Chapter o9

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[ YOUR POV 💘 ]
I blinked my eyes open slowly, letting them adjust to the light. Oh fuck. Where am I? I looked around the room and sat up slowly. "Ouch." I mumbled and looked over at the table next to the bed and saw my phone and a glass of water. I grabbed the glass and drunk it down slowly. What happened last night? I put it back down and grabbed my phone, unlocking it. I had 8 text messages from Sabra, Candace, and Yas. I put them in a group chat and replied. "Im fine. 😩 Ill talk to yall later." I put my phone down and looked down at what I was wearing. Who's shirt? I raised an eyebrow and slowly pulled the covers off of me then got out the bed but stumbled so I had to hang onto the bed side. The door creaked open and a tall man wearing a suit came into the room and looked at me. "You okay ma'am?" My eyes widened and I nodded slowly. "Mr. Perez is in his office. Shall I direct you there?" He asked sighing at me. Mr. Perez? Oh no! Hell no, I'm not in his house! I nodded slowly and straightened myself slightly then slowly walked my way over to the tall guy. Who is he? "Tank." He said reading my surprised expression. He held the door open for me and I slowly walked out of it. He went down the hall and stopped at a door that was far but not that far from the room. He knocked on the door softly then looked at me. "You can go in now." He said gesturing for me to go on. I kept quiet and slowly grabbed the door knob then twisted it slowly opening the door. I peaked my head in then slid through the small space of the barely cracked door. I turned my back towards him while closing the door slowly. I took in a deep breathe as the door shut. The room smells like Axe like... him. I turned around to him slowly. He was on his computer. I stood there, waiting for him to notice me. He slowly looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Glad too see you're awake." He said slowly putting his computer screen down and staring at me. I looked around his office and looked back at him. "What happened last night?" I said holding my breathe and playing with my fingers. He cocked his head to the side slightly and shook his head. "We'll talk about it over breakfast.. go downstairs. I'll be there in a minute." He said lifting his screen back up and continued typing on his computer. I sighed softly. "Can I have my clothes back at least? Did we..?" I asked tucking my lips in my mouth. "No you can't. Stop asking questions. Go downstairs." He looked up at me again but this time he glared. "Okay." I whispered and turned back around. I opened the door slowly and walked out of the office, closing the door softly. The tall guy was still standing there.. He looked down at me and walked down the hall and down the steps. Was he listening? Am i suppose to follow him? I scurried off behind him and followed him down the steps slowly. He went down another set of steps.. why does he have such a big house for one guy? Maybe... Tank lives here too. He guided me to the kitchen and I walked into it, seeing a lady put a plate on the bar shaped table for me. "Goodmorning Miss." She said raising an eyebrow. I shook my head slowly. "You can just call me Blaire." I said nodding and sitting down slowly. I bit my lip hard because my ass was sore. She gave me a sincere smile and put a plate next to mine. Im guessing that's Mr. Perez's. She handed me a fork and a cup of orange juice. "Thank you." I said softly while taking both. I set the orange juice on the counter and started eating my food with the fork. Its good.. she's a good cook. I kicked my legs slightly in the bar stool and looked around. I grabbed the glass of orange juice and drunk some of it then set it back down. "Goodmorning again Mr. Perez." The lady called looking behind me. I turned my head and saw him coming from down the stairs while putting on his shirt. I caught a glimpse of his abs and shifted in my seat.. holy shit. He pulled the shirt down and looked at her. "Morning." He said as he walked over to the bar and slid into his seat next to me. I looked at my plate ashamed to look at him.. What if we did.. do it last night? I slowly ate a piece of pancake and crossed my legs. Well I am in his clothes, I did wake up in his bed.. So we had to have to did something. "I can tell you have a lot of question Blaire.." He spoke, looking down at me. I slowly looked up at him and swallowed my pancake then shook my head. I looked at Catrice and looked back at him. He raised an eyebrow and grabbed his orange juice. "She's not listening." He said drinking it slowly. I watched him.. his lips connected with the glass. He makes it look so hot.. my gosh. He put the glass back down and started eating his food. "Questions?" He said softly. I looked away and rested my hands in my lap. "I just wanna know what happened.." I said nodding and licking my lips slightly. He chuckled slightly and popped his knuckles. "You want it straight forward or.. you want a description?" He asked eating more of his food then looking at me. "Both." I said quietly. He ran his fingers through his hair. Oh please don't do that.. not now. "Well.. we had sex." He said bluntly. I knew it! I raised both eyebrows in surprised and blinked a lot. "You were in the gym.. I was handling business in the University. I saw you in the gym so I decided to just pop in and watch you for a minute." Watch me..? Why me? "Then you saw me and started talking about a dream. You told me this was a dream and that you had dreamed about having sex with me more than once." He shrugged and looked at me. "So you took advantage of me..?" I asked my voice smaller than I intended. He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head slowly as if he were offended. "No. I had a reason to fuck you up." He said giving me cold eyes to match his icy voice. "Which is?" I asked squeezing my legs together. "You basically called me a fuckboy, you said my rules are stupid, and all this other stuff. Which is not allowed.. so you suffered the consequences." He said in whisper. "And I'll be happy to do it again whenever your little ass decides to act up." He whispered, looking away from me then grabbed his glass again.My eyes widened.. "So that's it?" I raised an eyebrow and moved my hair out my face. He raised an eyebrow back at me. "What more do you want?" He said slightly irritated then looking at me. "How'd I get here? Im sorry.. I just wanna know.." I said quietly. He relaxed and sighed. "You passed out so I took you with me cause I didn't want anyone to think you were dead if you didn't wake up in the morning." He said softly. I passed out? Holy shit.. i passed out. I probably looked stupid. I ran my fingers through my hair. "Did we sleep together.. like in the same bed?" I asked glancing up at him. He looked down at me then quickly looked away. "Mhm." He slid out the seat and grabbed his plate and cup, then handed it to Catrice.. I think that's her name. "Oh." I said watching him. "Finish eating and go take a shower, I need to get to my job and you need to get to class." He said as he started walking upstairs. "We're done talking..?" I asked softly. He stopped and turned around on the third step. "Yes, unless you have another question." He said cocking his head to the side. I stared at him for a second.. then shook my head softly. "Then I'm fine." I said sighing softly. "Good. I'll have Tank escort you to the bathroom when your done.. There's a towel and a wash clothe on the sink and clothes on the bed in my room." He said nodding then turned around and headed upstairs. I slowly looked back at my food and started finishing it off. This is a lot to take in.. FEEDBACK?! 🌸

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