6: It's Easy

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"Come on Hyung!" Hyunjin whined as he hugged Changbin's arm. "We're already here. You can't back out now."

"But I'm not a dancer."

"It's a beginners class. They're really easy, I promise. I'll even do the lesson with you." He looked over to see the younger's pouting expression. He never could resist how cute Hyunjin was when he did this, so he sighed loudly.

"Okay fine, but if it's too hard, I'm leaving."

"Yes, okay, you got the sweatpants that I told you to bring?" Changbin pointed to the bag in the back seat. Hyunjin had told him to bring sweatpants and to wear sneakers. It was part of a list of demands that the younger texted him before picking him up, which also included bringing water and money for juice and snacks. Changbin really should've questioned his friend more, but Hyunjin probably wouldn't tell him no matter how much he begged.

The younger still didn't mention anything more until they parked. They were outside of a building, it looked pretty big with 3 floors to it. He peeked out the window to see the name on the side; Lee Brothers Dance and Recording Studio. The main word he saw was Dance and now he was nervous again.

"It'll be okay. You'll do great."

"Uh, fine, lets go in." Changbin unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door. Hyunjin quickly did the same, trying to catch up to his friend. They grabbed their bags from the back seat and locked the doors, finally going in.

"That took longer than it needed to." The taller teased his friend, only for Changbin to respond with what could only sound like an audible keyboard smash. It made Hyunjin laugh really loudly as they entered the building.

"So which way is it?" Changbin stopped moving and let Hyunjin go ahead of him, who pointed towards a room that was right next to the main desk.

"You go change and I'll sign us in."

"Okay." Changbin headed off to the changing room. Hyunjin turned to face the front desk, a guy looking up to see if Hyunjin needed help.

"I'm here to sign in for the next dance class." The male, whose name was Seungmin, picked up a clipboard and handed it to him. They used this clipboard to keep a record of attendance of the people who joined the workshop in case something happened.

"Do you have a membership here?" Hyunjin nodded and showed him the card with his signature on it. "Okay, sign here. The next class is a beginners 'how to' workshop with Felix, is that right?"

"Yes, I'm also bringing a friend as my plus 1 today."

"Sign their name too then." Hyunjin quickly scribbled Changbin's name and handed the clipboard back to the male. "Thank you, you can go wait by studio number 3 down the hall. The class starts in about 15 minutes."

"Ah nice, thank you." He smiled and turned away, heading to the changing room to wait for Changbin. He leaned against the wall and stared up into nothing.

The door chimed a minute later, causing Hyunjin to glance towards the entrance. He saw 2 guys come through, heading straight to the front desk. He had recognized one of them, the male had distinct orange hair. The other male that came in had light brown hair. The latter was following his friend closely, his hands clasped together as if begging for something. Changbin was taking too long so Hyunjin didn't have anything to do but eavesdrop on their conversation. It didn't help that they were kinda loud to begin with.

"Come on man, please?"


"Hyung! Sorry."

"I can't today, I promised I would go to the workshop with Jeongin. You know he doesn't want to be alone with his feelings just yet."

"Seungmin, tell Chan Hyung to get in the costume!" They dragged the poor boy at the front desk into this. Hyunjin couldn't help snickering when he heard it.

"I can't, I'm helping Jeongin. Why don't you get Minho to do it again? He's not busy today. He ain't doing nothing but daydreaming about that boy he met."

"I can't. His is still getting cleaned. He really skid marked it to hell. He said all he did was roll on the ground, but somehow there's a lot." The orange hair male laughed, who he learned was named Chan.

"Well, what about Seungmin? Do you have one for him?" The other male smiled at the boy at the front desk.

"I'm getting one, but he's also helping me in the truck so he can't." Chan groaned and turned around to lean on the counter. The door chimed once more. Hyunjin looked and saw Felix coming into the building with a boy trailing right behind him.

"Jeongin, were you with Felix?" Chan asked, almost dumbfounded.

"Yeah, I was helping him bake the cookies for the food truck."

"Oh, you did that, so you dont need me for the workshop then?" Chan reached in his pocket and fished out his keys, pretending to leave.

"No, I still need help!" The boy pleaded, coming over to Chan and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Fine. I'll help. Come on, let's go. Your class is almost starting." Felix perked up and immediately booked it down the hall.

"I gotta change!" The blonde male ran straight past Hyunjin, not sparing a glance. He assumed they had a separate room for Minho and Felix since he ran past the changing room.

He looked back towards the entrance and saw the group of guys heading towards him. As they walked past, he made eye contact with the orange haired male. They held it for a few seconds until Chan smiled and winked at him. They both turned away at the same time, Hyunjin's cheeks heating just a bit.

"Oh god, sorry it took so long. My sister called me and I-" Changbin finally emerged from the changing room to see Hyunjin looking down fiddling with his shirt. "You're blushing... What happened?"

"NOTHING! Nothing! Let's go." The younger headed off towards studio 3.

"That's very sus Hyunjin!" Changbin followed behind, watching as his friend rubbed his face and smiled softly.
"Jisung!" Chan aggressively tapped the younger's shoulder to get his attention, but also to annoy him.


"Is that the boy you were talking about?" Chan pointed over his shoulder, behind them. Jisung carefully glanced back, trying not to make it obvious, but also failing horribly.

"Yeah, I think. The hair matches at least. You should tell Minho."

"I'll text him. Let's see if I can get him to finally come down here."

Hello~ Merry Christmas to those of u who celebrate, if not, then Happy Holidays! My Mom and bro got me an Itzy album (now I'm just missing their 1st 2) and then my mom also got me a photocard booklet with nothing but Changbin memes on the 1st 3 pages. Y'all I have been laughing about it since I opened it lmao

I'm so happy the holiday season is almost over tho, my job has been brutal and I haven't been sleeping well. Still, paychecking looking good tho 👍

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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