10 years later

23 0 0

Tick. tock. tick. tick. tick. tock. tick.
Come on, come on, man time can go really slow. Soft brown eyes looked around the classroom. Darting this way and that way. She quickly turn her head to her right, checking if anyone else was watching the clock. her silky brown hair swing to the right with her. she was disappointed when she saw everyone else concentrated on their work. dang, what some geeks! Oh well class is about to end!! " Angela!! Is there a problem with the classwork" busted!! "Umm..... no sir"
" Then maybe you should be looking at your work instead of the clock"
Mister. Folker said. Dang, how can these guys stand him. "yes sir". Dinggggggggggggggg
Finally, FREEDOM!!! Angela wasted no time to gather her stuff and ran out the classroom. She quickly checked the hallways. yes!!! No miss.wanderlock.
Now if only I can get though the doors without attention? Angela was picky on which way she should walk to get to the double doors. She went with the crowd that was headed for the doors. really they were heading for the classes that were next to the doors but not for Angela. Normally her class is the other way but today she has a test she didn't study for. And she was not gonna take that test. The crowd slowly started to decrease as students enter their classes.
It's now or never!!! Angela thought. as quick as flash she dashed for the front door. Her head darted this way and that way checking if any one was watching her. Of course no one is. who has time to look at her. she is almost invisible. except to the teachers who praised her except mister folker. She was one of the most smartest girls in school. she was also one that was really good in athletic stuff too. except nobody really notice. oh well....who cares right? Angela quickly turn toward the opposite side of the hallway. she was running the wrong direction but nobody seem to notice. ha..... the good things about not being notice. awesome..... everything is going as plan. just need to get to the door before the bell rings in 2 minutes and 39 seconds. Angela thought. 20 feet away... come on. Angela suddenly broke into a run. She quickly quicken her pace. Angela soon sticked her arms out in front of her. she braced her self to crash into the doors. And just as she planed it. she went into the doors, forcing them open. she quickly ran down the stairs not stoping to look behind her. she quickly turned left and ran. down the bright streets she ran. she swore she was at least half a mile away from school. she slowed down to a walk. she looked behind her. Of course no one would follow her. she looked at the time on the clock in a building. Great.... 1:38... I have about 1 hour and 28 minutes before I head home. Soooo.... I can always do my homework... yea than I can spend more time with nanny Abby. Angela went to the park and sat down at one of the benches. she took off her black book pack off her shoulders and set it on the ground. she took out her science homework and began reading it. too easy. Angela thought.
Finally after half an hour. Angela finish. dang, math killed me. Angela looked at the clock again. It read 2:02.
Well better get running if I gonna make it on time. Angela quickly packed up her stuff and threw her book pack over her shoulders. Angela then prepared herself to walk home. But no one could prepare them selves for what is gonna happen next.

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