Jojen: A direwolf, a stag, and a Lizard-Lion

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       At first, there was nothing. Just cold, black darkness. Then there was screeching, and a blonde woman with piercing blue eyes, and tears streaming down her face, followed by a flashes of a girl with two husbands; one dead, and one alive. And then there was ice and snow, and an old man surrounded by vines; he was speaking to bran, and he promised to return to him something that was lost.....and darkness again.

        But then the dream repeated; this time it was faster, and louder. The screeching became more hair-raising, and the blonde woman's crying became more dramatic. This time, I didn't just know about the dead husband, I watched him die as his eyes filled up with blood. It flashed to the old man, but this time, the dream showed a dragon hurling flames from it's mouth....and then the girl. The pale, slender, dark haired girl that I'd seen in so many of my dreams. She was standing next to Bran and the Iron Throne; then there was a Direwolf and a black Stag running side-by-side in a large feild. Then the Direwolf and the Stag bowed to one another, and the Stag turned and continued running to a huge Weirwood tree in the middle of the grassy clearing. The Stag then approached a black Lizard-Lion in front of the tree; She lyed next to the Lizard-Lion and they stared at each other. Then the black Stag and the Lizard-Lion began to transform into people. Then the beautiful pale, raven-haired girl and I were lying side by side, in the middle of summer, next to the weirwood tree. The girl then leaned close and whispered, "Winter is coming, but winter will pass. And when winter passes, my Love, we will be.".

        Then darkness again.

        I awoke to my sister asking me what I saw; I turned to look and Landre. Her eyes were filled with questions. Her pale green eyes looked like the grassy field, and the color of her long, black braid was that of the Stag's. And then I knew.

        I was trying to get out my words, but I hadn't quite come back to myself yet. All I could manage to say was, "I saw her.".


Over the next few weeks I found that I was fighting with myself; Bran's destination was my top priority, but Landre kept taking over my green dreams, and started to think that it was something more than just her and I. Bran grew on her, and she made him laugh, something that I'd only seen a few times since I'd met him. But I was curious about her; I knew that she' a Snow, but the dream told me that she was also a Baratheon. Although, I wasn't entirely sure if she knew.

        She started up the conversation with me a few days after the dream, "So," she said, "You saw me?"

        "Yes, apparently so." I said with a smile.

        "What exactly was I doing?", she asked me. Gods, I was not ready to tell her about this.

        "It's rather odd, in all honesty.", I said nervously.

        "It can't be too bad," she replied, "in all honestly."

        "eh, well. The was you and Bran. Next to the Iron Throne.", I could tell she was already confused by what I was saying, "And then there was a Direwolf and a black Stag running together in a green field, going towards a weirwood tree. The Direwolf eventually stopped running, but the Stag continued going until she reached this Lizard-Lion sitting alone in the clearing. She the lyed next to the lizard-lion, and they layed there until they began to turn into people; the stag into you, and the lizard-lion into me. And then you leaned in and whispered....'Winter is coming.'" I told her, changing the end.

        "heh....",She said. "A direwolf, a stag, and a lizard-lion....what does all that mean?", she asked.

        "House sigils. Direwolves are Starks, Lizard-Lions are Reeds, and Stags....", I drifted.

        "Baratheons.", She answered. She almost looked ashamed to say it.

        "I didn't want to ask, but I wondered." 

        "Yes.", she said, "My father was Robert Baratheon."

        "I can understand why you'd prefer to be called Snow." I said.

        We walked in silence for a bit, but she asked another question,"'Winter is coming'. Is that all I said?", She asked.

        I was honest, and answered,"No, it isn't. But I don't want to spoil the ending." 

        "Alright", she smiled and laughed a bit. and then it was settled.

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