Wait, what?

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I have to say, I have never been more shocked in my life. The bad boy offering me for help in exchange hell protect me? Ha this must be a joke. But i'm bored and decided to play along.

"How long do I have to think about it?" I asked.

"Until we get to school." He answered.

Ugh. I thought. I started walking towards my school again. I'm thinking. I'm thinking. Ok think about the positives. Nobody will pick on my anymore. I get a, well I'm not even going to call him a friend cause he'd be more of a bodyguard.

Negatives, he might get into my personal life. And um well I've read a lot of teen fiction books where the good girl falls for the bad boy. And that can not happen.

As I stepped over a branch somehow I found myself falling. I closed my eyes braising myself to hit the ground. I felt something but it wasn't the ground hitting my face, it was a hand wrapping around my wrist.

Spinning me around I smashed into Jacks chest.

"This is the second time in two days that I've saved your life." He said with a smug smile. Gosh I hate that smile.

"Yeah so?"

"You owe me." A devilish smile replaced the smug one. Even worse.

"I never asked you to save me." I countered. Hoping, praying to get myself out of this mess.

"Well I did so you still owe me."

"Put it on my tab." I inwardly smirked at my come back.

"Hardy har har. Now I'm serious, you need protection."

"So did your mom. The one time she forgets it." I tsked. I did a victory dance in my head. I'm awesome, where did this come from. But my victory was short lived. Looking at Jcks face tells me I hit a sore spot.

"Whatever, I don't even know why I bothered with you." He said and walked in the oppisite direction.

Don't do it. Don't turn around. Don't. Don't. Gah screw it.

"Wait, Jack I'm sorry." I say walking up to his back.

He still hadn't turned to face me.

"I'm sorry ok. I just...I'm not used to people talking to me much less caring about me." I whispered the last part praying he didn't hear. He finally turned to face me. I see regret and love in his eyes. Wait pause, hold your horses. Love? But it's quickly covered up with a blank face.

"Who said i cared about you..." So he did here. "...I just need a tutor or I'm not going to able to graduate." He sneered. I don't think I've ever felt like this. Not even when my mom beat me, or kids called me names. This hurt. Bad.

"Okay, whatever." I shrugged putting on my poker face. "But you have to be at the library when I say." I can't belive I'm doing this.

"See you soon sweetheart." That smug smile was back. I watched his back as he walked away from school. What the hell did I get myself into?


Was'up peoples?!?!?!?!?! So sorry for the short chapter ill make the next one longer. okay so I'm back. Over a 100 veiws!!!!! yayayayayaya thanks all of you sooooo much!!! Ok so im thinking about setting a goal after each chapter. So to get the next chapter I need atleast 5 votes and 2 comments (ftom different people). Like i said before I dont have a specific time for when i post another chapter. But im trying to post a new chapter once a week. So thanks again for reading. Please vote and comment!!!!!!!


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