Welcome Back to Blooming Lotus Cafe

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This is part 2 of the cafe AU
Lan Xichen was focused on the menu. He'd heard the lotus root soup was good. Having decided what he wanted he'd turned to his brother to see if he had decided but before he could ask. The sound of yelling was heard and then what seemed like a plate smashing. He almost gave himself whiplash when he'd turned his head to see where the sound came from. There stood the barista who he'd seen a minute ago behind the counter and what seemed to be an enraged customer. Then two other people,
one female and one male, ran out from the back of the cafe. LXC assumes they're cafe staff as well. The male grabs a hold of the customer and the female ushers the barista to the back. When they're almost past LXC he recognises a brown stain on the front of the males shirt.
The female too looks familiar. "Yanli!" As her name is called she turns to see a familiar face.

"Xichen, what're u doing here?!"
"Let's talk later first we should treat the burn"
"Ah yes, Xichen could I actually ask u to dress the wound for me please, I just want a word with the gentleman"
"Leave it to me"

On that cue LXC asks JC to guide him to where the first aid kit is.
WWX had a tight grip on the man's collar. He'd grabbed the man in a rage. Before he knew it the man had tried to swing at him and he clenched his eyes closed waiting for the impact but nothing came. Peeling his eyes open he'd found that someone had caught the man's hand, turning he sees a man with a stoic expression. "L-Lan Zhan!". Yanli had walked up behind the trio and LWJ moved in front of WWX shielding him from the angry customer. "Sir, Could I get your name please."

"Why would I give it to you"

"Unless you want me to call a police officer to interrogate you for it, I'd appreciate if u spoke up 😊" (woo go shijieee)

The stoic male finally spoke up
"No need" he spoke and took out his police badge, "were you planning on pressing charges?"
"Yes, and you sir. My lawyer will be in contact. I don't want to see you ever again. Don't let me see you near this store or anywhere near my brothers."

LWJ had cuffed the man and brought him to his car not before shooting a text to his brother telling him he will be at the station writing up a report.

Yanli then turned to WWX scolding him for being reckless and that he could've been injured too if he wasn't careful. She ended her lecture with a teasing question.

"Sooooo, that police officer seemed to be shielding you, do you know him by any chance?"

WWX was flustered by the impromptu reunion. "We were classmates in Highschool"

Yanli peered at her brother's face "hmm I don't think he was just a classmate 😌"

"Okay I may or may not have had a crush on him"

"My, my A-Xian is really grown up now." Shejie wiped fake tears out of her eyes.

"Stop teasing me!" WWX pleaded
(Let's check on LXC and JC)

"Okay your all patched up, you can take some painkillers for the pain." LXC looked back at the male who was staring at him intently.

"Have we met before?, you seem familiar"

LXC was taken a back by the question. "I was in your sisters year at school, maybe you recognise me from then? My brother was school council president in your year as well"

JC could almost faint, how did he forget who LWJ's brother was, LXC himself was school council president and much loved by the student body, him included.

A blush quickly grew on the flustered man's face. "Uh- uhm- oh that's right you were going to order something right?"

"Woah there calm down you need to rest. You are still injured remember. I wouldn't mind getting your number though."

It was at this moment JC was no longer an angry grape/eggplant he was a very red tomato.

Before he could implode, LXC took out his phone and nudged it towards him.

"How about we get lunch one day, Jiang Wanyin"

And that's all it took for JC to faint.

"I hope that meant yes..."

"Y-Yes I would like that."

"Okay, then it's a date."

And JC was out once again.

I might write one in future solely on WangXian in this AU but for now enjoy this Xicheng moment hehe. :9

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