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Niall's POV

I wake and instantly remember everything, Ok so yesterday was....yeah. That can't ever happen again. Even if that was the most intense pleasure I've ever know I barley know the guy and I just let him do that to me. It was a bad sense of judgement on my part. I have to avoid Harry no more Harry. I can't see, I can't hear, I can't even think about him. But the more I try not to think about him the more I actually think about him.

While my thoughts of Harry dimmer down a bit I start to continue my daily routine .

1. Shower (which was  longer than usual do to me thinking about yesterday if you're catching drift).

2. Get dressed (note to self don't forget glasses and buy more khakis)

3. Breakfast - Oatmeal today cause it helps me think better.

4. Drive to sch-- my car is at school and Harry is picking me up this morning. Great, so much for avoiding him

Speaking of Harry I hear honking from outside. I look out to see Harry naming to what ever music is playing in car right now. I grab my school stuff and lock up the house. It's this early in the morning and he has his music blaring so loud. Thank goodness the windows are up and the doors are close so at least most of the sound muffled and the neighbours can't hear from their houses. I practically run and hope into his car.

When I enter the car he turns off the music and the second of silence was the perfect compared to all that noise.

" Hey Niall "

" Hey Harry thanks for picking me up and sorry for the inconvenience."

" Inconvenience? I live not so far from here. Plus seeing you is a bonus. Trust me it's no problem."

" Ok"

Not much is said after that until Harry parks in the school parking lot. Most of the kids are inside while others are just talking amongst themselves.

" I have to call someone to come pick up my car" I don't know why I said that aloud when I was just thinking to myself.

" Actually I already had someone come and fix up your car already." Wow that's really nice.

" Oh wow. Thanks a lot. How much do I owe you? " I say while taking out my wallet.

" Nothing. On me."

" Harry I can't let you do that"

" It's already done."

" You didn't have too."

" But I wanted to."

" Ok thanks but don't do anything like that again please'"

" Why not?"

" Because I don't need or want you doing any favors ok."

" Fine." He hastily gets out of his car and I follow him.

" Harry.... Harry don't get mad."

" Who said I'm mad? Why would I be mad? I'm trying get to class ok. See you later."

And he walked quickly into the school. Nice job Horan.

Changed for the WorstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora