Chapter four

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After the Marcus encounter, River couldn't just go at her place..
She felt torn.. and as if she was back on her first stage to overcome anxiety . Marcus had not only manage to physically drain her.. ofcourse she forgot to drive there, and her wallet so she walked..
But also emotional drained.

When he laid that file in front of her it was like a wave of nostalgia hit her ...
Since then she kept remembering what sisera had tried to erase in her memory lane for so long..

That horrible day.. the same one she woke up in a pool of blood..
Two lifeless bodies
And dry blood on her favourite white tee..

' nine one one.. what's your emergency..?'

She still recalled how her hands trembled.. clutching the landline.. how tears blurred her vision.. and those hurtful sobs..

' hellow.. please give us your location.. are you okay..?'

Ofcourse she was okay.. but she knew who wasn't..
And lastly.. she remembered that small pained voice..

' 107th 20Avenue street '

It would have been hard to sleep alone.. in that big apartment, so she came to the orphanage.

When everyone else was outside playing.. she watched by the window.
If she couldn't save all orphanages then she thought, she had enough in her trust fund to save this one..

Feeling a burning gaze behind her she turned and met with Simone staring at her..
She sighed..

" Oh.. it's just you" she said

Simone Said nothing.. River figured she must be staring at something beyond her.. or even nothing. Still she couldn't help to feel as though the burning gaze of those emerald eyes was to her..
Wait.. emerald
She snapped at Simone's face..

" Funny.. how I realize your green eyes now.. have they always been green?"

Right now Simone was humming a tune..

River chuckled.. " of course.. "

She sighed.. " it's difficult.. being an adult.. I feel like I'm letting you guys down.. I'm losing hope to win this ..."

One of the major reasons she coming here was Simone.. she would talk her mind out and Simone always say there.. she knew maybe she didn't understand.. but her mere presence, soothed her..
Many times she had thought.. maybe we are in that stage of best friends..

About to leave after her usual blabbing.. she felt something tug her hand. When she turned she looked at the pale white hand on hers..

She was supposed to be angry.. but her heart squeezed.. she felt..
This surprised her.. it was like how she felt when Sisera touched her.. safe
But this was Simone..
Simone who never talked.. couldn't eat by her self.. hell even bathing was an issue

But now.. she held her hand.. even if she did not speak.. her lingering touch seemed to say..

You have got this.. I believe in you..

She didn't believe it was possible for her eyes to sting at this.. if Simone did not let go... She'd let a sniffle escape..
As if reading her mind Simone let go and went back to her gibberish blabbing..

River took a last look at her and rush to the room she always used..
Why was she even crying..!? She wondered.

The next time she woke up.. it was after a loud scream.. it was already dark and silent outside.
No one ever woke her up for dinner.. she already made it clear she didn't like it.

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