chap 10

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Days passed since that incident occurred and right now I'm sitting with Shuji in my room. He said that he'd explain everything. So I'm hearing him out.

Hanma POV
I told her that I'd tell her everything but I don't even know where to start. And if I do tell her,... will she hate me even more. "So,.. you said you'd tell me but you haven't said a word since you came back from the hospital." "I know. But when I tell you,.. you gotta promise to hear me out till the end. Don't just jump to a conclusion and walk away or attack me." "....Ok"

3rd Person POV
Now he basically told her everything that happened. How he hunted down the men who killed their parents for revenge. "But, Kisaki said you killed someone. Is that true." "I-,........yes,.. it's true." "HOW COULD YOU KILL SOMEONE. DON'T YOU HAVE A HEART!" "..." Hanma looked down not wanting to look her in the eye. Y/n realized that she did what she promised not to do so then she sat back down on the bed next to him.

"Sorry." "No, don't say sorry. I'm sorry for keeping all this a secret from you. I should have just been honest with you." "Yeah. You should have been. I get that you hate them for what they did to our parents but that gives you no right to kill anyone. They got families to. Imagine how they felt." "Yeah,..I know. But I didn't mean to kill them. It was an accident I swear." "Accident or not. You still did." "Yeah."

After they talked things out a little more, she told him that they should get some rest. He stayed in her room because she was worried something might happen to him and she won't be there. So, he shared half of the bed and soon went to sleep.

It was now 3 am. I can't sleep. Shuji was fast asleep on his side of the bed as I just looked out my window and looked at the cars driving. He didn't want to tell me the details about how he went about killing them. He just said that it was an accident. *phone chiming*

Huh, a private number. Who in their right mind will text me this late.


If you want to know about his past come to **street in a few minutes

Who the heck is this?

Who do you think


I wonder

You asshole. You're lucky I didn't turn you in for illegal possession of a gun

Yes,.. I am quite lucky huh,.... anyway,.enough with the chit chat... be there if you want to know.


I do want to know,.. but I can't trust Kisaki. And if Shuji wakes up,.. he'll be worried. Ugh, ok. I want to know,.. I need to know. I walked infront of him and stooped down eye level. I made sure he was really asleep before changing into warmer clothes and leaving. "Sorry about this Shuji". I tied a rope I found in the storage area to my room door handle and attached that to the couch after I pushed it to jam the door. I can't have you coming to look for me.

And for the window,.. he doesn't have anyone in this building's number and they are all asleep. I ran off to the location and then soon arrived. "Huh~,... you actually came. I'm shocked." "I don't have time to waste. Tell me what you were going to tell me. "Yeah, just a minute." Before I could say anything else, someone came from behind and knocked my out. I'm such an idiot. I let my guard down.

I woke up in a dark room with only one light flashing on me. I was tied onto a chair. "Finally you're awake." ".... so are you going to kill me." "I should Huh, you little bastard." His voice changed from calm to pissed real quick. "You ruined every single one of my plans. Got Draken to tell Mikey I'm suspicious,.. THEY KICKED ME OUT OF TOMAN!. You made me loose one of my biggest strength, Hanma. So now all the plans I had in mind are ruined thanks to someone meddling."

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