When trouble walked in

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*The next day*

Niall's POV

School time. Parents still not back from the business trip. All alone yet again. Maybe I should get a pet, nothing big but just something that'll me company. Maybe a fish or a turtle. Yeah... a turtle would work. After breakfast, on my way out the house my
phone rings.


"Hey sweetie!"

"Hey mom. How are you and Dad?"

"We're good honey. How are you?"

"Good. About to leave for school."

"Ok that's good pumpkin. Listen, dad and I found out that we aren't coming back from our trip for about another two weeks."

"Mom you guys said it would be a week!"

"I know I know. But something has come up. We are really sorry Niall."

"It's ok I guess. Just hurry on home ok?" I breathe out.

" We will honey. "

"Alright mom I gotta get to school now. Love you."

"Love you pumpkin." Adios.

I hang up. And rush out of the house before locking it.

Thank goodness my folks gave me a car for my 17th birthday cause otherwise I would be late if I walked. Plus the bus is absolutely dreadful. It's like most of the kids on there we're raised by monkeys. The normal people on buses are the ones the hate the bus.

I park my car in the usual spot and head my way towards 1st period. The first person I notice is Liam and once he notices me we exchange smiles and I walk over to my seat next to him.

" You were almost late what's up?"

" My mom called. Told me that her and my dad are not coming back for a extra 2 weeks"

"Wow. That must be a relief."

"How come?"

"Well you get your massive house to yourself you can be the party king if you wanted to man."

The bell rings.

" It's not my style" I muttered.

"Ok class open your science book to page 253and answer questions 1-5 for your bellwork. We will review after announcements.

I put on my glasses. Liam and I zipped  through the questions with ease and we were the first ones to finish. After announcements Mr.Clay asked the answer for number 1. This time he picked Liam.

As Liam was about to say his answer the classroom door swung open and that's when trouble walked in.


A tall brunette came in. His hair was up in a bun. His jeans were tight and I mean tight. That can not possibly be comfortable. He is also wearing a plain white t-shirt, and a nice pair of brown boots. I could spot tattoos on his arms and wrist. He had thick black ray bands on even we're inside and is carry a couple of books including one that looks more like a diary or a journal. Even with his simple apparel he looks like one of the best looking people I was privileged to lay my eyes on. He scans the classroom and his eyes momentarily stopped on me. He had beautiful green eyes. Call me crazy cause I literately blushed because this guy looked my way.

"Young man are you in the right classroom?" Mr.Clay asked.

The boy speaks but still doesn't look away from me. " Yeah. Sorry for being late by the way , got a little lost. First day and all." God his voice alone as me in a trance. He turns to the teacher and hands Mr. Clay a small blue paper.

Changed for the WorstDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora