Day 4 - Cascade Falls

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Here's an idea I've had for a while now for another of my fics, but I've never gotten round to it and this was the perfect opportunity! I hope you enjoy it!


Morrigan could not sleep. She had tossed and turned for hours, but just couldn't seem to drift off, and for a variety of reasons.

Earlier that day, she had visited a Ghostly Hour where Decima Kokoro was showcasing her weaving of water. The long-dead Wundersmith had also let something slip about a tower she wished to build. Decima told her fellow Wundersmiths that as much as she wanted to do it, she just wasn't sure about it, too which her peers stepped in to encourage her and her dreams.

And ever since returning from the little parcel of time, the memory of Cascade Towers when she had visited it a few years ago had been stuck in Morrigan's mind, and she couldn't shake it.

She wanted to revisit the Towers, and she wasn't sure she'd be able to wait until tomorrow.

But it would be a foolish thing to go at this hour – the clock read one-twenty-three a.m. – especially alone. And no one would be up at this hour, nor would they be willing to take her if she was to wake them up.

But that's when she remembered something. Well, a few somethings. One, Jack often stayed up to the early hours of the morning; two, due to an incident a year ago, Jack had said that if she needed anything at night, she could always bother him (or at any other point in the day); and three – he was home at the moment.

Quietly slipping out of her room, Morrigan walked down a few doors, wondering if she should knock, or if the young Witness would even be awake tonight, or game enough to sneak out. After standing outside for a few minutes, Morrigan noticed a dim light from the tiny crack under the door.

Feeling more confident, Morrigan twisted the door handle and poked her head inside the door, scanning the room for Jack. He wasn't on his bed reading like he had been previous nights when she'd come in; instead, he was at his desk, frowning over a piece of paper while he absentmindedly chewed the end of his pencil.

It was rather cute if you asked Morrigan.

With a sigh of frustration, Jack threw down the paper and pencil, leaning back in his chair and only then noticing the Wundersmith with her head in his room.

"Uhhh, can I help you?"

Morrigan smile was a mixture between mischievous and sheepish – and to be honest, it had Jack a little worried – as she walked into the room and closed the door.

"Couldn't sleep."

"Join the gang," Jack sighed, running a hand down his face, "why couldn't you sleep?"

"Mind's being busy."

"Ah. What sort of busy."

"Been thinking about a lesson I had today."

Jack stared at with a look of fake shock on his face, "what? No way! You? Thinking about school instead of sleeping?"

Morrigan rolled her eyes.

"Oh, haha. But seriously, it was a good lesson – very interesting."

"Ghostly Hour?"

"Ghostly Hour."

Jack nodded, "what was it about?"

"You remember Decima Kokoro's Cascade Towers?" she waited for Jack to nod again before continuing, "well, it was about her sharing her dream of it after a few other demonstrations of other water creations."

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