Day 6 - The Wundrous Society

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Elder Quinn smiled softly at the young Wundersmith standing before her. "Morrigan, despite what the other elders may try to tell you, we -are- glad that you can be a part of our society, helping to make a change for the better in Nevermoor. As you know, our city has not had the best history with Wundersmiths, so you must understand our caution and apprehensiveness."

 Morrigan nodded solemnly, making Elder Quinn smile even wider. The child was taking everything so seriously, surely the others could see that she was trying her hardest.

 "Please, just give me a bit more time. You have to see that the fact that you are in any way associating yourself with- with Ezra Squall, let alone allowing yourself be 'trained' by him, causes great doubt throughout the society."Morrigan sighed.

 "Yes, Elder Quinn, of course, I understand that. I had many doubts myself, but you have to understand that I, in no way, shape, or form, wish to be anything like Squall. He is a vile being, whom I wish only to learn how to use my power from." 

 "Yes, of course, and I understand that fully. It's the others who don't. I will try my hardest, but I must warn you I can make no promises about what I will and won't be able to do." 

 "Thank you, Elder Quinn, for everything you are doing."

 "Of course, child. It's my duty to the society and Nevermoor." 


 "Squall must be stopped! Surely you can't see that he is working his way into our society through this girl!" Elder Wong huffed, slamming a fist down onto the table. 

 "Calm yourself, Elder Wong." 

 "No!" Elder Saga interrupted. "Before we know it, the society will be in ruins and it will be our fault. We can't let this go any further." 

 Elder Wong nodded towards him. "I agree. We were completely fine with her until she began training with- with Him. That is simply unacceptable." 

 "Yes! We must rid ourselves of her instantly-"

 "Quiet yourself and take a moment to think about the words you are declaring." Elder Quinn glared at the two and they fell silent. "Morrigan has only good intentions, and she is aware of the risks. She would not have begun this training without careful thought and consideration of her actions. In the past three years, she has proven herself useful over and over again, that much is obvious. Surely you can see the immense benefit of allowing her to stay. There is no rational reason for us to kick her out! I will not hear of it. She means no harm to our society." 


 "Ah, Morrigan. So nice of you to finally join me." 

 Squall's voice rang out through the dark, and Morrigan swivelled around to face him.

 "I- I'm sorry I'm late. It- it's just dinner ran late and then Jupiter kept talki-" 

He tutted. "I don't want to hear excuses. I want you to give me an update." 

 Morrigan gulped and looked up at him. "Y-yes of course. Sorry." 

 Squall sighed, rolling his eyes. "Stop apologising." He paused, waiting for Morrigan to speak. When she said nothing, he waved his hand. "Come on, what do you have?" 

 "Oh yeah- sorr- I mean- yep. Ok. I talked to Elder Quinn today and she seems to think everything is normal. Not only does she not suspect a thing, but she has almost complete trust in me." 

 "Good. And the other elders?" 

 "They're still quite apprehensive, but myself, Jupiter, and Elder Quinn are working on them, and not one of them are suspicious of anything."

 "And what I taught you has been working on the Witnesses?" 

 "Evidently. As I said, they don't suspect a thing."Squall closed his eyes and sighed with pleasure. Morrigan could tell he was happy with how she was handling lying to everyone she knew... and how well the plan was going... maybe a little too happy. 

 "Are- are you still in agreement with my conditions?" His eyes shot open, and he blinked hard, staring directly at her. 

"Conditions?"Morrigan's heart picked up a pace.

 "The... conditions. The ones I made you agree to when we started this." 

 "Ah yes. Remind me of what they are again?"She winced. He didn't even recall what they were. "No one gets hurt? Remember? That's the big one. I don't want anyone to suffer, I just want the society to end. They are blatantly dishonest and immoral, and they have hurt too many people. Jack's parents, Jupiter himself, basically every citizen of Nevermoor, the-"

 "Yes, yes. I don't need your entire righteous revenge list. And I agree. They hold all the power to themselves. It must end." 

 Morrigan nodded, still not satisfied, however. "You're not going to... like destroy anything, are you? We're just sort of... manipulating them." 

 Squall chuckled, the noise sending shivers down Morrigan's spine. "I made no promises not to destroy anything." Morrigan interrupted to protest, but he continued. "I will only intervene if you fail. So in other words... don't fail." 

 "Please- please don't hurt anyone." 

 "Morrigan, my dear, there's nothing you can do to stop me. Just don't mess up." 

 Authors note:Day 5!! :DI'm not really sure how I feel about this one... it's definitely not my best work, but I hope you enjoy!



Hey guys, WundrousPotato here! I hope you're enjoying our Mogtober oneshots thus far! As some of you may have noticed, there has not been a 5th day up yet, and I apologise. The prompt is "Favourite moment in Hollowpox," which is hard for me for a few reasons, the main reason being that that book has left me broken ;-;. But, however, I have made a start on it and it should be up within the next couple of days, so please look out for it as I will put it before this chapter! I will leave another A/N on the chapter that comes out the day I put #5 up. Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2021 ⏰

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