Chapter 6

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Ok guys so i know last chapter wasnt long so i apolagise! I didnt realise how short it was until i actually uploaded it.  enjoy the next chapter  though :)


"Everybody's got somebody but me.........." With my guitar in my hands and my voice singing out loud im showing the most real side to me. The one that nobody knows about. I hope that maybe one day i can trust that i can show it to someone without them laughing at me. That they wont think my soft spot for music is stupid, and that i should give it up.

Sighing, i got up when i heard a soft sleepy mumble " Jake? is that you?" "uh yeah Niamh im here are you ok?" i replied, walking around to the side of my bed. "Just a little sore but uh.... who..... who changed my clothes? It wasnt you or my brother was it?" She replied a faint blush gracing her already pink cheeks. I chuckled softly "uh no it was my next door neighbour Molly she cleaned up your wounds and got you changed. You got beat up pretty bad...... do.... do you remember any of it at all?" I replied rubbing the back of my neck .  "Urm not really its all a bit of a blur, i remember walking back out of your apartment building into the ally but anything after that is just a blur. Oh and can you help me sit up?" I did as i was asked and sat down next to her on  the bed.

"So i take it this is your room then?" "Yeah yeah this is my room just red and grey walls with a few stuff on 'em not much but its enough for me" i watched her smiling as i matched hers. "Its nice, bit like mine really red and grey walls with not much stuff on 'em" I chuckled putting my head on top of my hands waiting for the next question which i knew was sure to come, but what she asked i would never be prepared for. "So when do your parents usually come home then?" SHIT! What was i supposed to tell her?! I couldnt tell her the truth no way! She'd ask too many questions and i couldnt handle that its too soon! so i did the only thing a person in my position would do i plasterd on a fake smile and said "what is this an interrogation?  or 20 questions? if its an interrogation i will surely be worried about what i've got myself into!" she hung her head down laughing at my joke, looking up she said " well im just like my twin then, we're both awkward and ask loads of questions" YES!  if i play my cards right she wont bring it up again. "twins! both alike and all!" i cried carrying on the joke. I loved hearing her laugh it matched her personality perfectly.

We sat and talked for hours; after that we all skype called the Parker twin's mum and told her what happened and that they would be staying at mine for the night before they came back home in the morning. Mrs Parker talked to me to make sure i wasnt some weird mentally crazed person who was keeping her children against their will, and yes she actually said that . Aulthough once i spoke to her and assured her that they would be safe in my hands of care she visibly relaxed and said she'd call the school and that we could all take the day off. When she spoke to Niamh just the sight of her daughter in pain brought her to tears, when they spoke a pang in my stomach came wishing for someone to feel that towards me. Love. i had to be strong for everyone i couldnt possibly explain it. I mean i just had to.

We decided we would call in for pizza and that Niamh would stay in my appartement with Molly considering it would be best not to move her and that  i would stay in Molly's appartement with Luke. "Oh my god" she moaned. "what? whats wrong?" i asked feeling slightly panicked. "this pizza is the shit! what company is it and where can i buy it?" Niamh gushed, l sighed smiling and started to laugh. once i started to laugh it just caused a massive domino effect and soon Molly and Luke were laughing too. "what whats so funny?" Niamh asked with confusion written all over her face. not lierally but you guys know what i mean. "you sounded like you were in pain and then you tell us that your pizza is the fucking shit it was just not we were expecting you to say thats all" her brother explained all the whilest trying to surpress his laughter. the next word she said just made us laugh even harder "oh....." thats it, that is what left us all eventually including her rolling on the floor laughing and yes i did just say ROFL. once we all sobered up i wiped the rolling tears off of my face and noticed Molly yawning "dude why dont you and me leave these two tierd girls to go to bed and we can go back to Molly's?" Luke whisperd, "yeah that sounds good; lets go" i replied. we bid our good nights to the girls and we agreed to all meet at 9:30 am to plan out our days event.


ok so i know this chapter isnt very long either but im having major writes block and i am so sorry that i havnt written in ages things have been hectic so that is my elxplanition to you all. so yeah much love and i wil see you all next update 

LifeLover97 :)


i noticed people arn't leaving comments and voting or getting more people to read this :( People we are in 2013! For crying out loud we can at least spread the word about this and to my silent reader this means YOU! i desperatly want more people to read my story! if you like this i want you to share it PLEASE!! Oh and what do you gus think of my new cover? it took me forever to work out how to edit it but ive done it and im pleased about it but Help a girl out please! Guys i hate having to rant like this every chapter so can you guys comment, vote and possibbly create me a book cover for me it would be really appreciated and you wouldnt have to have me ranting to you guys all the time! :( so yeah im all ranted out now but

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