Part 2

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(Relaxing music while reading, always the best way to make you tired!)

Sokka's POV

Y/n was really eager to leave, she was screaming as Toph said she felt something. We all scattered just to get everything packed. Yet Katara and Toph are real mad at each other, even with a terrifying thing on our tail! Well Appa's tail. But as I made a joke and I looked over to Y/n who was laughing so cutely. I fell in love with her once we started getting to know each other.

(Isn't romance boring? I think it is, or atleast some! Anyways he's thinking of you~)

Katara's POV

Toph is so annoying! She never helps set up camp and I'm so tired! How do we even know that anything's coming for us?! I bet she just doesn't want us to sleep. "Hey Toph? What do you think is following us since YOU WANT TO KEEP US UP!" I say calmly.(totally) "Azula." Y/n interferes, "what?" I ask. "It's Azula, the first time I was screaming at you, it's because I heard Azula." Y/n states and answers my question. I was shocked to hear what was after us. "And I know she's not alone" she says.

How was I supposed to know that a crazy fire bender was after us? Well now I feel bad for blaming Toph.. I'll blame Azula! As if.

Y/n's POV

We finally made it to a mountain that they all though Azula wouldn't be able to get up. I knew she would but I wanted to face her. I wanted to KILL her, but I knew I couldn't. Not yet anyway, but I also wanted to show her how strong I was. I wanted revenge.

No ones POV

They were resting as much as they could before Toph said they were close. "I think they're close by." Toph says, "I can sense them, they're coming up." Y/n grabs her staff. (Not like Aang's because half is fire looking like it burning it and the other half is water freezing at the top) "well then we're ready for an attack!" Katara says getting water ready. Azula Ty Lee and Mai got up the mountain and were ready for an attack as well, Mai threw some knives. Y/n and Azula were staring at each other not moving. Azula pulls the first move and fires a three way attack hitting Y/n on one side as she dodged the other two. She yelps in pain before making a fire ice attack.

"Do you need me to protect you Princess Azula?" Y/n mocks. "Ha Ha. No, I think I'm just fine with out a bodyguard!" She says taking more fire towards Y/n. She dodges them and sends a fire and then water at a close enough to where Azula could only block one and the other I hit her and she flew off the mountain but not before she blasted Y/n with her fire making
Y/n collapse. "Y/N!!" Sokka screamed as he ran to her. "Your going to be okay Y/n!" He kept repeating as everyone stopped and Mai and Ty Lee looked at each other and fled. Everyone ran to Y/n.

Katara got her water and put it over Y/n, the water started to glow so beautifully, no one could say otherwise, but Katara smiled a sad smile. "She's gonna be just fine Sokka..!" Katara says placing a hand on Sokkas shoulder, he looks at her and gives her a little smile before picking Y/n up and bringing her to Appa. He stays with Y/n since she got struck. He cuddled her at night and sat near her in the day. He couldn't remember anything from his past without her in it. He would think of something that happened before he met Y/n but she popped up in it.

Sokka's POV

How does she do it? It's confusing not being able to think of anything without her! She was there when we met Zuko, she was there when my mom died. She was there when we were with Jet! She was always there, I haven't told her yet but when we were at the swamp I saw her. It's weird but maybe it was a sign! Yes, what if we are meant to be, and then when we grow up, we're gonna have kids and then the fire nation comes and kills us ALLLL!!!! "Ahhhh!" I scream in knowing it was not in my head, "you good Sokka?" I heard her voice, the beautiful voice.

It was "Y/N!" I scream. Hugging her while she was confused. I didn't let go for awhile, Toph had to get me off of her. "Geez now my backs sore Sokka." Her voice was magnificent. The best thing in the world! "Aha, sorry Y/n. Hey Aang, where are we going?" I ask Aang. "We are going to find somewhere to rest." Aang said sounding mad, " Are you mad?" I ask, "No." he says sounding mad still. "Okay-" I start, "yes I'm mad, but I'm not saying why." He says. "Why?" Sokka asks making Y/n giggle. Aang looks at her and glares and doesn't say anything.

Y/n's POV

I wonder what his problem is. I'm wondering why Sokka cuddled with me at night instead of being with everyone else he stayed by me. I don't understand this boy. He's different.
Why is it so hard for Toph to help out a little? She's got Katara steaming all her water. I would like it if Toph could help with at least one thing. Like, make us all a camp or, start the fir- wait no that's my job. At least something. I sigh, "what's up?" Sokka questions. "Nothing, just thin-" I get cut off.

"JUST DO ONE LITTLE THING TO HELP US!" Katara screams at Toph as Aang is trying to calm them down. "I AM DOING SOMETHING! IM HELPING AANG EARTH BEND BUT YOU DONT CARE! DO YOU?! " Toph yells back making Sokka sigh and cover his ears in annoyance. I chuckle a little as I look back and stand up. "Can you guys stop yelling? Your making Sokka anxious!" I yelled over to them which they both smiled at the sight of me as Aang looked annoyed. "Good to see your awake!" Toph said, "I mean hear!" She corrected herself. I laugh to that. "Good to see you on your feet Y/n." Katara smiles at me and I give her one to. That calmed them down.

Finally, they're not yelling at each other. But it's weird. It's like this place is a dream. I don't want to leave, it's peaceful. No ones hurting anyone, but I know I have to wake up soon...

Well now that's creepy! Your in a dream and nothing bars happening, you just know it's a dream then. Anyways I hope you enjoy this! Tell me if the music is to much. Or if you want to keep it here!

Word count: 1184

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