Day 1 - Morrigan

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First day of Mogtober! :DThe prompt was 'Morrigan' which was quite a broad topic, but I chose to do a short story about if Morrigan were to go back to Crow Manor for lil' visit and talk to her 'father'. Enjoyyyy! And apologies for being a day late - one author is on vacation, and one just got back.


Crow Manor loomed in Morrigan's vision, standing out among the surrounding houses. She had travelled along this road countless times before, yet it was so incredibly different this time.

With each step closer towards her old residence, the speed of Morrigan's heartbeat seemed to increase.

You chose to come here, she reminded herself, your choice. You just have to do it.

Jupiter had offered to come with her, but she had refused. This was something she had to do herself, and she was 17, for god's sake. She didn't need a chaperone anymore.

Visiting Crow Manor was something that Morrigan always knew she would have to do, although she had been putting it off for quite some time. It wasn't until Jack had bumped into his parents a week ago and had kept going on and on and on about family and having closure, that she decided it was time, even if it was to get even with him. She was probably being immature, but at least she was doing it.

Morrigan approached the door and took a deep breath, preparing herself... before turning away and walking the other fucking way, Morrigan what the hell.

She was halfway across the front yard when she stopped, kicking herself. She came here to do something, so she was going to do it. Even if it was scary. She had already waited far too long.

The knocker for the door came crashing down, and Morrigan winced, once again wondering if this was a good idea. But it was too late to turn back now.

She waited, for what felt like hours, fidgeting with her hands and glancing anxiously around, until the door finally swung open with a creak. Ivy stood, hand still on the door, mouth open.

"Sup Ivy." Morrigan grinned at her, all nervousness gone, the adrenaline replacing it with newfound confidence.

Ivy shrieked.

"Ivy? Who's there? Are you okay?"

Morrigan's grin widened. "I see Corvus is home! Perfect."

Ivy simply stared at her, her chest moving up and down at an unnaturally fast pace.

"Now, uh, it's usually good manners to let a guest in, but I suppose as I, uh, did live here for... what was it... exactly 11 years? I have free reign to come and go as I want; I mean, you never specified otherwise... but then again, you did think I was dead, so I can understand this must be a shock... anyways, so unless you're going to stop standing there like a deer in headlights, I'll uh... I'll just come in, thanks!" Morrigan pushed past Ivy, who was still gaping at Morrigan with wide eyes and muttering something over and over under her breath.

Morrigan walked down the hall, memories washing over her. It was all so, so familiar that it ached. She had never liked Crow Manor, but it was still her childhood home.

She checked in each of the rooms as she went past them, but Corvus didn't seem to be in any of them. Finally, she got to his study, which she was sure he would be in, but to her surprise, he was nowhere to be seen when she opened the door. In fact, the strangest thing was that the study appeared as though it hadn't been used in... months, even years.

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