Chapter 18

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Brook's POV
"Brook come down here please!" My mom yelled, waking me up.

I look at my clock and it reads 9:17 am..... Really mom.... REALLY!!!

I start walking downstairs to see some random strangers with my mom. One looks about Skylynns age and the other looks my moms age...

"Yes ma'am?" I say to my mom, annoyed because she woke me up this early.

"Brook, I would like you to Jason and his daughter Angie!" My mom said. She's way to fucking perky in the morning.

"Nice to meet you, Jason and Angie. I'm Brook! Mom if you don't mind I'm going back to sleep. "

"Oh no your not. If you would've gone to bed at a decent time -" after that I zoned out. I hate when parents say that. Like I could've gone to bed at freaking 7 pm and still wouldn't wake up this early.

"Oh yea. I need you to babysit Angie today while me and Jason go have dinner together..." my mom says begging for my permission.

"Okay....???" I say in confusion. Who the hell is this "Jason"? Is he dating my mom?....

"Ok. Well me and Jason have to go to work so please take good care of Angie ok?" My mom ask. Sooo that's were they know each other.

"Okay. Whatever..." I said. My mom kisses me and Jason thanks me and they leave. I guess it's just me and Angie now...

"Do you want to watch some tv sweetie?" I say to Angie.

"Yes please!! Can you put on spongebob?" She ask politely. Damn I wish Rhett acts like this.

I put on Dora and run up to my room to get a shower. I got in washed my hair and body, shaved my arms and legs, and got out. I dried my self and slipped on a Orange high low tank top, Aéropostale shorts, and my gold sandals. I blow dry and straighten my hair and walked back downstairs.

I walk through the kitchen to get some orange juice and some Oreos. I open the pantry and all my Oreos are gone. Okay....

I open the fridge and pour my self some orange juice. When I start drinking I hear voices start singing the spongebob theme song. Like I said voices.

I walk out the kitchen and stick my head around the corner that leads to the living room. And sure enough I see and similar figure next to Angie. My he figures also has my Oreos in one hand and my... fruity pebbles??

"Nash what are you doing here?" I say to the dancing Nash in my living room

"Well I came by to see if you wanted to hang out. But then I heard spongebob and saw this midget stranger but she seemed cool so I grabbed your food and sang along " He said with a smirk

I just laughed and sat down with them on the couch and watched spongebob. Nash would occasionally burst into song.

After 2hours of singing and dancing, I had a sleeping Angie in my bed and a sleeping Nash on the couch.

"Night Nashty" I whisper while trying to walk away. But of corse, he pulled my down on the couch and was cuddling with me. Is it sad that I'm used to this now??


I woke up and gazed at the clock. It read 4:55pm. Damn we slept for awhile!! I try to get up but there's a protective arm around me. I look down and see that me and Nash are.... SPOONING!!! Oh hell no.

"Nash wake the fuck up!" I say while smacking him in the face.

"Yea yea I'm up" he says yawning. He looked around his environment before he got up to use the bathroom.

I walked upstairs to wake up Angie. I walk in my room to see Angie playing around in my dance shoes...okay?

"Hey Angie!! Umm whatcha doing?" I say to her. She gave me a huge smile and explained that she likes dancing.

"Brook someone's at the door!!" I hear Rhett yell from his room. He has either been out all summer, or trapped in his room. Can't even remember the last time I saw him.

I walk through the hallway and went to Rhett's room.

"Hey Rhett!" I said walking in sitting on his bed.

"What's up?" He said not looking from his computer. I could tell he was busy, the amount of homework he had on his desk and the amount of word and PowerPoint documents he had on his computer really said something.

I started to walk downstairs to go and open the door. I guess nash already beat me to it because Hayes was sitting on the couch on his phone.

"What's up hayes?" I said sitting down next to him. He looked up and smiled that award winning smile.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to hangout but I see you busy..." He said referring to Angie.

"I got to go. I'm going to catch a movie with Matt and Cameron" He said as he got up from the couch.

"Tell them I said Hey!" I said. He gave me a nod and walked out the door.

"Guess it's just us three then" Hayes said laughing.

"Brook I'm hungry!" Angie said pointing to her stomach then her mouth. I silently laughed at her gesture but the walk to the kitchen. Hayes followed behind me.

"Whatcha gonna make?" Hayes said rubbing his stomach, referring that he is hungry.

"I don't know. Something simple but kid wise I guess. " I said. I started to ramage through the pantry and the cabinets of kitchen. I pull out macaroni and cheese and some Chicken nuggets out of the freezer.

Hayes popped the chicken in the oven while I started on the Mac and cheese. Angie came in the kitchen to see what we were making.

"Mmmmmhhhhhh my favorite!!"

15 mins later (spongebob voice 😏👍)

We finished eating and I put in Netflix for Angie. Rhett walked into his room because he was not about to watch what she wanted to watch. She wanted to watch Frozen and so I left Hayes in there all by him self. Trust me, I've seen frozen so many times and can say it word for word.

I went to go wash the dishes but the were already done. I see a sticky note on the cup cabinet that said "You owe me one! -Hayes".

"You know your really good with kids right?" Hayes says coming into the kitchen.

"Don't like to toot my own horn but you know" I said smirking at him. He just silently laughed.

Angie came rushing in saying that she slipped and hit her leg on the coffee table. I set her on the counter and take a look at her knee. I was all scratched up and was bleeding a fairly decent amount of blood.

I take out the first aid kit and open up to peroxide. I put some on a washcloth and dab the wound. She hesitated for a bit but finally gave in. I put Neosporin on her knee and put a Elsa bandage on it.

She walked back into the living room to finish watching the movie. I put the first aid kit up and closed the cabinet. I look at Hayes to see him looking at me like any girl would love to be looked at.

His eyes were filled with compassion, Admiration, and Love. I look at him the same way. He noticed and smiled. He looked down at my lips and back to my eyes. I did the same.

He started to lean in and so did I. Our lips meet and they moved in perfect sync. His kiss was rough, yet full of passion. I never wanted this kiss to end. But I did.

We pulled apart and looked at each other. And in this moment I realized that I'm in love with my best friend, My shoulder to cry on, My laughter, My #1 fan, My worst critic, My tears, My madness, My everything.

I'm in Love with Hayes Grier

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