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Longtail woke up startled, what was that dream? Did he get a message from starclan? No! No no no no no no no, if starclan wanted to convey a message to the clan it would be through Spottedleaf, not me. But that was a really weird dream, and why was that annoying kittypet in my dream! Ughhhh that stupid kittypet was already interfering in his personal life without even knowing.

He grunted as he woke up "What time is it?" He whispered to himself he looked out of the warrior's den, it was a bit past dawn "Well, time to get up" he said, yawning as he stretched his legs, he walked out of the warrior's den. Longtail walked up to the freshkill pile grabbed a mouse, deciding to eat with Darkstripe today

"So I heard you were beat up by the kittypet" Darkstripe teased "Oh shut up will you, I was just going easy on him, the next time we spar I'm gonna go all out and give him a little reminder while I'm at it" Longtail said frustrated "Whatever you say....." Darkstripe trailed off sarcastically Ughhhhhhh that kittypet who does he think he is coming into my life out of nowhere!! And making a complete fool out of me! I just want to rip him into tiny pieces, is that so wrong?!!!

Longtail finished up his mouse and stood up "I'm going hunting" He said before turning around to leave. He walked out of the camp walls "Hmmm where should I hunt?" The long tailed warrior pondered "Sunningrocks would be nice but there was a battle there recently and tensions are still high so no." "Hmmm what about snakerocks? Nah I don't wanna be checking for adders behind my back every few seconds this early in the morning" "What about in the ravine yah, that would be a nice place to hunt but....... Greypaw is going hunting their today" Well it's my only other option I guess I'll have to get their faster then them if I want to contribute in stocking up the camp incase Shadowclan warriors attack

Once Longtail reached the Ravine he immediately scented a vole near the stream, he got into a hunter's crouch and steadily creep closer, he was just about to pounce when...... another cat pounced before him and caught the vole, snapping it's neck and placing it down. Frustrated Longtail looked up to see who stole his prey and it was none other then the Kittypet!!!!!! "Grrrrr dumb kittypet why did you have to steal my prey!!" Longtail snarled "Oh Longtail!!" Firepaw looked up in surprise "I didn't notice you were here sorry for stealing your catch" He apologised "Tch whatever I can't blame you, Wait what am I saying!! after all you are a kittypet who doesn't know the first thing about clan life and will probably go back crying for it's owners since clan life is too rough for it" Longtail sneered

"I'm not a kittypet!! And I'm never going back to the two-legs I'll prove everycat wrong and become the best warrior Thunderclan's ever seen!" Firepaw stated before running off with his catch Heh he's cute when he's angry.... WAIT WHAT!!!! What am I thinking!!!! Ughhhhhh stupid kittypet

________________ Time Skip ______________

Firepaw P.O.V:

I'm not a kittypet, I'm not a kittypet, I'm not a kittypet, I'm not a kittypet, I'm not a kittyp- "Firepaw!!" Graypaw yelled snapping him out of his thoughts "Wh- what?" Firepaw stuttered "Firepaw! You've been crouching like that for at least 20 minutes and that vole has been long gone what were you doing?" Greypaw stated "Well I was umm thinking about something" Firepaw meowed Well it's only half a lie "Oh really, then why weren't you answering when I was calling you several times?"  Greypaw asked "You were?" Firepaw meowed

"Ughhhh ofcourse I was, anyway let's get back to camp maybe the afternoon sun is making you dizzy" Graypaw meowed as he headed back to camp "Yeah maybe" Firepaw meowed as he catched up with his freind

________________At camp_______________

Firepaw could tell the cat's at camp were impressed by the amount of prey the three apprentices had manged to catch during their afternoon hunt, well most of them he thought as he saw Longtail glaring at him, Lionheart and Tigerclaw had just returned with their patrol as Firepaw, Greypaw and Ravenpaw carried their last load into camp "Well done you three" Lionheart meowed "I hear you've been busy, the store is full you might as well add that last bit to the fresh-kill pipe for tonight, and take some of it with you to your den you deserve a feast!" He meowed, the three apprentices flicked their tails with delight

"I hope you've not been neglecting Yellowfang with all this hunting Firepaw" Tigerclaw growled warningly Firepaw shook his head impatiently, eager to get away. He was starving. He had obeyed the warrior code this time and not eaten a morsel while he was out hunting for the clan, nor had Graypaw or Ravenpaw. They trotted away and dropped the last of their kill on the fresh kill pile, it was already quite stacked huh Longtail must have stacked it Firepaw thought.

They each took a peice and carried it back to the den, the den was empty "Where are Sandpaw and Dustpaw?" Asked Ravenpaw "They must still be out on patrol" Firepaw guessed "Good" Greypaw meowed "Peace and Quiet". They ate their fill and lay back to wash the cool evening air was welcomed after the heat of the day

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