Home sick from school

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When Dhani wakes up for school on Monday. He doesn't feel the greatest. He has a headache, stomach ache, and a stuffy nose. he gets up and goes to find his parents, He walked through the long hallways of Friar park in England looking to see if his parents were awake. He found his dad in his home studio.

"Hey dad I'm not feeling so good," Dhani said weakly.
"Oh? what's wrong?" George asked concerned.
"Everything hurts," Dhani said before coughing into his arm.

"well that cough doesn't sound good I'll tell mum to call you out from school today. you can go back to bed." George told him.

Dhani nodded and returned to his bedroom coughing the whole way.

George went and woke Oliva and told her that Dhani was feeling sick and needed to be called out from school.
Oliva agreed and went to make the call while George grabbed medicine and water for Dhani.

Dhani was curled up in bed he looked as bad as he felt, pale, sweaty from a fever and bags under his eyes.
George frowned he hated it when Dhani was sick but he was glad Dhani could take a few days off from school to rest.
Plus it turned out that day had been a military uniform day.
Which George despised greatly so he was kinda glad his son was missing it even though he was sick. He liked spending time with Dhani even if he was sick.

"Here I've got some medicine and water for you.
I'll check your temp too." George said.
Dhani nodded and sat up. He drank some water.
Then George took his temperature and it was 102.7 so he really wasn't feeling well.
Then George helped him with the medicine.

"Dad can you stay with me please?" Dhani asked.

George nodded and cuddled his sick son. Even though Dhani was 15 he still wanted to be cuddled when he felt bad because it helped him feel just a bit better.

George and Oliva took care of Dhani until he was back to feeling one hundred percent.

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