Chapter 11. ✨

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[ YOUR POV 💘 ]
I raced into the building and down the hall.. Elevator or stairs? Which is faster? I got in the elevator and pressed the 9th floor.. thats the floor my classes are on. The doors closed and i checked the time on my phone. Shit 1 minute.. god please let me make this. The elevator started to move and i tapped my foot impatiently. "Oh c'mon.." I mumbled. Once the elevator was on the floor. The doors were barely open.. I squeezed through them and ran down the hall. I opened the door and the bell rung as soon as i walked in. Does that count as late? I breathed heavy and slowly walked to my seat next to my friends. I sat down and put my phone on the table slowly. They looked at me like I was crazy. I smiled at them and waved. They slowly waved back and smiled back. My phone vibrated and I glanced at it. I got a text from Mr. Perez. How'd he get my number? I opened the text and it read [ Late. 😈 ] I sighed and put my head on the table then replied. [ Wait wait! I was hauling ass. 😩 Gimme a pass. ] He instantly replied. [ Nope. Better put your phone away. Having your phone out in class is breaking Rule 23. ] I read the message and huffed then put my phone away. Oh for fucks sake!
Me, Yas, Candace, and Sabra walked down the hall. They shot questions at me left and right.. I waved them off and tried to focus on the work we just learned. "Guys.. please stop with the questions." I said in a whiny voice while rolling my eyes. "Yes i was at his house, yes we had sex, no he doesn't like me. No he didn't hurt me, okay?" I said looking at all of them. They nodded. "Good. Now who's gonna go talk to Mr. Perez about the campaign.. and everything else?" I asked looking down at the campaign paper. They were silent. I looked up at them and they were all staring at me. "You've got to be kidding me.. Why me?" I said annoyed. "Because you know him better than us." Yas said nodding. I glared at them and shook my head. "Gimme your damn papers.." I held out my hand. They put them in my hand and I held onto them. "I'm not going right now cause he's in a meeting." I said then grabbed my phone and unlocked it. "How you know that?" Sabra asked raising an eyebrow. "Cause he told me this morning." I said getting on Instagram. They got quiet again. I didn't even have to look at them to know they were smirking. "Fuck off." I said flipping them off. They all busted out in laughter and shook their heads. We sat there talking about random stuff.. class, girls on campus, just shit. "You know.. Mr. Perez is so weird." Candace said making a stank face. Oh they have no idea. I chuckled and they looked at me. "What?" Sabra asked. "Nothing.. I'm just listening." I shrugged and looked at my phone but continued to listen to them.
We were all sitting in the lunch room eating, laughing. I checked my phone time and chuckled at them. "Im gonna go talk to Mr. Perez about this campaign thing.. wish me luck." I said huffing and grabbing my binder and phone. "Good luck." They said in unison. I smiled at them and walked out the cafeteria then down the hall. It takes me at least 3 minutes to get there. Once I'm there I give a couple soft knocks on the door. "Come in." He said. I opened the door slowly and walked in, closing it behind me. He was talking to someone.. he's on the phone. I turned around and saw him staring at me, giving off a devilish but surprised grin. I shook my head and walked over to the seat in front of his desk and sat down. He kept his eyes on me. "Mhm.. yeah. Just give him the 25 and I'll see how it comes along... Yup." He said then he hung up the phone and put it on his desk. Welp.. just me and him now. "What's up Blaire?" He asked me in a deep voice. Stay focused Blaire, papers then leave. "Um.. I need you to sign these sir." I said trying to act like I wasn't late and everything was normal. I grabbed the paper from out my binder and put them on his desk. He was still staring at me.. He grabbed the papers and read over them. "A campaign?" He asked looking back at me. I nodded. "Yes sir. It's a bullying campaign and our class is gonna do it at the YMCA center.. the one across the street." I said taking in a deep breathe. "I know where it is." He said slowly looking back at the paper then grabbing his pen. He clicked it against the desk so the point was out. He signed the papers then handed them back. "Are all those papers yours?" He asked cocking his head to the side then playing with his pen. I watched him and shook my head slowly. "Um.. no sir. Some of them are my friends papers." I said putting them in my binder. "Oh.. okay. Why couldn't they come in and let me sign it themselves?" He asked raising an eyebrow and pushing his hair back. I shifted in my seat from the sight. "Because you intimidate them sir.." I said quietly. He smirked slightly and got out his chair. "Do i intimidate you Blaire?" He walked around the desk and stood in front of me. "Yes sir." I said in a whisper. I feel like a small child again.. "Good.. I should." He said looking away. I nodded and tried to get up. I need to leave before he tries to- "Ah.. sit down." He said looking back at me and giving me a seductive look. "I do recall you being late this morning right?" He said staring me down while licking his lips slightly. Oh god.. i dont know. "From what you told me.. yes sir." I said as my heart beat got faster as I sat back down slowly. He nodded and took my binder from me, tossing it on his desk then slowly looked at me again. His eyes cold as ever. "Stay there." He said moving out my way and walking over to the blinds. He closed them then locked the door.. I sat in my seat. Oh its hot in this leather jacket. He came back in front of me and bent down, getting in my face. My eyes widened and I looked him in his eyes. We're breathing the same air right now.. we're so close. With a swift move he grabbed my face and kissed me hard, making my back press against the back of the chair. I kissed back hanging onto his arms. He ran his fingers through my hair then grabbed a fist full of it. He pulled my head back, disconnecting my lips rom his. My throat was exposed completely to him. He nipped at it with his teeth and I moaned softly. "Get up and take off your clothes." He let me go and went back around his desk. I got up slowly and started pulling off my clothing, piece by piece. He watched me then picked up his office phone and called someone. "Clear my schedule for an hour.. I need to handle a few things." His voice icy and deep. He hung up the phone and put the phone back down then cleared his desk off. By then I was out of my clothes. He came back around to me slowly and grabbed my arm, pulling me to him. He picked me up and set me on the desk. "Lay back." He said biting his lip. Im not dreaming anymore.. this is real. I laid back and he reached in his desk, pulling out 4 ropes and a bandana. He grabbed the ropes and tied my arms and legs to each end of the desk then he grabbed the bandana and put it over my eyes and tied it in the back. Oh no. "How do the ropes feel?" He asked while trailing his fingers across my inner thighs. I flinched and moved around slightly. "Fine." I whispered. COMMENT. 🌝

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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