Chapter Five

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"Some things we don't talk about

Rather do without

And just hold the smile

Falling in and out of love

Ashamed and proud of

Together all the while

You can never say never

While we don't know when

But time and time again

Younger now than we were before

Don't let me go

Don't let me go

Don't let me go


Picture, you're the queen of everything

As far as the eye can see

Under your command

I will be your guardian

When all is crumbling

To steady your hand

You can never say never

While we don't know when

Time, time, time again

Younger now than we were before

Don't let me go

Don't let me go

Don't let me go


We're pulling apart and coming together again and again

We're growing apart but we pull it together, pull it together, together again

Don't let me go

Don't let me go

Don't let me go"


i trailed off feeling lighter now that i had sung until i heard a knock on the door breaking me out of my temporaray bubble where i felt safe and secure. i put my guitar back in its rack in the corner and walked to the door hearing another knock. "alright alright im coming" i opened the door to find to find Luke standing there looking drenched and scared holding a beat up Niamh in his arms  "Jake man you gotta help me?!" i ushered him inside as quick as i could mostioning him to put his twin on the couch. " dude what happened?!" i exclamed whilst getting the first aid kit feeling guilty about being rude about not opening the door quicker. "well as we were walking down the alley this bunch guys came out of the shadows and two of them held me back whilst they pushed Ni to the ground and beat her until she became unconcious i tried to get to her i really did but they were too strong!" he said looking distraught over his twin. i checked her pulse it was beating but she needed tending to badly, "hey man where did they hurt her?" i asked "urm mainly her stomach and her face" he said looking away from her. "ok well ill need to take off her shirt has she got a sports bra on underneath?" i just got an incredulous look from him and "come on man im her brother not her boyfriend!". "ok ive got an idea stay here im just gonna run next door take Ni into my room and lay her on my bed" he nodded whilst i ran out the door "Molly open the door! Molly open up!" i shouted whilst knocking furiously on her front door. "what?!" she exclamed annoyed but her face softend once seeing mine "you have to come help me Niamh's been attacked!" i gasped pulling her through my door and into my room. Molly took one look at Luke and asked the same question i had about where she had been attacked " ok boys out! let me tend to her and only then you can come back in got it!" she instructed, we both nodded and left the room immediatly leaving Molly to do her magic.

Its been an hour since we left my room and molly still hadnt come out yet and i could tell i wasnt the only one getting antsy as Luke was pacing up and down the lounge looking more and more worried by the second. we must have looked like a right pair Luke pacing and myself sitting just bouncing my leg up and down. suddenly luke spoke up " i cant believe i let that happen to her, you shouldve seen the look on her face man it was helpless i mean she bearly got a punch in!" I stood up and walked over to him and sat him down on the couch as he put his head in his hands. " hey man there was nothing you could do if these guys were holding you back" i replied while he just shook his head and looked up and said " i suppose i mean these guys were huge mother fuckers!" i just laughed when a thought came to mind "did you see these guys faces? or remeber anything else that happened?" he looked at me  when i saw a thought flicker across his features. " i do remember one of them saying this is for Cassie and i vaguely recognised his voice but i know where an i didnt catch any of the faces either and none of the others spoke", i stood up mumbling incoherent words but got cut off when Molly came out of my bedroom shutting the door behind her and walked over to myself and Luke. " well ive tended to all her wounds and she seems fine no broken bones or anything but she will be sore when she wakes up so make sure to give her some strong painkillers but other than that my work is done" both Luke and i attacked Molly into a hug smiling like idiots " Guys cant breathe!" she gasped out and stumbled backwards as we let go. " Molly thank you so much i cant even start to tell you how much i owe you seriously!" Luke said, as molly blushed  deep pink spreading across her cheeks. " Oh no its nothing really it was the least i could do and maybe you can pay me back by taking me out to lunch sometime?" came her reply blushing deeper. Luke smiled and turned to me and asked "have you got a little pad and pen?" i just chuckled and handed him what he wanted off the table he wrote what i assumed to be his number and handed it to Molly with a smile. The deep blush that she had before turned even darker when she saw what he had wrote and then this time it was his turn to blush "wou- would you mind staying ju- just for Niamh's sake of course" he uttered out glaring at me as i started to laugh at the pair of them. "yeah yeah of course" i left them to talk a smile on my face as i walked into my bedreoom to find Ni still asleep. i sat down next to her and sighed i wonder if she knows i think about her?........


Yo bitches!

so here is the next chapter comment rate subscribe you know the drill and i dont want to sound like im repeating myself but SOMEONE MAKE ME A COVER PLEASE! ok telling off over please reccommend to your fellow wattpaders too!

Lots of love xxx

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