Chapter 12

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If the party wasn't in full swing before it definitely is now. The scent has kicked up a notch with the amount of spilled alcohol all over the floor from people bumping into one another, thankfully the weed scent seems to have gone away though.

Do you know how hard it is to air out this house to avoid the lingering scent? I'll tell you it isn't easy. Especially with the amount of people smoking in here.

The temperature has risen making everyone dancing turn flushed and sweaty including the girls and me.

"How many people do you think are in here right now?" Vi yells in my ear.

"Probably about fifty, not including the ones that are in the backyard." I guess.

Rosie, who still has the vodka bottle in her hand, turns to us and motions for us to tilt our heads back. Vi and I look over at each other but shrug and do it anyway. Rosie brings the bottle up to my mouth first and begins to pour a hefty amount into my open mouth. It spills out on both sides making her pull the bottle back and bring it over to Vi to repeat what she did to me.

I wipe the corners of my mouth, glancing at Rosie in shock.

"Who are you and what have you done with our innocent Rosie?"

"I'm kinda feeling it though. She's letting out her wild side and I am loving it." Vi throws her arms around Rosie's waist.

It is safe to say that both of my friends are very much intoxicated.

It's been about thirty minutes since we left the guys in the kitchen and Rosie has been giving Vi shots like crazy. Because both of them are very out of it, I've tried to stay as sober as possible being the responsible friend for once.

"Alex! Dance with us." Vi grabs my hand.

Rosie takes one last sip out of the bottle before placing it at our feet. I hope she doesn't expect it to stay there because with the way the floor is vibrating with the music and stomping of feet that bottle will fall over in no time.

Vi grabs Rosie's hips and starts swaying her own with the beat of the music which is currently playing In Da Club by 50 Cent. Before I know it the two of them are grinding against each other, moving their hips in sync.

I shrug and throw my hands in my hair, lifting it off my sweat soaked neck, moving my hips back and forth, timing it with the beat. It's hard to stay in your little bubble dancing when there are about forty other people doing the exact same thing as you.

Rosie grabs my wrist and pulls me in the middle of her and Vi. Now the three of us are moving loosely together trying not to hit each other in the face with our waving arms. The song changes making everybody slow their movements until the first chord of the next song comes on which sends everyone around into a frenzy including us.

"This is our fucking song!" Vi yells from behind me.

"I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream in my cardigan, welcome to the land of fame excess. Am I gonna fit in?"

Rosie turns around so we're back in our little circle, jumping and screaming out the lyrics.

"This is all so crazy, everybody seems so famous!" We yell in each others faces.

The floorboards are vibrating from all the jumping around. I look over to where we keep the speaker to see Brett with his phone in his hand staring at us while laughing. Like Vi said this was our song and everybody knows it.

"I'm going to get another drink." Rosie yells before pushing through the crowd of people.

"Should we go with her?" Vi asks in my ear.

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