Chapter 2

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"Alright class, tomorrow I'll show you some examples of how you can choose to present your projects. Now get out of my class." Mr. Baker finished just as the bell rang.

I head out the door but wait to the side for Jaxon.

"So new kid need help getting to your next class?" I ask when I see him walk out the door.

"Since I have no idea where anything is, that would be great, thank you." He answered handing me his schedule.

"Alright so you have Mrs. Andrews next for Math. She's a real bitch but if you stay quiet she shouldn't bother you. She's right down the hall last door on the left."

"Thanks for the heads up."

"Then for your next two classes, one is a study hall which you can either go to the library or the cafeteria depending on if you want peace or not. Second one is gym, which is in the center of the school across from the cafeteria." I explained.

The bell rings again and the halls get loud as kids start to rush off towards their classes.

"Guess I'll see you around Alex." Jaxon starts walking but turns around to give me a small wave.

"Enjoy your first day Jaxon." I kept an eye on him till he got to the right door then I turned around and went to English.

I shared this class with Vi thankfully because I absolutely hated it with a passion. Plus Ms. Highwater is the teacher and she's really a bitch, everyone in this school hates her.

I walk into class seeing Vi already in her chair at our desk.

"So have you seen him?" Is the first thing she asks me when I sit down.

"The new kid?" I ask her

"Yeah, the only person neither of us know. So did you have class with him?" Vi asks.

"He was in my psych class."

"And?" She pressed.


"I need some details Alex, we've gone to school with boring ass people since the start of our lives basically. I need some excitement."

"I didn't ask him his life story, Vi. We got hit with a project and we have to work on it together, that's it." I told her.

Before Vi got to ask anymore questions, Ms. Highwater walked through the door.

"We will be finishing up Macbeth today and after that you all will be required to focus on a topic covered in the book then begin a 3 page essay for that topic." She told us.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I mumbled.

"Tell me about it." Vi rested her head on her hand. "I'm not gonna survive this class till the end of the year."

"End of the year? I'm not surviving it now."

"Miss Romano, Miss Smith, if you wouldn't mind saving your chit chat for another time I'm trying to teach."

I rolled my eyes and sat back. This was going to be a long class.

What appeared to be a century later the bell finally rang releasing us from this stupid fucking class.

"Ready for study hall? I'm fucking starving." Vi tells me as we leave Ms. Highwater's class.

"Same, I didn't really eat this morning."

"As much as I'm itching for details on the new guy I won't bother you, but what color were his eyes?"

I think back to Mr. Baker's class when Jaxon first walked in. I remember the color of his shirt and the kind of jeans he was wearing but the hat he was wearing hid his eyes.

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