Chapter 5: Missing

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating sooner. Can't believe it's been a year. I just started my summer holidays and am off from uni for a few months so hopefully will get loads of writing done. :) Xx

Chapter 5: Missing


As I hit the water, the air was stolen from my lungs. Why did the water have to be so cold? Kicking my way towards the surface my head broke through allowing me to take a deep breath. Somehow I had ended up on the other side of the pool. This section was slightly shallower then the deep end but still deep enough that my feet could not touch the bottom. This area had a small cave casting me in shadows. Everyone was still laughing as if it was the funniest thing in the world, Matt had resurfaced and had huge stupid grin on his face. I couldn't help but smirk, time for payback.

Slowly I made my way towards Matt trying to not be seen or heard. By this point it had been a couple of minutes since the jump. No one had seen me resurface so my friends began to worry. As they began searching the other end of the pool and yelling my name I reached Matt. Coming up behind him I quickly grabbed his leg pulling him under. That will teach him to mess with me. Everyone with the exception of Ben was laughing. He was too busy humming the theme tune to Jaws. I started laughing at Ben. Once Matt came back up he tried giving me the puppy dog eyes but I wasn't falling for it this time so he decided to give me an apology hug instead. As my chilled body made contact with the hard planes of his warm chest my skin broke out in goose bumps.

A couple of minutes later Emma and the rest of the girls decided to join us in the pool. as they jumped in Matt and I were splashed by water. Pushing some water in Ruby's direction to splash her back. Seconds later all hell broke loose a I had indirectly started a massive water fight, leaving everyone soaked and breathless.

Later that night

As soon as it got dark it got too chilly to stay outside. I made my way upstairs with the girls so that we could shower and get changed into or PJs. The girls would use my room while I told the boys to use Alex's. Stepping into my walk in closet I began to rummage through my drawers. "So Jen what's the deal with you and Matt" asked Emma walking in behind me. "What do you mean?" I say finally finding some flower print flannel PJ shorts and a baggy shirt. "I mean when are you guys actually going to start dating" she says giving me a pointed look. "It's not like that, we are just friends." I reply as Ruby and Anna walk in "Please who are you trying to fool, there is some major chemistry between you and that boy. There is no denying it, you are just lying to yourself babe." said Emma as she put her hand on her hip.

"You have to admit that Matt is very good looking." exclaimed Ruby. "And you both would make such a cute couple" supplied Anna. "I'm going to go shower and change. If we take too long the guys will wonder where we disappeared to." I tell them quickly making my way towards my ensuit. "Fine! But don't think that I'm through with you" shouts Emma from behind me "This conversation is far from over" Quickly closing and locking the bathroom door I leaned against it taking in a few deep breaths. Although the girls were constantly teasing me about this guy or that guy, this time it was different somehow. Maybe it was just that Matt and I had gotten so close in such a short amount of time and that I really cared about him. He was there for me when I needed him the most and I couldn't ask for a better friend. Emma's words kept replaying in my head and I couldn't help but feel that lately when I was around Matt I didn't feel like I used to when we first became friends. Every time we spent time together it somehow felt different and when he touched me I was starting to feel something more.


As I was the first one of the girls to be ready I was also the first one do get back downstairs. Making my way to the kitchen I figured I would start collecting the snacks. Matt was already in the kitchen washing up the dishes we had used during lunch. "Hey " he said turning away from the sink as he dryer his hands on a dish towel "Hi, you didn't have to do that " I tell him, feeling slightly awkward after everything the girls had said. "Its no problem" I smile at him making my way to the pantry to look for the snacks and popcorn. "Ben's in the living room looking through the movie options on Netflix" "Why do I get the feeling he is going to convince us to watch 'The woman in black' or some other horror film?" I say finally finding the box of popcorn. "Because he will want Emma to get scared" "He still can't accept that she isn't scared of horror movies." I place the popcorn bag in the microwave. I know Ben acts all tough but in reality he's just a softy. Between the two of them I think he is most likely to be the one covering his eyes during the film. Since they started dating every time we have a movie night he tries to get us to watch horror movies in an attempt to scare his girlfriend and get her to hide her face in his chest.

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