Bad boy is a knight?

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I never thought the day would come where I would wake up by myself. Not screaming, or being beaten. Just my alarm.

Getting up and getting ready for school is harder than you would think. The bruises from my beating last night still ache.

 I drag myself to the bathroom across the hall. Setting the shower on the highest setting I get undressed and look at myself in the mirror.

I’m disappointed; I’m completely covered with black and blue bruises. After my hot shower I use concealer to cover up the bruises on my face. There’s nothing I can do with my orange hair, so I just throw it up in a bun.

 I’m not pretty or even noticeable. I wear my most comfortable outfit. My doctor who shirt with dark jeans and doctor who converse. Call me a nerd, I don’t care I love doctor who.

Looking at the clock I realize I have 20 minutes to walk to school, which is at least 3 miles away from my house. I run down the stairs and out the door with my back pack on my back.

I stick my head phones in my ears and turn them up as loud as possible while listening to “Centuries” by Fall Out Boy. Who are amazing!!!

Being November in New York its freezing. Has been since my birthday. October 20th 1999 the day I was brought into this stupid world.

I walked the three miles quickly and soon found myself standing on the steps of my dreadful high school. Rochester High, my hell. I make my way up, dodging all the teenagers to stupid to see I was walking.

I go to my first class, math. I hate it and I'm horrible at it. I find my seat in the back corner of the classroom and wait for the lesson to start.

People start filing in, ignoring me per usual. Mr. Mathis comes in and tells everyone to shut up and take their seats.

"Today we are learning about..." Mr. Mathis drowned on.

I tuned him out and started drawing on my notebook. I jumped the the door slammed open. I looked up to see who was walking in.

It was Jack Colton.

Schools bad boy.

The boy who's smile didn't reach his eyes.

The one like me.

"What's up teach?" He said with his signature I don't give a fuck smirk.

"Mr. Colton, unless you desire another detention I highly suggest taking a seat." Said Mr. Mathis.

Jack mockingly saluted the teacher and sat a couple seats away from me. I peaked a look to find his smirk falling once he thought everyone had stopped looking.

He must have felt my eyes on him because he turned and his eyes found mine. I found myself being sucked into his icey green eyes before I came to my senses and looked away. I could feel my skin heating up and willed the clock to go faster.

I felt Jacks stare a couple times before the bell rang and I dashed out of the classroom. I slowed down once I reached the hall my locker was on and made my way to my next class.
I didn't have anymore run ins with Jack the rest of the school day, thank goodness.

I shoved my earbuds in and shuffled my music. I ended up listening to my favorite Twenty One Pilots album, Vessel of course.

I love Twenty One Pilots, besides Our Last Night they are my favorite band.

I was almost half way home when I finally got to see jack again, and not in the best circumstance's.

Stuck in my thoughts while crossing the road I didn’t notice the truck coming at me. All the sudden I was pulled back by my jacket and fell on top of someone.

My earbuds fell our just in time to hear the truck hocking and the driver yelling colorful words at me and my savior.

I got off of the person I landed on and struggled go get up. My legs were wobbly and made it difficult to stand. A hand reached out and engulfed my hand, helping me stand.

I looked up to thank the person who saved me and the words died on my like when I saw who it was.


My only thought.


This cannot be happening to me.

Not him.

Anyone but him.

Jack Colton.

The bad boy of the school. The one with the mask.

The one like me.

 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- okay so i hope you liked the first chapter of my book. The girl I am going to play Jillian  is Jennifer Stone, but imagine her with dark red hair. And the actor to play Jack is going to be played by Dave Franco. He fits the description perfectly.

------------2016 note---------------------
Edited and added a little more, I'm on summer break for a couple more weeks so over that time I will being editing the rest of the story. I changed the name of the main character from justice to jillian so let me know if you find mistakes. Also I'm sure I changed some stuff in the chapter that won't be the same in the other but I'll get to those later. Love you all and thanks for reading!

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