chap 1- the past

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Note: the timezones in this and in the actual Tokyo Revengers are not the same. And some characters information are also not the same.

From the time in now opened my eyes, I only had one best friend in the world. I had other friends to but they were not as close to me as Shuji was. My best friend was none other than Hanma Shuji. I may say best friend from birth but it was kind of hard at first to be friends with him.

Our parents were the best of friends since their highschool life. We all lived in the same apartment complex and Hanma and I practically grew up like siblings without the blood relation.

In the past, the childhood of Y/n L/n and Hanma Shuji.
(Note before I start.. you may be wondering how a child knows what is happening, let's just say it's older Y/n saying it like a flashback)

Y/n L/n born May 5th 1991
I opened my eyes and I saw 5 people. One was holding me in her arms, one was sitting down next to her. There were two other older people and they were holding someone, a little boy.

Flash foward 1 year...1992
My name is Y/n L/n and I was one at the time. I was in my crib in my room and this little boy always came over when the other two adults came. He did the same thing he always did and ran toward the crib to just look at me. His name was Hanma Shuji.

Flash forward 1 year again...1993
I am now two years old and I am currently on the ground playing with the toys my parents bought for me. As always, Shuji and his parents came over. He's really mean and doesn't like to play with me. He just stands there. He's 1 year older than me.

Flash forward another year...1994
I'm three now and I was coloring in my room. Shuji and his parents were going to be coming over soon and today was the day I planned to make him my friend. They came over and he did the same as he always does and stood in his spot. "Shuji" he looked at me. I ran up towards him with a paper and a black and yellow crayon." Wana color with me?" he looked shocked because before I never bothered to talk to him and he never bothered to talk to me either. "No". Well that was a let down.

Flash foward 2 years...1996
After weeks and weeks of nagging last year, he finally accepted me as his friend. But I think he was just teasing me because I'd see him smiling anytime he rejected being my friend. I'm currently five and Shuji is six. We'd do everything together, from eating in the morning, filling up the tub and going in with swimming suits and playing pirates, to going to kindergarten together. We'd always be together and we were inseparable. We often spent nights together and play games late at night only to both get scolded by my parents.

February 5th 1998, Mr and Mrs. L/n and Mr and Mrs. Hanma died in a hit and run car accident.
Both me and Shuji were in school at the time. It had people whom we didn't know coming to pick us up from a long day of school only to tell us that our parents died. They were going to separate Shuji and I to put into foster homes because we had no family around and the people we knew already had children of their own so they didn't care about us. I remember all that pain we went through that day and it went on like that for months.

They ended up not separating us because I wouldn't let go of Shuji and he would keep holding me. Thankfully, there was a really nice foster home who took us in with their children and treated us equally. But during the months of pain Shuji and I felt, I never spoke to anyone due to shock and Shuji was trying to stay strong for me.

After about a year or more passed, I finally began speaking again and Shuji no longer felt as much pain as before but he was still missing them.

We were now 9 and 10. We went to the same school also and were sill inseparable. I also made this new friend, his name was Ryūguji Ken. He had an awesome tattoo on his head. (Pretend Draken is the same age as Hanma and the other characters are the same age as y/n) He also had no parents. We eventually grew apart though because he had other friends and Shuji didn't like me talking to other people.

14th August 2005
I'm 14 and Shuji is 15. We both decided to leave the foster home and find another house, more specifically my old house. We asked out foster parents and they understood and told us where to go because they knew we were responsible. Thankfully, no one was currently renting it and we put together some of the money our parents left us to get it back with the help of the foster family. We moved in.

After a few months, Shuji started acting weird. He also got a piercing, dyed a few strands of hair at the front of his head blonde and got a Sin and Punishment tattoos. I brushed it off as a phase though.

Present time...
I am now 16 and Shuji is 17. He dropped out of school but I stayed. I don't know what he does all the time when I'm in school though. In school, it has this really nice girl I talk to. Her name is Tachibana Hinata. I call her Hina. She's really good company. She always tell me about her boyfriend and her brother and I tell her about Shuji. We have a good friendship and I consider her my friend.

I got home and I saw Shuji there in the living room and he had this odd looking male with glasses with him. They seemed to be talking about something serious and I didn't want to intrude but my room was right next to the living room on the side of them and I wanted to shower.

Shuji didn't see me yet so I decided to act as if I just walked through the door. "I'm back Shuji, you here?" I then heard stomping noises and saw him run up to greet me. He introduced me to the boy with glasses. His name was Tetta Kisaki. I don't know what it was, but I didn't like him. After introductions, I went to my room and Shuji walked Kisaki out.

After showering, I went in the living room to put on a movie to watch because it's Friday. Shuji isn't really home early all the time but when he is home, he is either splashed with blood from fights that other people picked with him and he just defended himself he said. But when that happens, he is never injured. I guess he's just really strong. Or when he's not coming back with blood, we pop popcorn and cover up under a blanket together and watch a movie or series.

We decided to do that tonight. We were going to watch all the Harry Potter movies over again that came out. I was a huge fan and so was he. "You better not sleep away again Y/n because then I have to pause the movie." "Yea yea, I won't, besides, we are waking till morning watching movies and eating food because we barely get to do these stuff anymore cause you're never home early." "Ok Ok, I'll admit I'm never home early. But u better not sleep." While getting the food and snacks, Shuji went out by the balcony to smoke a cigarette. I told him not to but he just won't listen. Oh well, it's probably still just a phase, I hope.

Hanma POV
I went outside to smoke a cigarette while Y/n was getting snacks ready for the movie. It looked like she was ready so I tossed away the cigarette and went to change my clothes and bathe because she doesn't like the scent.
"You take like forever to bathe Shuji, it's already midnight." "I had to get the cigarette scent off, stop being fussy" I walked to the couch and layed down and ......Y/n ran into my room?😐🤨. She came running out with another one of my shirts which she will never give back.

She ran toward the couch and snuggled into the blanket."Hey you're going to take away all the blanket you fool." I snarled at her "Oops, sorry" I knew she didn't mean that sorry. But she decided to cuddle with me because that became a habit since we were younger and it never broke.

Of course she slept away. And once again I gotta pause the movie otherwise she'll get mad I watched it without her. I decided to wash the dishes and clean up the place before picking her up and carrying her to her room. She's such a little brat sometimes, but........ , I can't live without her and I wish we can be together forever.

3rd person POV
Hanma kissed y/n's forehead before pushing her to the corner of the bed and sleeping next to her, which was yet another habit when they were younger, to sleep together.(not in a nasty way to my fellow dirty minds out there). He then fell asleep still thinking about what Kisaki was telling him before about how they will be taking down Toman.

They were now both asleep and hugged eachother while they slept.

Dang I really just wrote what I wish my future boyfriend can be like😔. Anyway.. plz vote if u enjoyed it and be sure to read my other book if u haven't bye.

Word count:

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