ch.9 « ᴛᴏɢᴀ »

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You moved away from the person, slightly hitting the table behind you. "Who are you, and what do you want?!" you asked again, raising your voice. The imposter clapped his hands, "Bravo, Y/N! You noticed it almost right away!"

"What did you do to Atsumu?!" you asked, "And what do you want?!"

"Allow me to introduce myself first," he smiled, "You can call me Toga!"

"What did you do to Atsumu?! And what the hell do you want from me?!" you asked again.

"Now now," 'Toga' said, "Won't you let your old friend in for a cup of tea?" The disguise slowly wore off as the 'Atsumu' in front of you turned into a blonde girl with a pair of fangs and pale skin. She had a school uniform on, and a black scarf on with some patterns on it. She had a knife in her right hand, and you were lowkey scared.

"Now, if you keep quiet," she said, holding the knife against your neck, "No one gets hurt." She brought you to a chair to sit you down, and began to caress your left cheek. "Such a shame," Toga sighed, "You have such a beautiful face. Too bad I might just ruin it."

Am I going to die? Is this really the end? Your mind went blank as you saw her playing with her knife.

She brought her knife closer to your face, grinning. Just before she could make any damage, someone knocked her unconscious. "Y/N-san!" the person who saved you called, "Are you okay?!" You looked up and saw a worried Hinata holding a baseball bat.

"Hinata!" you stood up and hugged him, "Thanks! And how did you--"

"I was on a night run and I saw the door open so I thought I'd say hi," he told, "Who the hell is she?"

"I have no idea," you sighed, letting go of the hug, "I'll call the cops."

A few minutes passed, and the cops arrived. They asked you and Hinata about the girl for a while before taking her with them. You thanked Hinata again before he left your house. Damn it, you thought, Not only is Kiyoko in a coma, but Atsumu is also in the ICU now? And who the hell is that Toga? How did she figure out where I live?!

You groaned, going up to your room. It has only been a few months and now a possible new 'villain' from their world shows up. Dabi is still roaming around, and who knows what other villains could come. "Fuck my life", you groaned, opening your bedroom door, "These guys have some explaining to do when I see them."

09.45 a.m.

You sat on the sofa, waiting for one of them to speak up. "So?" you said, "Anyone wanna speak up?"


"C'mon guys," you sighed, "I need explanations! I'm not mad or upset, I just need to know who the hell was she! She SHAPESHIFTED right in front of me! I know for a fact that she can't be from this world!" Without realizing, you shouted at them. And not in the friendliest tone too.

"Her name is Toga," Mirio told, "Her quirk is to shapeshift into someone else by drinking their blood. Most of the time, her victims lose too much blood and die." Die? You clenched your fist at the thought. The blonde girl Osamu was talking about last night is most likely her, and if it was really her, could Atsumu... no, no. Atsumu can't die yet, he's still in his 20s! Atsumu can and will survive this... right?

"I'm so sorry for all the troubles that we caused, Y/N-san," Iida apologized, "We never meant for you nor your friends to be attacked by them nor even simply get hurt."

"You've helped us enough," Momo spoke up, "If you want us to leave, we're completely fine with that."

"You guys are my friends," you sighed, "I can't let you all live on the streets."

"But because of us, they're targeting you!" Izuku told, "And your friends too!"

"Y/N-san, it's better off for us to leave," Todoroki said, "You and your friends won't be in danger anymore."


"Some of you could move in with me, and some with my friends!" you suggested, "You would have a place to stay and we would have you to 'protect' us!"

"Will they even let us move in with them?" Bakugou snickered, "They don't even know us!"

"Well, then, you'll get to know them!" you said, "Please guys, I want to keep my friends safe, and I want you guys to have a roof over your heads." All of them looked at each other, as if they were talking each other by telepathy. After a few minutes, they all came to the conclusion that they'll try out your idea.

You took out your phone and made a few phone calls.

"Great, I'll meet you there." You put your phone down and told everyone where to go to. That will be their first meeting with each other, and you just silently pray that they will get along.

A/N note

okay this is like-- the shortest chapter I've made. Sorry about that, I've been more focused on oneshots than this, to the point I actually ran out of ideas for this book--

𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐃 (𝐻𝑎𝑖𝑘𝑦𝑢𝑢 𝑋 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑋 𝑀𝐻𝐴)Where stories live. Discover now