Rated-U for Unfaithful

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I was so tense I couldn't stand it. It was one thing to not have sex for months but I hadn't had the time or privacy to touch myself either. I was seriously regretting it too as I looked at the half naked man on my couch. Technically our couch since I now had a roommate. Housemate? Whatever. All I wanted to know was where he came from and maybe if he wouldn't mind coming to bed with me. Kidding! (mostly)

I couldn't even ask Kels because she was passed out in bed right now. I'd had to pick her up off the floor and drag her in there and I wouldn't be waking her up any time soon. She was drunk as hell and had probably taken a pill or two knowing her. I am definitely not going to miss her when the lease is up.

But god was he gorgeous. Made me wish I was single that's for sure. Perfect amount of chest hair, perfect amount of muscle, and that face! Umph. I didn't really want to just go to bed- god knows what kind of sketchy character he could be- but I was just so tired. Tired and horny, but mostly tired. So I left him there.

The next day my roommate left a note on the counter saying, "Girlfriend kicked him out, letting him stay a few days, gotta run home, be back before Sat ~Kels"

I wanted to kill her. I was completely set to kick his ass out after reading it but I was eating food he'd made me and he was washing the dishes. I admit, I caved to see a still shirtless hunk washing my dishes while I ate the best french toast I'd ever had. He introduced himself as Mike and was super nice. Told me he thought she'd already gotten my permission and would leave if I didn't want him there and I just felt so guilty looking into those big sad eyes that I told him he could stay. Then he fed me and I found the note and well yeah.

Turns out he'd been in the shower when his ex came home and threw stuff at him until he left so the only clothes he had on him were the pants he was wearing and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to get back to her since Kel had his car and she may have destroyed all his stuff anyway. I couldn't do it cause my car was at the garage and would be for at least three days.

I wanted to ask why he was dating the freak but it was his business so I left it alone. I gave him a few pairs of basketball shorts and a hoodie until he got more stuff to wear. His cell was left too so he couldn't even call a friend to come get him. I asked how he knew Kel and didn't get a straight answer so assumed he'd slept with her a few times. Cheating would definitely make this whole situation make more sense. Still, not my business.

It wasn't much trouble the first day or so but since we were on break I was stuck in the house with him most of the time which led to a few awkward situations seeing as the place wasn't big enough for two averaged sized girls. The only way we'd managed is because we were rarely ever home at the same time and then only to sleep.

The third day of his stay- the day Kel was supposed to come home but didn't because "family business"- my boyfriend of one month decided to stop by unannounced. He was definitely looking forward to some fun but the stranger in the shower must have put him off. He was convinced I was cheating until I showed him the note. Then he wanted to have sex anyway. Men. I was desperate but not that desperate. He got pissed and left but apologized later that night through kik so I forgave him. Not before having a few choice words with Mike who thought it was somehow his place to comment on my boyfriends personality.

Then Kels called me later to tell me that she'd been sleeping with him for two months and didn't know you were dating him and I am so, so sorry sniffle sniffle. The call got disconnected after that because I threw my phone.

I was obviously a bit unhappy and did what any unhappy female does when faced with a shitty situation. I took it out on poor Mike. I didn't cry- we'd only been together for a month- but I was pissed that that asshole had the audacity to accuse me of cheating when his sorry ass had been sleeping with my roommate throughout our entire relationship! What the fuck did he take me for? Did he think I wouldn't find out? We ALWAYS find out!

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