Chapter 1

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Finally, I though. Finally me and Jace can be happy. And no more wars

"So" I said, Jace and I were walking down the road to Taki's "what do u want to do after?" I asked him, he smiled and stopped walking "u know what I want to do" he smirked, I laughed "in your dreams" I said, which made him laugh as well.

Jace and I ordered our usual. We finished up quickly and headed back to the institute. I had moved in there a couple of weeks ago. My mom and Luke now lived in Luke's farm house, and I visited them every other weekend.

Isabelle and Simon haven't been the same since the demon realm, they don't seem to love each other as much as they used to. I guess it's because Simon doesn't really remember Isabelle or any of us that well. I feel bad. Isabelle really loves/loved him.

"Clary? Are u listening" I hadn't realized Jace has been talking the whole time "of course" I said, he didn't buy it "of course not" he said and began to talk again.

"I was saying that we should probably hurry up before Izzy and Alec think something happened" I looked at him "something bad? Why would they thing that?" I asked, he smiled "not something bad, something...." "Oh god Jace!" I almost yelled, he smiled and bent down to kiss me. I pushed him aways laughing, then I pulled him down and kissed him.

We kept kissing for what seemed like forever. Until he broke away and smiled. "Now we should really get back" he said and we started walking again, back to the institute.

Back at the institute


When we walked inside, Jace instantly picked me up and carried me away, I was laughing to hard to even notice where we were going, his bedroom. I stopped giggling the instant we go in his room. He looked at me and I smiled "are u sure ur ok with this?" He asked, he's always so nervous when he asks me these things. "I don't know, but maybe not tonight" I yawn "I'm tired, but I'll sleep in here with u....not like...more then sleep" I said and winked at him. He relaxed and smiled. "Ok" and I fell asleep to his heart beat, his sent, and his reassuring breaths.

The next morning


I woke up in Jace's room. He wasn't there, like always. He would always go down stairs to the kitchen before me so he could get first dibs on the good food before Isabelle woke up to cook breakfasts...yuck. I ran down the hall to the kitchen to see Jace. Sitting at a table, alone, eating bacon and eggs. Beside him was another plate, with an Omelette, bacon and Hash browns. I sat down next to him, took the other plate and said "u know me so well" and began eating.

We finished just in time, Isabelle just got up. "Ha!" Jace said "now Alec has to eat...ur food" he said, as if saying "ur food" hurt when he was saying it to Izzy. "Haha very funny" came a voice behind Isabelle, it was Alec. "I already ate" he started laughing and Jace glared at him

Jace had to go demon hunting, and he didn't want me to come. So I stayed with Isabelle and Alec for a few hours until deciding to go and see my mother. I called Magnus and he came over and made me a portal. I walk through, only to gasp at the sight.


"MOM!" I screamed, the farm house was on fire!!! And there was no sign of my mom or Luke!! "LUKE!!! MOM!!!" I screamed again , still no answer. I started to cry "MOM!!!" I scream one more time before collapsing to my knees, crying. "CLARY!" I heard come from the house "MOM!" I yelled "CLARY HEL-" it was cut off, and then a scream "MOM" I bolt to the farm house and jump through a busted window. My mom was in the middle of the living room, Luke beside her "MOM!" My mom looked over to me, eyes wide "Clary!" She was crying, "mom! Luke! Come on! Through here!" They followed me out the window and into the early afternoon sky.

"Mom, Luke. What happened?" I asked. My mom couldn't answer because she was crying, so Luke answered for her "a demon, that's what happened" my mom started crying even more "we are just happy that u decided to show up today" he said, looking at my mother and holding her hand. "So am I" I responded, and started dialling Jace's number.

An hour later


I run over to Clary and her parents. The farm house is burnt to the ground and her mother is crying into Luke's shoulder. Clary is texting...Simon? It seems like. I kneel down next to clary "what happened??" I ask her "demons" she responds "Damn it" I whisper under my breath. "Not ur fault Jace" Clary says, she kisses me quickly before getting up, and walking over to the now opened portal. She must have been texting Magnus.

We all go through the portal to the Institute. We take Luke and Jocelyn to the infirmary and clary and I head to the others to explain what happened

"SHIT!" Alec practically yelled, "I KNEW THERE WERE DEMONS SOMEWHERE!" He throws the knife he had been holding for who know what reason into the wall "calm down Alec, it's okay" Clary said, Alec looks her straight in the eyes "no it's not "ok" ur parents were just ATTACKED by demons in there own home!" He yelled and went to retrieved the knife, but Jace was faster and took it before he could even get to the wall, "thanks Jace" I whisper when he comes back to stand beside me.

"So what now?" Izzy says "we talk to Luke, but not now, give them a few days. Then we can ask what type of demon they think it was, or they could describe what it looked like" Jace said, all boyfriend smart, I love it when he does that "ok, what do we do in the mean time?" Alec asks "we wait" Jace says all smart ass, not boyfriend smart, just smart ass like he always does "that totally helps Jace" Alec says sarcastically. And him and izzy walk away "I'm not sure i can wait" I say, he kisses me on the forehead "ur gonna have to" and we walk away together, hand in hand.

Why me, Why now (TMI Fanfic) // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now