Part 1

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Y/n's POV
"Oh hi, I forgot you were there!" I say, "let me introduce myself. I'm Y/n, my dad was in a ship crash while my mom left once she found out. I have two bending skills. Water, and fire. Not a good combo if you ask me!" I say laughing to myself, talking to a wall. Ugh I hate myself, why do I have to go walk with Azula!!!! She's gonna embarrassed me, I bet she's gonna trip me-!

"Y/n, let's go!!" I heard Azula shout. "Coming Azula." I said annoyed. I walk out with an ugly fire nation dress on that goes from my chest to my feet, it was red and the outer part was an orange, I had some cute red flowers in my hair as it's up. It's been a few years since Zuko was banished and that's when Azula got even more mean. "Y/n! Stop daydreaming!" She yells at me, "yeah yeah, let's go Princess Azula." I say, I always had to dress nice to make it harder for me, you see, I'm her personal guard and she hates it, but she loves bossing me around.

I let her of course until the day I can escape! She was Yapping about how she's gonna be the greatest fire bender, then out of no where there were knives thrown at us, I use the dress as a shield around Azula, I fire bend in the direction the knifes were thrown at. "Good job Y/n. Yet it got my dress!" Azula yells at me and then Mai comes out, looking, well normal. "Sorry princess" I say sarcastically, some guards start running our way, "guard Y/n! You have been told to leave to the docks, lords order, your going to help find the avatar!" The guard said. Before he finished I ran and got into better water tribe clothes but with a fire nation cape on, I ran to the docks and was in line waiting for orders.

What you wore:

What you wore:

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It's finally time to get away from here! EEEEEE!! Oh it's my turn, stop thinking Y/n!"That way

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It's finally time to get away from here! EEEEEE!! Oh it's my turn, stop thinking Y/n!
"That way." A guard says pointing and then moving on, I walk to the ship and get on, I'm so exited! What if I'm not able to leave and when I'm trying to Sneak away they fire bend on me and get me to surrender and then they kill me! Oh shut up Y/n! It will be easy, just gotta act like I got pushed off.

"AHHHH" I scream as one of the guards try to grab me but the storm is to much and he wasn't able to catch me in time as I hit my head on something and pass out landing in the water.

—time skip—

I hear people talking, I can feel wind in my hair, I slowly open my eyes to find two boys, one older around my age and a girl, looks the same age as the younger boy. The girl was looking at me and her eyes widen, "your awake! You've been out for at least a day or two!" She says crawling towards me, but that got both the boys attention. "What's your name?" The younger boy asks. "Hmm, m-my names-" you fully get your concentration back and your eyes widen and you look around and notice your in the air. You get scared and back off of the saddle, the girl screams at me to stop but I don't listen, I fall off and they start to chase after me on their creature, I noticed there was water under us and the only thing I could do was water bend. C'mon Y/n!

I made it to where I didn't break anything and being able to jump out of the water, I landed on the creature and everyone was staring at me. "Whoa" the older boy said. "Sorry about that, I'm Y/n!" I say sitting back down with a small smile. "I'm Katara! This is aang and this is my brother Sokka." She was smiling until she got to sokka, I could feel she loved him but was always getting annoyed of him. "I'm Sokka, which you already heard. So, why were you in the water?" Sokka asked as he got closer to me, I moved closer to Katara, she smiled, "a storm, boat, fell off." I said giving spaces. Sokka stoped smiling and scratched his head. "So we're you a prisoner for the fire nation?" Aang asked, I shook my head, "no, I. I worked with the fire nation, I was waiting for the right time to escape because I hated it, but the storm got the best of me and I fell overboard, if your wondering why I didn't just water bend. Well it's because I got hit in the head with something and passed out!" I state and gasp for air. "That's a lot to take in." Aang and Sokka said at the same time. "Yeah yeah, I know. Hard to believe, a water bender in a fire nation part, well..." I start before putting my hand up and make fire. "So your a fire bender? Or water bender?" Sokka asked comfused, "both." I say as their eyes widen. I giggle and look down. "Where are we going?" I asked them and they told me that Aang needed a earth bender to help him. So we went looking for one

—time skip—

It's about two months now that I've been with them and now we have a new added person, Toph! Me and her became friends once we started talking! She's awesome, but I've been feeling something for Sokka. I don't like it because I've had it with all my fire bender boyfriends. If I fall in love with Sokka, who knows how it would go. I just hide my feelings and let go through the air. No falling in love Y/n! No no no!
"Earth to Y/n?" Sokka asks waving his hand over my face, "AH!" I scream shooting back. They all laugh as I soon joined in. "Sorry, I was just lost in my thoughts." I say laughing. "What about?" Sokka snooped in. "None of your concern wolf tail." I called him because of his ponytail. "Hey!" He started, "guys, why don't we camp here?" Aang asked. Our heads turned to him. I gave him a thumbs up. And Sokka nodded, he looked back at me and as soon as he did he was about to tackle me but I soon got water and froze his feet. He was yelling at me as I hurried off, I was laughing.
"You guys act so cute together, why don't you guys date?" Katara asked us, as Sokka and I exchanged looks we started yelling at Katara for even thinking of such things even though I started to feel bad. I looked over at Sokka who looked like he was upset and so I spoke, "I mean, he is a little cute but-" I started, I looked over at him and his cheeks were red, "but I don't fall in love that easily, anymore." I said laughing, that hole day Sokka was flirting with me so the last time I froze him and he started yelling at me. "HEY! YOU LET ME OUT OF YOUR TRAP RIGHT NOW! THIS IS NOT HOW YOU TREAT PEOPLE AND IM TALKING ABOUT ME!!!" He screamed as I got more angry. I turned around and kissed him. His eyes were wide and I quickly pulled back.

"You talk to much." I said leaving him stunned. I smirked as I went into the forest to look for food, I found a lake and got some fish. I started heading back until my heart stopped, i hear Azula! I ran keeping the fish with me, "we gotta go!" "I feel something coming towards us!" "WE GOT TO GO!" Everyone was shocked and quickly packed everything and got onto appa.

Now that the first part is done. I will work on the second part later. I had fun making this, now let's enjoy some avatar shows! Oh I'm also gonna make random stuff up because I can't remember everything and I don't want to rewatch it right now! So I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 1392

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