Chapter 16 - ' Barbados '

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When I woke up I first saw a great light. It shined so brightly that I couldn't open my eyes wide to see through it. The temperature was freezing cold and my head hurt like hell. The first thing I thought about was where am I?

As my eyes adjusted, I saw shadows in the left corner of the room. Or was it right? I wasn't sure, but persons were there. Above my head I could see what I couldn't see earlier. Bright lights from the ceiling. I then realized I was in the hospital. For a moment, I thought I had died. I didn't remember coming here. I was confused.

Why am I here?

I become aware of sounds in the room. An annoying beeping and snorings. I felt sore, all over my body. Everything hurts. If it hurts so much when I'm just laying here, then its going to be terrible when I'm forced to move. 

The walls are painted a sterile white and on the wall facing the bed is a bulletin bored, covered with pictures and cards and drawings. Along the wall was a counter and cupboards above it. There were flowers lining almost every inch of the counter. Bright, happy flowers that just don't seem to fit the mood of the room. Freaking irritating.

There were some wires attached to my hand that snaked across the room to a large machine. I went to de-attach them but as I lifted my arm I felt a sharp pain rushed throughout my whole body. I winced and silently cursed. Shit! 

" Jody! " One of the shadows yelled and pushed the other one off the seat to the ground. I recognized her voice. Jamaie. 

" What the fu- " Johnathon started but stopped when he also realized my eyes were open. " Jody, oh my God I thought you would never wake. " 

" I was enjoying my dream. " I chuckled and tried to sat up. Again the pain re-visited.            

" Hmm.. " I cried. They both ran to my aid. They lifted me up and planted my back firmly against the wall then sat on the opposite side of me. Then I saw mom.

" Can anybody tell me what the hell happened? " I asked. 

" Your were in a coma. " Mom answered.

" For how long? "

" A year. " Jamaie replied.

A year! I was in here for a year. A freaking twelve months whole year. I stared at the ceiling until John spoke. " Your close friend was here. " He informed me. Close friend? 

" Anna? " He shook his head. " Was it someone like Kyle, Kimone, Jake? " 

" It was Mac I think. "

Mac. Mac. Why does that name ring a bell? Mac. Oh my God! Mac. I remember him. Hold on, why Isn't he here now? Beside me. Holding my hands. Soothing me again. Giving me that one reason why I should want to live again. I started crying. I miss him. I miss him so much it hurts. I miss his voice, his eyes, his hair and how could I forget his face. The thing that pulled me to him. One of the things about him that was irresistible. Breathe taking.

" He left you something. He told me to give you when you wake. Don't worry I didn't read it, it was very hard to open. " He handed me the envelope smiling. I chuckled. I stared at them then sighed and slowly tore open the letter. It was sealed with what looked like a drop of water. 

Nah it couldn't be a teardrop. Mac doesn't cry.

' Hey. If you are seeing this then you a up. Which makes happy because you made it through. Oh my God where should I start.. Jody, I've never met anyone so special and wonderful like you. You may not have noticed but you've change me. Made me a better person today. I don't want to sound too sentimental but I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I remember your smile perfectly. I can see it now.  I couldn't take the sight of you lying helplessly inside the hospital and I could not do anything about it. I was crying when I heard that you were going to be in a coma. Yes I did. You being in the coma would simple mean that I was either never going to see or kiss you again or you would never have a normal life anymore. Oh and yes I know what you're thinking, it was sealed with a drop of tear. I was very sad and serious when I wrote this. This meant a lot to me. My dad got fired from his job so we had to move because of his new one. I tried to find so many reasons to convince em to stay but none worked. Again I cried. Now this theme the not seeing you would be permanent. Love hurts hun and you are killing me. Driving me insane. I won't tell you where we moved to because you're going to have to try and move on. Forget about me. I'll try and do the same. Babe I know it won't be easy, but you still have to try. I don't want to cause you any more pain than you are now feeling. By the way, you missed graduation and your birthday. Happy 18th birthday. There is something for you under the pillow. Really hope you love it. If you don't, the receipt is also there. You can exchange it if you want. You'll see me someday. It may not me next month or weeks or even a year but I'll never forget you. NEVER! I got into a college in Barbados. Majoring in business. Whoo! I couldn't believe I got accepted. I felt smart. Smiles. I'm going to really miss you Jodz. Hey! Do me a favour and stay young sleeping beauty and always remember that Mac loves you unconditionally. '

It ended. I was crying throughout the whole letter. Mom even came beside me a rubbed my head. I laughed a bit when I saw two lips that had on lipstick at the bottom of the page. He had red lipstick on and kissed the paper. I smiled again.

Wow. He's really gone and I didn't get a chance to make things right. Then it hit me. I have to find him. I will find him! No matter what it takes. I drew of the cords and got out of the bed ignoring the pain that swam through my body.

" Where are you going? " Mom asked. I turned and looked at her.

" I'm going to Barbados. "

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" Are you sure you sure you don't want to come mom? "

" Yes hunny I'm sure. You go with Jonathon and behave yourself. " I nodded.

" Johnny! " I yelled and dragged my suitcase to the car. Jamaie was already inside drowning herself with set up metallic songs. I opened the trunk and threw my luggage inside. We were almost late. The plane was going to leave in 26 minutes and Jonathon was no where to be found. I was real serious when I said I was going to look for him. If I were to search all of Barbados for him, then so be it. I was on a mission. 

Ask me if I didn't felt great about it. I leaned against the Audi and sent Kyle, Simone and Anna an text that was leaving soon and they were to meet me at the airport. Shortly after John came out.

" Sorry about that. I just had to clear up a few things. " He said and walked past me.

" Whatever. "

" Let's get this baby on the road! " He yelled in my hears then proceeds into singing one of Jamaie's play-list. I shook my head. I was going to stay with this idiot until I find Mac and I don't know how long that would take. Within minutes we were there and the guys were waiting by the entrance. Jamaie swiftly reversed in a handy cap parking space and popped the trunk. Again I shook my head. Dumb nitwit, we know who's getting a ticket.

" I can't believe you're really going to Barbados to look for Mac and he could be anywhere. " Anna said pulling me in for a hug. 

" Didn't he say you weren't suppose to come look for him? " Kyle asked. 

" Yea but that won't stop me. I'm on a mission. " I replied and laughed. I look from Anna to Kyle. " So are you guys like a thing now? "

" Uh... Yea. Actually we are. We're moving slowly. " Kyle informed. I was happy for them. At least they had their love right here. Mine was in Barbados. Somewhere. 

" Well I'm happy for you. " I hugged Anna again. Jamaie and John came out of the car with my bags and his. " Time to go. " He said while pushing past me.

" Guys. This is it. You can come visit anytime. I'm going to miss you all. " 

I picked up my bag and walked towards the door. I gave them one last glance, waved, then disappeared into the crowdy airport. My heart began racing. This was it. There was no turning back, and I was a hundred and ten percent sure I wanted this. I wanted to find him.

" Passengers boarding flight to Barbados, please check in at Gate 7. There are 15 minutes left. " The annoncement went. Jonathon and I walked to Gate 7 and boarded the plane.

This was when the journey began. This was when I was really sure I was going to look for Mac and find what was lost.

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