Chapter o5

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"Join the cheer squad!" A girl with blonde hair said. I took the flyer and continued down the hall. Hm.. cheer? Maybe. Once i got to his office there was a girl walking out. I raised an eyebrow as she glanced at me. I watched her walk away then looked at the closed office door. I slowly knocked on it and waited for an answer. "Mhm.. come in." I opened the door carefully and peaked my head in to see him wiping his desk off with a cleansing wipe. "Um.. I'm here." I said coming in fully and closing the door softly behind me. He looked at me and looked at his watch then threw the wipe away. "Come sit." He said standing in the front of his desk then slowly leaning on it while gripping the desk. I folded my arms across my chest and walked over to the chair in front of his desk. I sat down slowly, crossing my legs and making sure my skirt was in the right place. "Im surprised you're not late." He finally said staring down at me. I looked up at him and shrugged slightly. He clenched his jaw and gripped both hands on the desk more so it creaked slightly. I immediately spoke. "Im surprised you don't have be backed up in a corner yet." I said looking at my heels then glancing up at him. He gave me a hard glare then looked away slightly, moving away from me then walking around his desk. He took out some text books and put them in front of me. "These are your books and school rules. Obey all school rules and you're good, don't... and there will be consequences based on what rule you broke." I slowly took the small packet of rules and looked through it. "Consequences.. like detention and stuff?" I asked raising an eyebrow. He chuckled deeply and leaned forward slightly. "Consequences like whatever I think of at the moment.. It could be a detention, it could be.. more challenging /difficult things, you never know." He said giving me a secret smile as if we were talking about 2 different things. "Sounds tempting.." I said softly while moving my hair. He raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly. "Be careful what you wish for.. I'm no saint." He said eyeing me carefully. I shrugged and said "Im no rule follower." He squinted his eyed at me and sat in his chair. "Any questions?" He picked up his pen and leaned back in his chair. "Yeah.. just one." I said debating on whether or not to ask it. He motioned towards me and eyed me suspiciously. "Ask away." I sat back in my chair and put the little book in my lap. "Do you always put your students up against the wall until they're forced to say what you want..?" He raised an eyebrow.. his faced showed amusement. He looked me in my eyes. "Only too girls that I think need it and I can tell you are gonna be one of those girls that is gonna need more than a little push against a wall." He said now holding the pen tightly in his hand. I think we're on the same page now.. I cocked my head to the side. "What is that suppose to mean?" He chuckled and shook his head softly. "Have a good day Blaire." He said blinking and getting up out his chair, fixing his suit. I sat still and looked at him then continued. "What if I just said 'fuck you' right now?" I asked curious. He froze in place and furrowed his eyebrows, looking at me as if I had a mask on and its not Halloween. "I'd take you out that chair, bend you over my desk and teach your little ass a lesson in many different ways, forms, and positions." He said seriously. All humor left him.. that fast. I inhaled deeply trying to soak his words in. "You say that to all your students Mr. Perez?" I said letting the breathe out, while gathering my books. "Let's just say you're the first person that I've said it directly too." He said with edge in his tone. "You sound like a dangerous man.." I said getting up slowly while fixing my skirt. "Then you should know not to push me." He said looking away and fixing his tie. I walked over to the door and looked at him. "I think I'll stay out of trouble." I said softly. He stood by his desk and nodded slowly. "I'm sure you'll be in here in a matter of days. Have a good day Blaire.. hope to see you soon." He said with a darkened tone as he turned towards his window and took a call on his office phone. I slowly exited the office and closed the door, taking a minute to regain my breathe. I walked back down the hall and got on the elevator. This little book is ridiculous. I pushed the button and the doors closed then leaned against the wall while examining the rules. They started off fine then as you got to the back of the book they got ridiculous. The elevator dinged making me jump. Once the doors opened i walked out then went back to my dorm room. I unlocked the door and walked in, closing the door behind me. "SABRA!" I yelled throwing the books down on the bed expect for the ones with the rules. "Im doing my hair, come in here!" I huffed and walked in, sitting on the counter while looking at her. She looked at me and smiled. "Hey." I sighed and looked back at the book. "Hi." "So what happened?" She said looking back at herself in the mirror. "He gave me some text books and a stupid rule book." I said looking at the book. "AND THE RULES ARE RIDICULOUS." I added shaking my head. Sabra chuckled and fixed her curls. "Like look at this.. Rule 22. You shall not talk back to the superior in any shape or form. If you do consequences will be put in place." I read to her then flipped the page. "Rule 29. Anything you and the Superior do shall not leave his office. It shall stay in between you and him. If not severe consequences will be admitted by the Superior." She raised an eyebrow and i scoffed while shaking my head. "And what is up with that stupid name.. "Superior". Is he crazy?" I said looking at Sabra. She laughed slightly then walked out the bathroom. I followed and turned off the bathroom light. "Don't let him hear you say that." She mumbled. I shrugged carelessly. "The rules just make me wanna break them.." I said softly then throwing the book on my bed. She chuckled and shook her head. "Do what you want but I'm not getting in trouble." She shook her head and i grabbed my keys and wallet. "Whatever. You ready to go now?" I asked grabbing my jacket and putting it on. She nodded and grabbed her purse. "Lets go then." I walked out the dorm and Sabra followed then closed it behind her. We walked down the hall avoiding the preppy cheerleaders and walked on the elevator. "Why do we have cheerleaders but no guys who play sports?" I asked raising an eyebrow and pushing the button. The doors shut. "I have no idea." She said shrugging. Weird ass University. Probably for Mr. Superior's enjoyment. Seeing girls in small skirts, just walking around with their ass hanging out for his enjoyment. I scoffed at the thought and rolled my eyes. Sick.
We sat in the booth all together, laughing and eating our food. There was Sabra, Me, Candace, and Yaz. "He's bossy. Nobody understands him." Candace said shrugging and drinking her drink. I stuffed my mouth with food so I wouldn't have to say anything. "He seems fond of Blaire." Sabra said looking at me. I shrugged and ate more of my food then swallowed it. "He treats me the same as everyone else I guess." I said looking at my plate. "Hes hot." Yaz said chuckling and smiling. "He's ok. He's not all that." I said lying. hard. FEEDBACK?! 🙈

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