girlfriend, Marta, is another close friend. This all blew up last night."

"That's why he left..." I say carefully.

"He's going to kill me for telling you." He sighs, picking up a random stone from the sand before tossing it into water.

"I won't let you get in trouble." I say assuring him, looking up at him with a smile. He looks at me unsure but returns the smile, and something then made me realize he was a genuine guy, the type of guy that girls would be lucky to have.

"Sebastian?" Dante's voice erupts through the peaceful sound of the waves. He approaches us quick and stiffly, stopping a few feet away once realizing that Sebastian wasn't alone. At that same moment, we realize the amount of blood that was leaving Dantes body.

"Man, he got you bad." Sebastian sucks in air.

"Trust me, you should see him."

I close the distance running towards him. "What happened to you?" I gasp starring at the gash down his bicep and then up at the wound against his forehead. Dante rips a strip of his V-neck from himself, wrapping it around his arm tightly.

"Just a scratch or two." He shrugs.

"You okay?" Sebastian asks from behind me.

"fine." He says flatly.

"You need to go to the doctor Dante." I shake my head.

"You need to go home Rayne." He spits out sourly.

"No hable con ella de esa." Sebastian snaps quickly.

"Wow." I shake my head. "Really?" I raise an eyebrow. I couldn't belieive that he was still like this, especially after what Sebastian told me.

"Don't tell me what to do." Dante hisses at Sebastian.

"I'll see you later, Sebastian." I say delibrately looking up at Dante in disgust before trudging down the shore line in disgust. I hear their soft low voices bickering in spanish behind me but continue walking until they are out of ear shot.

Why was he being so nasty to me all of a sudden? I couldn't even wrap my head around it. Sorry for being concerned? For this morning? For having a good time last night? I had just met him his moods had flipped like the switch of a light.

I glance behind me, half hoping that maybe he was following me. But in the distance I could see the two dark figures walking back up to the house Sebastian had been waiting in front of. I knew he wasn't going to say anything to me then.

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