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"Ow!" Dawn suddenly shouts. Y/n glances over to see Dawn and Ricky fighting over the chemicals.

"You don't just dump chemicals into a beaker willy-nilly," Ricky nags.

"Well, I'm tired of all the waity-waity. Let's get to the dumpy-dumpy," Dawn argues, starting to raise her voice.

Just then, Nicky walks into the science room wearing a hazmat suit. "Safety first. Goggles," Nicky tells Dicky, who has his goggles up.

"Chill. If I wear goggles, how are the ladies gonna see my eyes?" Dicky asks.

"They won't, but that's alright," Y/n tells him.

"You're right. They'll make me look cooler." Dicky then turns to Y/n and says, "Hey, babe. Let's make science."

"That's not what I said, and never in a million years," she replies.

"Are we done, children? Can we let the science fair winner..." Ricky begins before getting interrupted by Dawn.

"Runner-up," she reminds him.

Ricky gets defensive and yells, "It's under review! I have a process, Dawn," he impatiently adds.

"I'm sorry Dawn, but I agree with Ricky," Y/n announces. "You don't just pour in chemicals. It can be dangerous. What if it were to explode?!"

"Don't worry, Y/n. It'll be fine. Here's my process, Ricky," Dawn says before pouring the chemicals into the beaker.

"Willy-nilly! Willy-nilly!" Ricky cries as he starts pouring water in as well, causing the chemicals to bubble.

"Fools!" Nicky screams right before the chemicals shoot out of the beaker like a rocket.

"Science is awesome," Dicky concludes after the entire room is covered in foam.

"Look what you did!" Ricky gasps.

"Me? You're the science fair runner-up!" Dawn accuses.

Taking a handful of the foam, Ricky starts to throw it at Dawn but hesitates at the last moment. Dawn uses this to her advantage and chucks a glob of foam in Ricky's face. "That's what you get for waiting," Dawn taunts. Ricky no longer hesitates and throws a handful of foam back at Dawn.

"That foam is going to give you rashes!" Nicky warns.

"Yeah? Well, happy scratching!" Dawn says before unzipping the hazmat suit, putting a pile of foam inside, and then zipping it back up. Nicky freaks out, and Dicky starts laughing at him. Nicky reaches forward and grabs a handful of foam and throws it, hitting Dicky square in the face.

"I bet you're glad you're wearing goggles now," Y/n comments while quietly laughing. Dicky takes some of the foam and aims it at her, but it misses her by a couple of inches since he can't see.

"Oh, no. Everyone duck!" Y/n yells before dashing behind a table. She's just in time because an entire foam war breaks out a few seconds later.


Y/n's sitting in a chair listening to the quads getting scolded by the science teacher. She's not in trouble, but she has to wait with them since their parents drive her home.

"For crying out loud, you could have gotten rashes!" the teacher yells, anger evident in her voice.

"I told you," Nicky points out.

"Nicky," the teacher warns. "There is nothing here for any of you to be proud of," she clarifies. "Now, I've called your parents."

The quads all start to complain while Y/n rolls her eyes in annoyance. "Save it. You can answer to them," the teacher asserts. "Come in!" she screams after a knock echoes throughout the classroom.

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