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"Hey! Guess what!" Meowed Graypaw suddenly "Ravenpaw managed to squeeze a compliment out of old Tigerclaw this morning" "Really?" Firepaw gasped "What on earth did you do to please!??" "Well," Ravenpaw began shyly looking at his paws " I caught a crow" " How'd you manage that?" Firepaw meowed impressed "Well, it was an old one" Ravenpaw admitted modestly "But it was huge!" Added Graypaw "Even Tigerclaw couldn't find anything wrong with that. He's been in such a bad mood ever since Bluestar took you on as her apprentice" He licked his paw thoughtfully for a moment "Hang on, make that since Lionheart became deputy" Graypaw corrected himself

"He's just worried about Shadowclan and the extra patrols" Ravenpaw meowed hastily "You should try not to annoy him" Their conversation was interrupted by a loud yowl from the other side if the clearing "Oh no" Firepaw groaned, getting to his paws "I forgot to take Yellowfang her share!" "You wait here" Graypaw said leaping up "I'll take her something"  "No, I'd better go" Firepaw protested "This is my punishment not yours" "Nobody will notice" Graypaw argued "They're all busy eating, you know me: quiet as a mouse, speedy as a fish. Wait here"

Firepaw watched his freind trot away to the tree stump, he was glad for the few peacefull moments now he could finally think without getting interrupted Hmm for some reason my fight with Longtail keeps replaying itself in my head, not to mention that weird dream I had last night.

Firepaw~ Firepaw~! "Huh!! Who's there!? Come out and fight me!" Firepaw yelled getting into a protective stance "Fire alone must save the clan but it must find a spark for it to blaze" A familiar but unknown voice said (btw, for those of you who don't know I updated the prophecy)"W-what!" Firepaw stuttered "Find a spark for it to blaze~" "Find a spark for it to blaze~" "Find a spark for it to blaze~!" The voice echoed into the darkness until it was no more
End of Flashback

"Firepaw!" Ravenpaw whisper/shouted "H-huh what?" Firepaw replied startled "W-weren't you paying attention? Tigerclaw caught Greypaw!" Ravenpaw whispered in panic "What?!" Firepaw turned around to see Tigerclaw force Greypaw to eat two fat mice, Firepaw's stomach clenched as he saw Graypaw walking towards them with a heavy belly "Sorry you had to go through that" Firepaw appologised as he nudged his freinds soft fur "N-no problem" Greypaw grunted as he fell to the floor Fireheart flinched "Are you okay Greypaw?" Firepaw asked concerned "A-ate t-too m-much" Greypaw grunted in pain "Go and see Spottedleaf" Firepaw suggested "I'm sure she'll find something to help" "I hope so" meowed Greypaw tottering away slowly, Firepaw wanted to watch him go, until another angry yowl from Yellowfang sent him sprinting across the clearing

Longtail P.O.V:

Longtail couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Firepaw scurrying across the clearing to Yellowfang, then suddenly he heard footsteps make it's way to him "Lionheart wants you on a hunting patrol with the kittypet after he's finished feeding Yellowfang" Tigerclaw snarled spitting out the word kittypet with disgust, though Longtail could hear a bit of despise in Lionheart's name as well "Of course Tigerclaw" meowed Longtail saluting him verbally Tigerclaw just nodded his head in response

Longtail walked passed Tigerclaw and padded towards Firepaw, now one would think that Longtail would find it absolute torture to be paired up with Firepaw but what was actually going on in his head was Heh I can imagine the frustration and horror on the kittypet's cute face thought Longtail ........Wait....... Cute!!!?? Longtail thought with frustration and worry all over his face Gah! What is happening to me!? I keep thinking these weird things about the kittypet since......... I don't know how long !!! Thought Longtail in alarm

_________Short Time Skip________

"Hey kittypet!" Said Longtail in annoyance "H-huh!" Said Firepaw startled as he jumped around in surprise, Longtail couldn't help but inwardly smirk at this "Lionheart wants us for a hunting patrol" Meowed Longtail "O-oh! Ofcourse!" Stammered Firepaw "Come on let's get going" Said Longtail trying to sound as annoyned as possible, which failed miserably but Firepaw seemed to have beleived it

    (When they got to Lionheart)

"Ah, there you are Longtail, Firepaw" Called Lionheart "Come on now, let's get on with the patrol" He meowed "Ofcourse Lionheart!" Meowed Firepaw energetically "I like to see that enthusiasm young Firepaw" Lionheart said as the he padded away with the patrol close behind (Incase you're wondering, the patrol is: Longtail, Firepaw, Sandpaw,Whitestorm, Runningwind and Lionheart)

Lionheart led them to Sunningrocks "Whitestorm you can pair up with Sandpaw, Runningwind with me and Longtail with Firepaw" Lionheart instructed they nodded in agreement and went their seperate ways. Longtail lifted his tail signalling Firepaw to stop; at first Firepaw seemed confused but he soon found out why. Longtail had scented a squirrel, "You go from behind and chase it towards me, okay?" Longtail whispered, Firepaw silently nodded as he crept his way behind the squirrel, he then got into his hunting crouch and pretended to pounce on the squirell sending it towards Longtail who succesfully caught it. With a rinse and repeat of the whole afternoon and you got yourself a succesfull hunt

"Okay I think one more catch and that should be enough" Said Longtail, Firepaw nodded eagerly, they scented a thrush and Firepaw stealthily sneaked up behind it and began chasing it Longtail's way, but what they didn't know was that the thrush had already spotted Longtail and instead of being driven into his paws the thrush flew away, sending Longtail and Firepaw crashing into each other. Firepaw was on top of Longtail and they were in a position in which if any cat stumbled upon them it could easily be misunderstood

Both of them blushed at how close they were and a flutter arose in Longtails chest his pelt was suddenly heating up and he felt like he had butterflies in his stomach (same for Firepaw)
- What is happening to me!!??
- What is happening to me!!??
They both thought

A/N: Hello everyone I just wanted to tell you that I will probably be updating once in a week and thank you for reading my fanfics (also this is a new record 1061 words)

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