6. Hostage Trade (Kevin Ryan)

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(Published October 4, 2021) 

   The barrel of a gun was pressed against my temple and Kevin Ryan was on his way to rescue me.  I wasn't sure which one worried me more.  
   It wasn't that I was worried about Ryan getting hurt.  That was unlikely, since I knew Beckett and Esposito would never let him come without them as backup.  No, he'd make it out without a problem.  Me, on the other hand...  The last thing I wanted him to see was me getting shot, and that was something I wasn't so sure wouldn't happen.  
   "Here they come.  Why don't you holler and help them find you?" I could hear Menders smirking as he spoke near my ear.  
   Knowing that he wouldn't hurt me until they showed up, I kept my lips tightly shut.  He sighed, but didn't do anything about it, just as I had suspected.  It wouldn't be until they walked through that barn door that the pain would start.  He wanted to make them desperate, but he also wanted to see their desperation.  
   I knew I should've gotten pizza delivered instead of going out for supper!  
   My eyes stayed focused on the huge opening at the front of the barn, waiting to see the beams from their flashlights.  If I could hear their calls, I knew they were close.  
   They called my name a few times, and then I heard the footsteps slow to a stop when they reached the barn.  Someone peeked around the corner to assess the situation for a brief second before disappearing again.  
   "Courtney, are you okay?" Ryan's voice called.  
   When I didn't answer, Menders was happy to.  "She's fine, for now.  Did you bring what I requested?" 
   Esposito and Ryan walked into view at that.  Between them was a prisoner, handcuffed and grinning.  It was the man that Menders wanted, a man from his team who Beckett had been very lucky to catch.  My eyes widened in surprise a little bit.  I hadn't thought they'd actually risk bringing him!  
   "Let her go and he's yours," Esposito stated.  
   Menders racked a bullet into the barrel before pushing it against my temple with a little more force this time.  "You don't get to call the shots here, detective.  Release my man." 
   "We're exchanging here, Menders.  I won't give him up until I'm certain you'll give us our girl," Esposito argued.  
   Menders stepped one large step away from me.  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as he dropped the gun's barrel to aim at my thigh.  Since I was kneeling on the floor like he had told me to, this was going to hurt.  I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to focus on not making a sound when it happened.  
   "Now," Menders growled.  
   I knew his finger was on the trigger.  I knew Ryan was panicking.  I knew Esposito was planning something.  Something had to happen soon, or this would turn into a disaster and someone was going to die.  
   A gunshot went off and I winced.  Strangely, no pain came.  My eyes flew open and I jumped in surprise as Menders body fell to the floor beside me.  My gaze snapped to Esposito and Ryan, but neither of them had their guns out.  They were still holding the prisoner between them securely.  Whipping my head around, I spotted Beckett walking out of the shadows from behind me with her weapon still in her grip.  I had forgotten about her!  
   While Beckett checked to make sure Menders was really dead, Ryan rushed over to me.  His hands fumbled a little with the ties around my hands and ankles, but he freed me quickly.  Then, he dropped to his knees in front of me and pulled me into a hug.  
   "Are you okay?" He whispered, the tiniest hint of shaking in his voice.  
   "I will be as soon as we get home," I replied quietly, hugging him back tightly.  
   "Ryan, get her on her feet if you can.  We've got to get back to the prison," Beckett called.  
   Ryan obeyed, getting to his feet and then offering me a hand up.  I didn't really have a problem standing, since I had only been on my knees for a few minutes.  Still, he kept a supportive arm around me as we began leaving the barn.  Just as Beckett was about to assist Esposito in leading the prisoner back to the car, though, another gunshot was fired.  It struck the barn too close to Esposito for comfort, and we all fell to the ground for better cover.  
   Except, of course, for the prisoner.  He took off running towards the hidden shooter.  
   "Ryan, get her out of here," Beckett hollered.  
   He started to pull me around the other side of the barn when I objected.  
   "They're going to get hurt.  Shouldn't you help them?" I asked quietly, hearing a few more gunshots.  
   "They'll be okay," He assured me.  "We need to get you out of here."  
   "Kevin," I said firmly, getting him to look directly at me.  "Point me in the direction of the car.  I'll be okay.  Go help your team." 
   He considered it for a quick moment before nodding.  He pointed carefully, and I mimicked his movement so he knew I understood.  Then, I took off at a crouched run and did my best to stay out of view of any other hidden bad guys.  
   Finding the car wasn't hard at all, due to the fact that it was simply parked on the side of the road.  Pulling open the rear passenger side door, I slid inside and closed the door behind me.  Then, I reached up and hit the lock button on the passenger door that would take care of locking all of the doors.  Not that it would really help if a determined bad guy came around, but it at least made me feel a little safer.  
   I waited there for a good ten minutes.  I tried to keep my eye out for them, but it was dark outside, making it impossible to see much of anything.  It wasn't until they approached the car that my eyes finally spotted them.  I moved quickly to unlock the door and they hopped in the two front seats, slightly out of breath.  
   "Where's the prisoner?" I asked.  
   "We sent him with Beckett.  We didn't think it'd be a good idea for him to be in the backseat with you," Esposito explained.  
   Ryan turned around in the passenger seat, his eyes meeting mine.  "Are you okay?" 
   "Yeah," I managed a small smile, trying to calm my racing heart.  "Are you?" 
   "I am now that you are," He assured me.  
   "Bro," Esposito gave him a very serious look.  "I know we just rescued her, but don't get sappy on me." 
   "I can't help it," Ryan grinned at his partner.  "And you would be, too, if you were in my position." 
   "Nah, man, I don't think I'll ever match you at that," Esposito chuckled.  
   Leaning forward in my seat, I playfully swatted at his shoulder.  "Be nice!  I think he's sweet." 
   "She thinks I'm sweet," Ryan repeated to his friend.  
   Esposito just laughed again, shooting me a quick grin over his shoulder before shaking his head a few times.  

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