4: Explain

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"You look stunning in that dress.

Whoever you were suppose to marry missed out.

I can tell he doesn't deserve you."
"So care to explain what all that was about?" Hyunjin questioned cautiously. Changbin had been distracted by the note that the bunny went out of his way to write for him. It made him smile as if this was some high school crush.

"I'm not sure exactly, but I guess I looked so pathetic over there that he thought I could use some cheering up... He danced for me, gave me a balloon and a brownie, and even wrote me this note." Changbin bitterly smiled. He leaned his head back against the head rest and sighed. "I cried so hard in front of him."

"I'm sorry Hyung. What are you gonna do now?"

"I had some time to think about this. First, I thought about moving, but that's too much work to avoid someone. Not to mention, it's my house, so he's the one that needs to leave. So instead I'm gonna change the locks to the house and get you a new key. Then I thought about burning his shit." Changbin folded his arms over his chest, the note back to being neatly folded in his hand.

"That sounds fun." Hyunjin chuckled, actually pretty happy that Changbin was taking this well. "We should stop by the store and get lighter fluid then... and some new sweaters for you."

"Oh my god, yes because I am burning those shits." He paused, thinking that maybe he needed to explain why. "You know that guy you let in the dressing room before I walked out?"


"Well, his relationship was ruined by Seokmin too, so when he heard about us getting married, he said he had to stop it. He showed me all sorts of pictures and it really explained why I had such a weird feeling for a long time. There were a lot of women, some of them even had the same sweaters as me, so I can tell he didn't really care when he gave them to me." A new tear raced down his face, but he quickly wiped it. Hyunjin could see the action in his peripheral, so he knew that Changbin was still hurting. His friend always puts up such a brave front. He never liked being weak or showing that side of himself.

"I'm truly sorry Hyung..." Hyunjin wasn't sure what to say. He felt like his words wouldn't be enough to cheer up his friend. He knew that he would have to think of something to get his mind off of Seokmin, even for just a moment.

"No, it's okay. I guess I dodged a bullet. Leebit was right, he didn't deserve me."

"Leebit? The bunny?"

"Yeah.... I'm over it Hyunjin. I gave that relationship almost a year of my time. I won't get that back, just like he won't get his shit back." Changbin smirked, feeling a small sense of power surge through him for a moment.

"To the store?"

"To the store."

"Yah! HAN JISUNG!" The oldest yelled back to the male behind him, not really wanting to say anything, just yelling because he can. Minho was walking as fast as the mascot's feet could carry him, which wasn't very fast. Jisung caught up to him like it was nothing. He snatched the head from Minho and examined it closer now that they were in a room with better lighting.

"You got grass stains on Leebit!"

"It'll come out..."

"It's white! You don't get grass stains outta stuff that's white very easily. It's like Blood, Wine, Chocolate and Tomato sauce. You don't get that kind of stuff out all the way." The younger rubbed his forehead, mentally cursing all of his life choices up to this point.

"Well now Leebit is white and green. It makes the costume more unique." He could hear Jisung sigh rather loudly. They both reached one of the changing rooms in Minho's dance studio, it was more towards the back of the building. Their other friend, Chan, rounded the corner before either of them could enter the room.

"Why is Jisung yelling? He's so loud."

"He got grass stains on Leebit!" Jisung grabbed the fluffy tail and pointed at the biggest green stain that was on his butt.

"It was worth it, I'm telling you! If it makes you feel better, I'll scrub Leebit myself." Minho folded his arms, struggling a bit but stood his ground.

"It was worth it?" Chan questioned.

"What exactly were you doing anyway?" Jisung asked, a little calmer than before.

"I was cheering this boy up. If you saw him, you'd want to cheer him up too. He was wearing a wedding dress and was crying. That literally only means one thing." Jisung and Chan exchanged looks, both actually kinda shocked Minho would have this kind of sympathy and compassion in him. "Hey! I know what you guys are thinking!" Minho pointed his paw at them, making them flinch and close their mouths. "I'm capable of feelings. I'm smart enough to know when someone needs help. Not to mention, hewaskindacute..." Minho quickly stated the last part and tried to make a break for the changing room.

"Hold up!" Chan grabbed his arm. "What was that last part?"

"What last part? I didn't say anything..." They both gave him blank expressions, obviously knowing that he was lying. "Ok fine. I said that he was cute. I found him cute and his laugh... It was really adorable." Minho smiled to himself, remembering the look on the brunette's face as he laughed at Minho's antics.

"Oh my god."

"You have a crush! That's so cute!" Jisung beamed, genuinely excited for his friend. "Did he happen to tell you his name?"

"He said his name was Changbin." The two males looked up, trying to think if they knew anyone named Changbin. "Honestly, I'm not gonna hold my breath. I doubt I'll see him again, so I should probably let it go." He took the mascot head from Jisung and finally dipped into the changing room. The sound of the door closing echoed in the hall around them.

"Oh wow." Chan bit his bottom lip, not sure what to make of his friend's last statement.

"He might be right..."

"You go to that park all the time, right? Are you sure you haven't seen him before?"

"I didn't get a good look at him this time, Hyung. I'm not sure if I have or not." Chan clicked his teeth, really hoping they had some sort of lead for Minho. It was nice to see him care for someone, they were both hoping that maybe it could turn into something more for Minho. "Oh, but I did get a look at the guy who picked him up. He had black hair that reached his shoulder, half of it was tied back into a ponytail and he was tall, like a model. He was wearing a suit too, so I'm assuming he was at the wedding."

"That sounds like this guy that's been coming here a lot recently, but what are the odds of that?" They both shrugged and sighed.

"We should probably keep an eye out for him too. You never know, love is a funny thing." Jisung smiled, shrugged once again and walked off towards the stairs.

"Oh yeah, you would know." Chan chuckled and followed the younger, both heading upstairs to the recording studio.

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