Chapter 3

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After negotiating with Tubbo, the cookie outpost was officially named part of Las Nevadas, but still under Tubbo's command. Quackity wasn't bothered by this, because Tubbo worked for him. Tubbo was practically part of Las Nevadas, it just hasn't been made official. Yet.

But, that was a problem for future Quackity. A problem for current Quackity was a certain drunk ghost who was pestering him. He was very annoying.

"When are you gonna get the stupid book," Glatt asked, clearly annoyed that Quackity didn't have it yet.

"I'm working on it, Schlatt. It's a lot harder than you think. I've got a new plan though, it should work..." Quackity trailed off at the idea of the new plan. It was a gamble, similar to most things in Quackity's life.

The ravenette looked at the letter in his hands, written in Dream's now shaky, but clearly unique handwriting. It was a message to Technoblade, asking him to visit.

Quackity was confident that Techno would go, but he still wanted to try to get the information out of Dream his way. It was more fun that way.

"Listen, I'll drop off this letter, then I'll go to the prison. I'll try to get the book but it may take a while longer," Quackity explained to the floating ram man.

"Whatever, just hurry up," Schlatt responded, drifting away. Quackity rolled his eyes and grabbed his heavier clothing. He hopped on his horse and went all the way to Technoblade and Philza's cabins, which was far past the lands he was familiar with.

He stopped atop a hill and waited for the Blade to see him, which he quickly did. The pink haired warrior quickly dismissed himself from whatever they were doing and met Quackity.

They exchanged pleasantries, and Quackity gave him the letter. Quackity hurriedly left, not wanting to be there any longer than he needed to be.

On his way home, he stopped by the prison. He decided to go in, for his normal scheduled visit to Dream.

Dream was in a sorry state at this point, having been there for a few months now. Scars and dried blood covered him, burns and lacerations were displayed across his body. His ram like ears were drooping, they had little indents and nicks in them. His normally bright, lime green eyes were dulled. His dark horns stood out against his stark white hair.

Quackity was actually proud of the work he did to Dream. There was a tag hanging from one of his ears, which listed the number 001, which obviously stood for prisoner number one.

Dream's eyes never really met Quackity's as he walked into the room. He only looked down, but Quackity knew he was upset, per usual.

"What's up, Dream?" Quackity asked excitedly. "I just dropped the note off at Techno's he should be here within the next couple weeks!"

"You said you wouldn't come back if I wrote the letter," Dream responded quietly.

"Correction, I said I wouldn't come back once Techno got here," Quackity lied. "You really need to get a better memory, Dream, you're going insane!"

"Stop..." Dream muttered, clutching his head.

"What? Am I wrong?" Quackity asked innocently. He secretly reveled in Dream's suffering. Well, who was he kidding? It wasn't a secret.

"No..." Dream breathed out, his breaths beginning to come in short gasps at this point.

"Well, at least you know who's right," Quackity said as he drew his sword. He not so carefully drew it across Dream's exposed arm. He flinched and backed away farther into the corner of the cold, obsidian room. Blood splattered on Quackity's stark white shirt, the warm liquid removing the chill in his bones.

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