Chapter 20

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A light, happy glow adorned Claire's face as she hovered between sleep and consciousness. Although she was exhausted, thoroughly used, sore and had hardly slept during the night she'd never felt more content in her entire life. Her body hummed in ecstasy as she recalled all the sinfully delicious things Levi had done to her during the night, things she hadn't even known or dreamed happened between men and women.

He'd taken her plenty of times, sometimes fast and rough others playfully slow and relaxed and Claire had revelled in all of it. In his raw sensuality he'd known exactly what to do to her to drive her over the edge until she'd endlessly cried out his name in climax after climax. He had also given himself freely to her allowing her to touch him however she'd pleased and Claire had never known such bliss.

Sighing joyfully she automatically reached for him but when her hands found him missing from the huge king size bed she instantly woke up. He wasn't there! She couldn't explain the disappointment she felt at waking up alone. Maybe he was just downstairs working in his office or maybe he'd wanted to get away from her as quickly as possible to avoid the awkward morning after. Granted, he hadn't said anything about love or even wanting her around but she'd assumed that ... well, that he might. Last night had been wonderful and even though she had broken down the way she had, Levi had held her and comforted her, shielding her with his warm embrace. She was still surprised and slightly embarrassed, her breakdown had been completely unexpected.

She had gone to therapy, as soon as she'd had the money years ago, to deal with the negative aspects of her childhood but maybe she still had lingering effects she'd likely be dealing with for the rest of her life. But Levi had been there and for the first time in her life she hadn't felt alone, she'd felt like she could depend on him and that he would never leave her. He'd smiled and laughed and Claire had loved him all the more. And afterwards he'd made love to her over and over again that Claire knew she'd never stop loving him no matter what happened. Many times during the night Claire had had to bite her tongue to stop from confessing her love to him. But she'd thought maybe, just maybe everything she'd ever wanted, a family of her own was possible and she wouldn't have to be alone ever again.

Claire sat up and looked around. Unlike the guest bedroom with its soft brown silks, his room was dark and masculine. The walls were an ashy charcoal color. There were ceiling to floor glass windows covered with heavy navy blue curtains. A huge bookshelf with all kinds of well read books and journals on it stood against the wall. There was a black rug on the floor and a working desk. It was minimalistic and impersonal, there were no pictures or posters on the walls. It was just a room he slept in and that was it. But she loved it, she'd slept in his room, on his bed, in his sheets that smelled like him and in his warm arms. She'd cherish the memories for ever.

It was more than likely that he'd already gone to work. Her days were up so Claire knew she had to be going back home. He hadn't said anything about wanting a relationship with her but she was definitely sure that he wanted her sexually. But she wanted more than that, way more. If he didn't want the same thing she didn't know how she'd survive but she couldn't keep having sex with him without at least some sort of commitment from him.

She got up and grabbed her clothes from the floor. After taking a quick shower in his master bedroom she contemplated what she should do next. She couldn't leave Lauren by herself so she'd have to wait until he got back from work.

When she stepped out of Levi's room however she came face to face with Pam and the knowing look in the older woman's eyes made Claire flash hotly with embarrassment.

"Pam you're back!"

Pam smiled, "I sure am. I was just coming to ask you if you wanted some breakfast."

"Oh. No, thank you. I should be going home." Claire said quickly and walked past Pam, heading for the guest bedroom downstairs.

"You don't have to leave now." Pam replied, disappointment evident in her voice.

"There's no need for me to stay any longer since you're back to take care of Lauren." Pam followed her into the room and stood silently by the door as Claire quickly grabbed her clothed from the closet and neatly packed them into her small overnight bag.

She glanced at Pam and she sympathetic look in her eyes almost made Claire cry. "You love him don't you?" the older woman asked.

There was no point in denying what was so glaringly obvious. "Yes. I do." Claire replied quietly.

Pam shook her head, "For as long as I've worked for Mr Pierce he's never brought a woman home. Oh he sees women of course, he's a red blooded man, a fine looking one at that but as far as I can tell never seriously."

Claire felt a sick, sinking sensation rise up from her stomach.

"He only cares about his daughter and his work. Now, with you loving him and all..." she shrugged, "I just don't want you to get your hopes too high and possibly get hurt dear." She added on a sad note.

Claire swallowed painfully and tried to smile but it felt forced and strained. "It's quite alright Pam. Don't worry about me, I'm a big girl."

Before Pam could respond Lauren came rushing into the room saying, "Claire would you please make me some waffles, I told Pam yours are better and ...." she stopped abruptly when she saw Claire packing.

"What are you doing?" She asked her lower lip quivering.

Claire felt the bile in her stomach rise up to her throat, nearly choking her. "I'm going back home darling. Pam is back to take care of you so I have to leave." She tried to sound light and cheerful but it didn't sound convincing even to her own ears.

Lauren rushed up to her and held on tightly to Claire while she cried, "No please. Don't leave me again." She wailed and Claire knelt down and hugged her saying, "Please don't cry honey. You'll make me cry." Claire whispered softly.

She then pulled Lauren away from her when her sobs had turns to light hiccups. She looked into her teary eyes and tucked her hair behind her little ears, "I don't live very far. You remember how close my house is, don't you?" Lauren nodded, her eyes big and red.

"You can visit me sometimes or I can come see you here huh. I'm sure that would be alright." She didn't know if Levi would agree but surely he would. Even if he didn't want a relationship with her he wouldn't just completely cut off her contact to Lauren, would he? He wouldn't be that cruel especially knowing how Lauren felt about her and vice versa.

The little girl nodded again but she was visibly struggling to hold back the tears. Claire hugged her again and kissed her cheek. She straightened and wiped away the tears that had fallen from her own eyes and attempted another cheerful smile, "Alright then."

As she drove out of the gate she glanced at the rear view mirror and saw Lauren and Pam standing by the door watching her leave and her heart broke all over again.

She slowly drove home and thought about what Pam had said. Last night while they'd been in bed Claire could have sworn that she'd seen love in Levi's eyes. But now she wasn't so sure anymore. Maybe she'd wanted so badly to see it that she'd even staring imagining it. Maybe it had just been lust, plain and simple. Pam was probably right, he only wanted sex from her and would resent having to deal with her unwanted emotional baggage.

But Claire knew that if he only wanted to sleep with her and nothing else, she wouldn't be able to bare it. What? He would have sex with her until he met some other woman he fell in love with and toss her out the window! She would surely never recover if that happened. As it was her heart was breaking in all sorts of ways that Claire was afraid it was already too late.

She was immensely glad when she arrived home and discovered that Sally wasn't around. Her car wasn't there so it mean she was out. Claire couldn't handle being around anyone, all she wanted was a moment alone to process everything that had occurred in the last couple of days. She unlocked her door and stepped inside and for the first time her cozy little cottage did nothing to raise her spirits. It just felt cold, empty and alone. She sighed dejectedly and went straight into her bedroom. She curled into a fetal position on the bed and cried for what seemed like an eternity.


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