4th tragedy

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What's that sound? Do you hear that korsak?

Yeah, it sounds like someone is playing the piano.

Yes! I believe it's the piano sonata no. 14 by Beethoven. It's most commonly known as moonlight sonata. I wonder who's playing?

You know Maura, I used to play the piano.

Really Vince?

Nah. Just kidding, my fingers could never find the right keys.

It's actually not that hard, you know, I could teach you...

Jane? Is that you playing the piano?


-Maura and Vince walk into the crime scene to find jane sitting at the piano. There's also a bed, a dresser, and of course, a dead body in the room. The victim is laying on the bed, peacefully. Almost as if she were sleeping. Maybe jane lulled the woman to sleep?-


No... I was just... Tinkering around, that's all.

I saw you, jane. Wow, I didn't know you could play the piano!

Okay, so I used to take lessons as a kid... But then I quit for hockey.

Well, that was beautiful. A little rough, but beautiful...So who Is our victim?

Her name is Sandra Hargove. She's twenty three years old, and just graduated from BCU. Apparently, she's been staying with her boyfriend and this is his place.

Where's her boyfriend?

Don't know. We've got people looking for him. Last anyone saw him was two nights ago.


-So maybe the killer is the boyfriend? No, That would be too easy for jane and Maura to figure out. Let's make this case a bit harder, shall we?-


*back at the morgue*

So what's the cause of death?

It appears to be poisoning.

Ooh death by poison! What kind?

That is yet to be determined. We should have the lab results watching a few days.

Maura! You know I don't like waiting! You're going to hate me for asking, but can you at least guess?

Jane you know I don't-

Please? I have no leads, please Maura. Just take a guess.

Well, it appears that the victim was poisoned with Dimethylmercury.

What? English please.

It's a poison, that, when absorbed, creates high levels of mercury in the bloodstream, resulting in death. It's highly fatal; only a drop or two of the liquid can kill someone. The thing is, symptoms don't usually appear for a long time. The victim would've probably been exposed to this poison months before her death.

Wait, aren't we potentially exposed to the substance right now then?

No, I've made sure that nothing is contaminated. We're safe.

You sure?

I'm one hundred percent positive, jane. Look, if you end up dying two months later, you can blame it all on me.

Sounds good! So how long do I have till my funeral?

You should get back to work now, jane.

I am working! See? I'm here in the morgue with you, trying to get a lead! YOU are the one that is not helping.


-dimetylmercury? Sounds a little unreal! Actually, though, it is real. I wonder... Maybe Maura didn't decontaminate the body. Maybe jane is inhaling the fumes of the poison through the dead body! No... Maura would never do that to her best friend... Would she?-


So apparently, she died of some weird poison... Dyefilthmercury or something? I don't even know. I still don't have a lead, though. Maura said the poison must've entered the vic's body a long time ago.

I have no leads either. I say, we call it a day. Ma called me earlier and said she wanted to have dinner with us tonight. She told me that she was cooking at your place.

What? Frankie, why? Ugh! Ma is at MY place?

Yep... Dinner's ready! Let's go.


-so let's skip the boring parts and get to the good parts! Blah blah blah they eat dinner blah blah blah they go back to the case blah blah blah they find a lead... That's not even important. The killer isn't even the important part of this story. But you want to know, don't you? Well, if you must know, it's-




Frankie just called me. Jane is having a seizure!


Come down to Jane's apartment. I'll meet you there.

Wait, Maura! Is jane going to be okay?

...I don't know

-Well, that was two months after the case. You know, I once heard of a poison that doesn't kill a person until a few months after they've been exposed. Ring any bells?-

*the funeral*

It was sunny. Angela rizzoli was in tears, sobbing on Frankie's shoulder. From afar, it looked like they're was a black smudge in the middle of the cemetery. A large group of people were gathered in front of detective jane rizzoli's casket. There, her dead body lay, frail and fragile. Her eyes were closed, and her hair was tied back. She wore her police uniform. Something felt really wrong at the funeral. Something was off. Someone was not there. Jane's best friend, doctor Maura isles, was nowhere to be seen. She did not attend the funeral. Instead, she was in trial... For being accused of being responsible for Jane's death. The verdict came, and Maura was found guilty. Who else could've poisoned jane? It was not coincidence that jane died two months after going down to the morgue to see the vic, dying of the same poison. It seems that Maura really did kill jane. But there is just one flaw. Why isn't Maura dead also? Wasn't she there with jane, being exposed as well? Nonetheless, Maura went to prison. She was officially known as a murderer. Do you think she's guilty?

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