VII - Trust you

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Chapter Seven - Trust you

They all decided to head back to the bunker since it was more warded against Chuck. They split into two groups so Sam could take his truck back with him. Jack decided to go with Sam since he wanted to sit in the front. Michael went with Dean and Cas in the Impala. He settled in the back and Dean started the car. Once he got out on the road, Cas grabbed his hand and Dean wrapped his fingers around the angel's hand.

"So are you two finally together?" Michael asked from the back. Dean jumped at the sudden noise. Dean shot a quick look at the archangel. "Adam used to say that you both had a lot of tension, he had pointed it out to me." His voice got softer when he mentioned Adam. "It seems to be gone now, though. So either, one of you is possessed or under a spell, or you are together."

"We're together now," Dean said. Cas shot a smile at Dean, and Michael turned to the window, staying silent the rest of the drive. Once they got to the bunker, they headed to the kitchen to discuss strategies, and have a snack or two. Dean grabbed a couple of beers and handed them to everyone.

"How do we kill God?" Michael asked. Sam choked on his beer.

"You want to kill God?" Cas asked, incredulous. On the list of all people that would want God dead, the archangel Michael, the most loyal soldier of God, was near the bottom.

"What else would we do?" Michael said nonchalantly.

"Take away his power?" Cas asked.

"Make him bring everyone back?" Jack said.

"Get him on a leash?" Dean suggested.

"Wait," Sam said. "Okay, the initial shock of Michael suggesting we kill Chuck, why not? That should get everyone back, and then we don't have to worry about him."

"We can't," Dean said, playing with his drink.

"Why not?" Sam asked, taking a sip from the bottle.

"Dean made a deal with the Empty," Cas said. "He promised not to kill Chuck to get us both out."

"Why keep your deal?" Michael cut in. Every head shot towards him.

"Because, it has Crowley, and other angels and demons we knew, and it said it would make them miserable if we killed Chuck," Dean clarified, and took a sip of his beer.

"So?" Michael asked.

"So?" Dean said. "Crowley is our friend. He saved us. I'm not going to let him suffer."

"So you're just going to let Chuck go?" Michael asked, anger radiating off of him.

"We won't let him go, but we'll figure a way around killing him,' Sam said, trying to appease everyone.

"He deserves to pay!" Michael shouted.

"And he will! We're just not going to kill him," Cas said. Michael slammed a hand on the table and walked out quickly. They all stared at him silently until Dean broke it.

"I'll talk to him." He got up and looked for the archangel. Entering the library he saw Michael with his back turned to him. He entered with a knock as to not startle the archangel. Michael looked back at him and Dean saw a tear run down his face. He sat down in front of Michael and moments later asked, "You miss him, don't you? Adam?"

"Of course, I do," Michael said, not doing anything about the tears. He then whispered, "I love him." He swiped a hand across his face. "I just want him back and if killing God is the fastest way to get him back then I'll do it."

"I get it, Michael," Dean said. "I do. If it were me and Cas in your positions, we'd kill Chuck. But what if killing him doesn't undo everything?"

At that, Michael looked up at the hunter. "What?"

"What if that doesn't break Chuck's spell? Then what? We're stuck here. Alone." Dean looked at Michael. "Adam's still gone. Everyone is. Then, we don't have anyone that can do anything about it." Dean took a breath. "Look, Michael, I get wanting revenge, but right now, our enemy is the most powerful person in the- in multiple worlds. And he has both his and Amara's powers, so we have to be careful, so we can get him back, get everyone back, and make sure this doesn't happen ever again."

"Fine," Michael said, after some silence. "How do we get them back?"

"I don't know," Dean replied. "So let's go back, and figure this out together. All of us."

"You didn't trust me."

"What?" Dean turned back towards the archangel.

"Back at the church, you didn't seem too happy when Sam and Jack asked me to help," Michael mentioned.

"Oh, umm I went to the Empty to save Cas and I had a dream there, you betrayed us for Chuck when he asked Lucifer for his help. You got jealous and joined Chuck's side."

"You trust me now?"

"You love Adam?"

"More than anything," Michael said without any hesitation.

"Then I trust you." Michael walked back to the group who had moved to the Map room to strategize. Sam looked over to Dean, who nodded. "Okay, what's the plan?"

"How do you beat God without killing him?" Dean asked.

"We take away his power?" Sam said. "But I'm not sure how we would do that. There's nothing in the lore about beating God, and every method we looked at previously was to kill him, so I got nothing."

"When we take away his power, it would need a vessel," Michael said and shot a glance at Jack.

"I think I have a plan," Jack said, quietly.


A/N: Two chapters in one month?? It's Adam Milligan's birthday so I'm giving content. (Also pure coincidence that there is quite a bit of Midam content) Also, have we decided when Michael's birthday is?

It's a shorter chapter but yeah. Also dedicating this to @sav_and_the_phantoms bc they keep commenting on the fic and I absolutely love reacting to your comments, so give them to me, please. 

Happy birthday Adam! Enjoy!

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