Chapter 8

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"I'll see you guys at the game?" I turned around to look at the girls.

"Yeah, you bringing Jordan?" Vi asked.

"No he's got a sleepover at Chris's house tonight. He made me promise I would get a picture of all of us after the game though." I continued to walk backwards.

"He wants one after every game, don't they all look the same?" Rosie chimes in.

"I don't know what he's doing with them but he says that we look different every time. He wants one with Jaxon in it now that he's joined the team and the group. Jordan said he didn't want him to feel left out, whatever that means." I shrug.

"I'm guessing he wants one right after the game, like before the boys shower?" Vi scrunches up her nose.


"Ugh we gotta be close to them when they're all sweaty and smelly so gross." She shivers in disgust.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind being close to a certain someone when they're all gross and sweaty." I raise my eyebrows.

"What? I don't know what you mean." Vi starts twirling her hair, a sign that she's nervous.

"Uh-huh, we will be continuing this conversation later. Don't think I didn't catch that sly look you gave Stephan Wednesday." I smirk.

"There's nothing to talk about! Now go home before you miss the call with your dad." She calls out.

"Don't change the subject! That conversation will be happening." I point at her.

Even though I've turned around I know she's rolling her eyes at me, which is her tell of dismissing the truth. She sometimes forgets how well I really know her, especially when it comes to boys. Our dear old Vi has had a crush on Stephan for as long as I can remember but has done absolutely nothing to show it. You wouldn't even know she had one because of how dismissive she is over it, almost like if she can deflect you acknowledging it, it doesn't exist.

She's the opposite of Rosie in that sense. Rosie, sweet Rosie, wears that big heart of hers on her sleeve and no matter how hard she may try to hide what she's feeling it will always show on her face, especially in those dark brown eyes of hers.

I'm yanked to the side and abruptly shaken out of my mind when a car horn blares next to me. I look up to see Jaxon panting heavily with both hands on my arms.

"One of these days you're gonna get knocked out of that head of yours." He shakes his head.

"What?" I furrow my brows.

"Did you not see the car heading straight for you?" His eyes widened.

"No, I wasn't paying attention." I look at the red car driving away.

"What were you thinking about this time?" He tilts his head.

"How Vi is too much of a pussy to ask Stephan out," I smack myself on the forehead, "Forget that you just overheard that. That did not come out of my mouth."

"What came out of your mouth? I didn't hear anything." Jaxon covers his ears.

I blew out a breath of relief, "Thank you. Jesus I'm really not thinking, or maybe I'm just thinking too much. Sorry it's been a long day."

"Don't apologize, maybe next time you're too much in your head don't be walking in the middle of the parking lot where you can get hit." He smiles.

"Yeah I'll make sure not to do that." I laugh.

"Don't you have to be home to call your dad?" He asks.

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