Chapter 39

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Asuna's P.O.V

"Grrrrrrrrr" I growled at the bitch before me who smiled at me cheekily.

This very person belonged to the Royal Family of a Colonial Country. 

"Hello there Darling~" The person before me greeted me with a wink. I growled.

"HOW MANY TIMES DID I TELL YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT YOU WHORE" I Spat at her as she picked up her sword and giggled.

She had Long Purple hair and Red Eyes. She was wearing a Purple Dress.

"Why the Hell did you tackle me to the Ground Yuuki?" I sent her a Death Glare. 

(Put your Weapons down. You will need them in the future. I know many o you are holding them rn. Stop it RIGHT THIS INSTANT. NO ATTACKING UNTIL I SAY SO)

"Just for fun Da-" She cut herself off when she noticed my glare. She sweatdropped "Asuna" She finished.

"I wish I can stab you in the heart with my rapier" I growled at her while keeping my Infamous Glare. 

"Ahmm" I heard the sound of somebody clearing their throat. I turned towards the source and saw my Little brother. I sweatdropped.

"He just got ignored. Didn't he?"

"Hello there Onee-Chan" He greeted Yuuki with a polite Bow. 

She giggled and ruffled his hair.

"No need to be so formal. Just ignore the words of your Mom who always want you to be strict and desiplined" She smiled.  "Awwww You grew up a Lot since I saw you like a lot of time ago" She smiled as Jou nodded. 

"And that Long Time might be?" I asked her. 

"Like 3 Months" She giggled. Her eyes fell on Kou's Sword. 

"Woooooaaaaaahhhhh. Where did you get that Sword?" Yuuki asked him bewildered. 

Kou chuckled in response and shook his head.

"My Sword Training Teacher gave it to me" He replied. 

"Your Teacher? Didn't the Last one quit because you cut off one of his fingers?" She asked. He sweatdropped at the memory.

"Yeah but I got a New Teacher. he is so cool. He is so strong that I won't wonder if he takes you down like a Piece of cake" Kou exaggerated. 

"Oh Really. Who might this Legendary Swordsman be?" Yuuki mocked.

"Nope. You can just see him yourself later" Kou smirked. Yuuki whined.

"Oh, COME ON. Just tell me the name of his sword" Yuuki asked as kou chuckled.

"Elucidator" Kou smirked as I saw Yuuki's smile fade away.

"Pardon me" Yuuki said quite shocked.

"It's Elucidator" Ku repeated. I looked at her confused.

"Something wrong?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"Nope. Just know somebody with the Same Sword" She chuckled at me. 

"Oh" I said as I finally realized. 

"Actually. Kou's Teacher is actually-"I got cut off.

"There he is" Kou pointed at our back as I saw Yuuki disappear. 

3rd Person P.O.V

"KIRITO" She said as she smashed him to the ground with a hug.

The Black Haired Swordsma groaned in frustration. 

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