Chapter Three

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Hey guys I'm sorry this has taken soooo long to upload but me being the weird person I am wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! This is probably not that great because I had writers block for a while so yeah and like i said before PEOPLE PLEASE SOMEONE DO ME A FRONT COVER THE TEMPORARY ONE I HAVE IS BECOMING TOO TEMPORARY!!!!!! Also please please please comment i need feedback people! Yeah so lemme get onto the story now i feel I'm ranting on too much sorry guys ;)


Chapter three

There she was my Cassie it was perfect I mean I had her in my arms but suddenly my dream changed as she said "you know I was never really going to be with you was I?" "Huh?" I pulled back in surprise. "Oh come on I mean Luke was always so much more good looking than you! But did you ever really think you ever had me? I mean I was only with you for the popularity wasn't I!" she snarled her voice dripping with venom as she walked over to Luke and held him her arms as they both laughed. I woke up panting and heard banging and shouting from outside my door. "Jack are you ok? Open the door! Jack let me in! JACK!" I got up and put some PJ bottoms and my slippers on and walked to my door. I opened it to find a distressed looking molly standing outside my door in her PJ's. "Jack! Open the- oh hi are you ok?" she questioned looking oddly worried. "Yeah I'm fine why?" I felt really confused.

"Oh right sorry I heard screaming coming from your flat when I came out to get my post" as realisation set in I knew what a fool I had made of myself. "Uh right well I had a nightmare I didn't mean to disturb you I didn't realise I was screaming" I ran my hand through my hair and looked away feeling uncomfortable with the conversation. "Oh right well are you ok now?" she inquired her cheeks turning just a tinge pink. "Yeah I'm fine thanks urm anyway I will let you get back to your flat and to your mail" I replied starting to back out of the hall. "Urm yeah no problem and by the way nice pig slippers" she replied smirking. "oh yeah you like em' they oink when I walk and I like your pig PJ's we seem to match " I responded smirking as I watched her face fall and her cheeks turn even pinker than it was. "Right well now I'm leaving she stuttered as she turned and started walking down the hall to her flat. I chuckled to myself as I walked back into my flat then did I realise why id been screaming. It had been about her. I mentally shook myself and got myself ready for school.

Today was gonna be a day of pure hell. As I left my flat I started jogging my way to school I was happy enough running with Biffy Clyro blaring through my headphones but as soon as I got to school that contented feeling disappeared. As I walked through the gates I got bombarded with people asking me if I was ok. It really was going to be hell wasn't it?!?!? "look guys I'm fine I just wanna be left alone is all" I replied in a bored manner and as no sooner than the words came out of my mouth everybody was gone. I sighed and carried on to my locker as I rounded the corner to my locker my heart sank. Cassie was there. I was about to walk away but she saw me and ran over and practically threw herself at me. "Jake are you ok? When you ran off yesterday I thought you were going to do something stupid like committing suicide or something! Say something! Anything?!?!?" She uttered out barley being able to speak from all the sniffling and the tears. "Yes I'm fine why would I commit suicide over you? And anyway what do you want me to say that I forgive you? That I'm cool with it? That you and me are ok? Because we're not Cassie there's nothing else left for me to say I caught you cheating we're over Cass" I shut my locker and walked off. As the day went on I never really said a word to anyone and only talked when I had to and by the time the bell to end school came around I was relived to get to track practice and just run to the beat of my music. As I was jogging I noticed someone running along par with me. I looked over to see someone id never met before with me. As we neared the end of the track I pulled off my headphones and stopped to catch my breath before speaking. "Um hey man I'm Jack Lacey I don't think vie seen you around here before?" I asked my voice breathy from the running. "That's because you haven't I'm Nate Parker I just moved here from Australia Sydney to be proper and I only started here today" the stranger shot back cockily. "Oh right well how you do like Ireland so far?" I questioned intrigued now. "Yeah Dublin's nice but it's cold not as nice as Sydney compared weather wise but other than that yeah its cool by the way should be continue jogging?"

"Uh yeah well don't worry once you get used to the area it's pretty cool anyway you any good at running?" I replied curious since he was running up to par with me. "Yeah I'm alright but my sister's better" he explained. "Oh yeah whets she like?" I asked liking this guy more and more. " urm she's petite, has long dark brown hair almost black , 16 like me she's my twin, really into rock music and Pirates of the Carrabian oh and she's older than me by 5 minutes" Nate said grinning from ear to ear. "Really what's her name?" I think curiosity was getting the better of me by this point. "Niamh she's awesome everyone loves her. Speak of the devil over there" he said pointing over at a stunning girl walking onto the field. Looking up from her iPod she waved and jogged over to us "hey little brother and new friend" she said smiling happily as she began jogging beside her twin I could easily see the resemblance between them. "Hey I'm Jack Lacey and you're Niamh Parker right?" I said between breaths. "The one and only nice to meet you Jack Lacey" she spoke out easily and waved across to me. The moment I laid my eyes on her I knew she wasn't like most girls she was different but in a good way and she was beautiful!

Soo whatcha thinks gonna happen as time goes on? Lemme know your thoughts and whatnot PLEASE! Also i havnt really checked for many mistakes so sorry if ive made many! :( xxx

The song dedicated to this chapter is............................... The Captain by Biffy Clyro

Hasta la vista amigos!


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