Chapter 7: The deal

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Hey readers, I'm so, so sorry. I know it has been ages since I uploaded. I hope it was worth the wait. I haven't done any editing so I hope there aren't too many mistakes.

Chapter 7: The deal


Making my way down the hall I couldn't help but feel that my life had become pointless, it no longer had a purpose. I was simply existing as I felt life pass me by. While I didn't officially work, Uncle Talon had provided me with an office. In a few years the company would likely be mine and I needed to know the ins and outs, basically everything about it.

It was late on a Friday night and I was at an office party. Another one of the senior directors was retiring. I wasn't really in the mood to party but felt that I had to at least turn up. Within an hour I was already at my wits end. I couldn't take it anymore all the fake smiles and laughs were getting to me. Every word out of everyone's mouth sounded rehearsed. I couldn't understand how they could be all acting like it was another day and that everything was normal.

I needed to get out of there. Slowly making my way through the crowd. Passing the elevator I made my way down the hall. I couldn't leave but I was sure I could hide out for a bit and then slip back in during the speeches later. My father's things still hadn't been removed from his office and sometimes I found myself going in to it and just sitting in his chair. It made me feel closer to him somehow.

Turning the door handle and quickly flick the light on I found myself looking at a sight I hadn't expected. Standing behind my father's desk near the glass wall overlooking the city was a woman. Her back was towards me so all I could see was her blond hair that was arranged in a stylish up-do. She slowly turned around to look at my direction. I couldn't help hold my breath as her gaze finally met mine. I had never seen eyes so vivid, they where the color of the ocean of a sunny day. She appeared startled to see me with a hint of guilt but she quickly composed herself. As I continued to stare at her it was almost as if a shadow swept across her face. Her eyes darkened and eyes became like steel sending me a hard glare.

For a few seconds neither of us moved or even said anything. Finally I blinked and she looks away losing the connection making me wonder if I had just imagined the change. With her looking away from me I quickly scanned my eyes down her body. She was wearing a white shirt with a black skirt and black heels. By the time my gaze returned to her face she was looking at me again. "You shouldn't be in here" I said watching as she flinched slightly.

"I'm sorry, I was on a break. I was looking for the restroom and must have took a wrong turn. When I came in I saw the window and couldn't help admire the view." she replied quickly. "I'll leave" she said as she tried to make her way around me to get to the door. "Wait!" I say quickly grabbing her arm as she walks passed me. I feel her shiver slightly. "What is your name?" I ask. "Isabelle" she says trying to pull her arm from my hold. I quickly let go and take a step away from her. "The bathroom is to the right, at the end of the hall" I say. "Thank you" she says, quickly making her way out of the door.

I couldn't help the nagging in the back of my mind that there was something weird about that girl. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid I tell myself, making my way to the window to look over the city. I think back to her eyes, grabbing my phone I quickly make a call to my uncle's assistant and receptionist Mandy. "Hi Mandy, I was wondering if you could get me the details about one on the servers at the party. Her name is Isabelle." "I'll have it on your desk in the morning sir." she says quickly hanging up.


I quickly made my way down the corridor following the arrows to the fire escape. That was way to close for comfort, I needed to get out there before anyone else sees me. Going down the stairs as I can but have to stop every few floors. Shit why did the building have to have 18 floors. Ten minutes later I finally reached the bottom slightly out of breath. Going through the exit doors I found myself at the back of the building again. I checked the coast was clear before quickly heading through the alleyway and back in the the direction of the shopping center to get my bike and go home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2017 ⏰

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