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They started to explain what had happened and I got a little scared because that had never happened to me before. "I-I had a p-panic-attack?" They all slowly nod.

"Okay let me get this straight." I started, until Edward made a comment like "Straight? Princess you're anything but straight..." To which I glared at him for and he immediately shut up. "As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted." I said once again with a glare queuing an apology from Edward, "We had sex and I had a panic-attack from that?" Marcel looks hesitant for a minute before he answers. "You started to say some things before that happened actually." he says with an awkward little smile on his face.

"Like what?" I say.

Harry, Edward, and Marcel all exchange looks before Harry answers the question for me.

"About how you didn't mean to cum and didn't want us to hate you, and how we made you feel like home." Marcel and Harry look at me with proud smiles while Edward looks on with cocky smirk. I still really want to smack that smirk off his face. Soo... I did what any normal person would do. I tried to smack him. But apparently luck was not on my side because as soon as my hand was about to make contact with his cheek he grabbed it. 

Pity, I know right. " umm. haha, that did not go as planned." Awkward silence. " Why did you try to smack me princess?" Edward  looked like he knew why and was just trying to embarrass me. " Because of that stupid smirk of yours." I mumbled that but he heard it. " What was that princess? Say that a little louder for Hazza and Marcy." To which Harry and Marcel gave him a warning look for the nicknames but were also genuinely curious.

" I was saying... because of your smirk and you know what your doing Edward." I say ready for this conversation to get a little heated. " What am I doing princess?" He said with innocence laced in his voice. " You're trying to get me frustrated!" 

"I would do no such thing princess!" I know this is annoying me but I just had to giggle because the other two's eyes were going back and forth between us."Now... why are you giggling? Baby Boy." There goes that smirk again.

 I launch at him.

 But of course once again he overpowers me and keeps me face first in front of his naked dick. And now I just realized we are naked all but harry. "Bad Idea baby. Harry show him how good you are with your mouth." Harry immediately comes and licks my tight pink hole. I shudder as I move around so I can get him naked as well. I start to take off harry's shirt while we're kissing.

 I start to take off harry's shirt while we're kissing

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I then see Marcel and Edward making out. Damn! That is hot as Fuck! "Hazza Please! Do something! I need you." I see him smile a little from the corner of my eye, but then he gets serious. " Are you sure Bubble? How much do you really want me?" I moan and then whine lowly. " Please hazzy need you so much, need you tongue and your fingers! PLEASE!"

Harry then starts teasing my hole with his finger. Tracing and lightly pushing against it. 


I feel so evil right now...😈 Leaving you on a cliff hanger.

Oops! Sorry about that. 🤭


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