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Harry's POV

"Oi Styles! We got a bit a problem over here that you should see."

One of the down sides to hosting a party full of drunk teenagers is that there's bound to be some shit going wrong. I glance back over to Niall, who's looking at me expectantly as if he's waiting for me to say something. I rather not leave him here. He can easily get distracted and cross paths with god knows who. On top of that, he just isn't a strong contender when it comes to avoiding peer-pressure. But I have to make sure that the issue doesn't result with the house burning down or require a visit from the police.

"Do. Not. Move from this couch, and don't talk to anyone." I ordered. He gave me a bit of a sour expression which I ignored. He doesn't know anybody here so I'm sure he won't attempt to wonder off by himself, only to look like a total outcast. I paced over to the guy that called me over I don't really recall his name but he always sends a friendly smile when we cross paths in the halls in between classes.

"What?" The guy - I think his name's Kevin- motions me to follow him as he explains the situation.

"There was this argument between two people that broke out and I don't know all of the details but there's a slight dent in the wall in the hallway."

"And who exactly did it?"

"Did you want me to go and get them?"

"Uh...yes. They need to get the fuck out of here as of yesterday."

I can't be bothered to yell at anyone right now. I can just move one of the picture frames over it.

With that "crisis" put to rest I start heading towards the living room where the party died down a bit and was moved towards the backyard. But there's still a deal of people in the living room. I try to make my way around the drunk teenagers to the couch where I left Niall and to my misfortune he's not here.....what the hell? I was gone for five minutes!

For a seemingly smart kid he doesn't seem to follow directions well. I scan the crowd over in search for him and I still have no luck. Maybe he went outside.

Seems like some guests have taken the liberty to make use of the pool tonight. God, I really hope no one pukes in it or worse...

Niall isn't out here either. I make haste towards the kitchen. He might have wanted a drink. It takes me a couple seconds to find him given that it's quite crowded in here even though it's a fairly large kitchen. When I do finally spot him he's patiently waiting in line for a drink behind someone. I immediately relax knowing that he didn't run off with someone else. Why am I so worried about him and his approval of me? I barely know anything about this guy. This really cute guy. That's smart and has a good taste in music and did I mention he was cute? Who am I kidding he's beautiful absolutely breathtaking if he played his cards right he could have anyone and everyone chasing after his attention....which is why I should get him before someone snatches him up. Before I take another step, the guy in front Niall turned abruptly and bumped into Niall, somehow his own drink spilled on his self, good thing because otherwise I'd punch him out for messing up Niall's shirt. What makes me freeze is when they start talking with each other and Niall smiles, a smile that can only be seen as a flirty. Of course this scares the shit of me but it also pisses me the hell off and I chose the angry side of me to take action. I stomp my way through the crowd over to Niall. When he finally sees me shock and worry is written all over his face he knows he's in for it tonight.

He whispers something to the stranger and rushes towards me.

"Harry, w-what's w-wrong?" My eyes almost pop out of my head at the question.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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