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Justice pov



He was killing me.

Slowly, not fast with a knife or a gun to my heart.

He had his hands around my neck. Staring down at me with an evil smirk on his face.

All I could see was his lips. The smirk.

It looked so familier, I just couldn't place it.

I don't spend much time looking at peoples lips, so thats what got me.

Whose lips did I see every day.

That evil smirk, rare.

Finally finding my voice I scream.

I scream for every time someone hurt me.

Scream for the friend I thought I had.

But know I can't trust anyone, no friends.


As the face looks down at me, the cloud comes away and I knew my answer was right.

I scream myself awake, and come yet again with the face in my nightmeres.



Jacks POV

She won't stop screaming.

I ran over to her and tried to shake her wake.

I tried everything to get her to wake up. I knew how nightmeres were. They didn't let you out of their hold until they were done with you.

I knew this was what was happening. I just couldnt get her to wake. So I sat there holding her until she woke up.

After a while she finally wake.

She stopped screaming but once she looked over at me she stared at me with wide, terrified eyes and started thrashing around on my lap.

"Shhh, Justice it's ok, your awake nothing can happen anymore." I held her down the best I could trying to calm her. But still her legs thrashed, trying to escape my hold.


Justice POV

He wouldn't let go.

He sat holding me to his chest trying to calm me. But I wouldn't stop. No I couldnt stop. If I stopped that would mean he could hurt me.

And I couldnt have another man in my life hurt me. Never, not after my father and Will.

"Shhh, Justice everything will be ok."

"Calm down cupcake, your awake."

"I won't let anything happen to you Justice I promise."

The last thing he said to me made me still. I felt my heart skip a beat. I looked into his eyes and saw the honesty, the hard truth. He would protect me.

"Promise?" I asked before I could comprehend what I was saying.

He looked at me and slight, real smile came to his lips. " 'Till the day I die cupcake."

'Thank you.' I mummbled not thinking he heard me, until I was at the edge of the darkest slumber when I heard a small and barley audible.



Yall like that? Threw in a little hunger games and Harry Potter. MEH. The feels that one word gives us. I love getting sucked up into fandoms. But they are the cause of 98% of my tears. Anyway now that my rant is over heres the other half of the chapter. you guys didnt think i was done did you? (evil laugh) gottcha  :p


Jusitce POV


I woke to those words echoing through my mind. I looked around not knowing where I was.

The bed was so comfortable. Soft and hard at the same time. Perfect.

I tried to sit up but realized there was a muscled arm across my stomach preventing me from moving.

Frowning I followed the arm up to the face. I almost sighed when I relised who it was, but then I remembered the dream.

But no, I don't have to be afraid. He wouldn't hurt me. Not like my parents or even Will.

He would always be there for me.


Ok guys even though I shouldn't I'm giving you guys the next chapter.
Love u. Please tell ur friends to read. And also read my other book the Unknown Princess

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2015 ⏰

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