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Xingqiu woke up realizing that he didnt feel anything on him. He realized Chongyun and Y/N were gone. Did they leave me? I hope not. He stands up and walks around a bit to find them, he walks near a tree and hears chattering. "I dont know Chongyun how do I-", "Hey guys" Xingqiu interrupted their conversation. "Ah Xingqiu you're awake" Y/N replied with a smile. "Yeah you've been sleeping for a while.. slept like a baby" Chongyun laughed. "I- That doesn't matter.." Xingqiu scoffed "Anyway are we gonna head back to Liyue Harbor now?", "Mhm. We're gonna head back now we just waited for you to wake up" Chongyun replied.

The three got ready and went on their way back to the harbor. Thats when Chongyun got an idea, he nudged Xingqiu on shoulder "Hey Xingqiu, maybe you should ask out Y/N on a date once we come back to the harbor~" he whispered. "EHH??" Xingqiu gasped. Y/N looked back "Are you guys ok???", "Heh yes we're fine" Chongyun reassured "Good" Y/N turned back around. "Thank the archons.. Xingqiu why are you so loud" Chongyun whispered while hitting Xingqiu on the head "Ow.. sorry" Xingqiu rubbed his head. Chongyun sighed "Ok so what I said would you do it or not." , "Man I dont know." Xingqiu said. Chongyun placed a hand on his shoulder "You should think about it. Who knows.. maybe someone will take her before you" Chongyun let go and walked ahead. What did he mean by 'someone will take her before you' Xingqiu noticed that Chongyun was talking to Y/N about something, I didnt wanna listen on their conversation but I wanted to at the same time. Were they talking about me, is Chongyun telling her something about me. Xingqiu felt nervousness in his stomach, he quickly walked up to catch up and pushed Chongyun and Y/N away from each other so he can be in between them. Y/N and Chongyun both had an expression on their faces that depicts as if Xiangling were about to feed them something poisonous. "Xingqiu is everything alright?" Y/N said softly as she leaned over to Xingqiu. "Yeah yeah everything's fine N/N dont worry about it" returning the same tone in his voice. The three went silent and continued their way back to the harbor.

They soon arrived to Liyue harbor and Xingqiu decided to part ways with the two since he wanted to go head out somewhere before dusk, he waved goodbye as the other two continued walking. "So Y/N how do you feel?" Y/N looked at Chongyun "Hm? What do you mean?" Chongyun sighed "You know how Xingqiu likes you?" Y/N's face turned pink. "Well I think its surprising honestly, I never knew he would like me back.." Y/N continued "But what if he meant that he likes me as a friend and nothing more than that." Chongyun sighed "Well if he did only like you as a friend, there will always be another person who will like you instead." Y/N looked guilty for not telling Xingqiu, she now has all these thoughts running around her head that causing her to stress out and only slight tears come out. Chongyun looked at her and held her hands "Y/N why are you crying..", "I'm not.." Chongyun sighed "I can clearly see you are" Y/N looked away from Chongyun. "Come on Y/N,"
Chongyun took Y/N to a nearby bench and sat her down. "Chongyun I'm fine no need to be worried" Chongyun held her hand, "Y/N are you stressed." Y/N sighed "A little bit but it's nothing, I promise." Y/N didn't know how to react anymore she just felt defeated. She doesn't even know how to look at Xingqiu anymore. Y/N took a deep breath, "Chongyun maybe it's better if we part ways for today." Chongyun agreed since he wanted to give her space. "Well then this is a goodbye for now" Chongyun said standing up while Y/N stood up too. "Yeah we'll just meet up at Wanmin again tomorrow morning" said Y/N. Chongyun smiled and titled Y/N's head and kissed it, "Get better Y/N." And so Chongyun walked off, Y/N stood looking at Chongyun walk away. Trying to process what happened, she realized what Chongyun meant from before 'there will always be another person who will like you instead' did he mean..



Omg okay yes Chapter 5 took me a bit but its shorter since I like leaving things on cliffhangers 😍 but yeah I hope this wasn't a bit to cheesy or confusing to read 😵‍💫

end of chapter 5
771 words

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