Day 3 - Sub-Nine

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Day three, Sub-Nine! Alright, this one took some thinking, but I ended up doing three separate memory-type things with the Kindling because ever since that chapter in Hollowpox, I have had a small obsession with it. It's just too precious ;-;. Please note that I based a lot of this on Morrigan's first meeting with the Kindling (and so far her only meeting) so things like the offerings may not actually be canonically correct. Please enjoy!


"C'mon, Elodie! That's not fair!"

Elodie Bauer laughed as she turned around in front of the door of Liminal Hall.

"It's not my fault you're slow, Ezra."

The young man raised an eyebrow, "using the Wundrous Arts to cheat in a simple running race, and now I'm slow?"

Elodie nodded, "now come on, we're going to be late for our meeting!"

Ezra sighed and pressed his inferno imprint to the pulsing orange-gold circle, grumbling under his breath. The doors swung open, and the two young Wundersmiths stepped inside to approach the Hearth. Elodie pressed her imprint to the second pulsing circle, and the two friends watched as the fire roared to life.

The Wundersmiths exchanged excited smiles as the familiar form of the Kindling shifted into place.

"Good morning, Kindling," Ezra grinned, nodding his head towards the fire-being and holding his hand out for the Kindling to take his offering as Elodie prepared to do the same.

"Young Squall and young Bauer, you have come to visit," the Kindling smiled at them.

"Yes, we have! How have you been, Kindling?"

"The same as always. How have your studies been? Odbouy was complaining about some sort of assessment yesterday?"

Elodie rolled her eyes, and Ezra chuckled, both shaking their heads.

"Of course, he did. No need to worry, Kindling, he's just... not feeling prepared."

"You know how old Jemmy's like, Kindling."

The three chatted for what could have been hours until Elodie checked her watch, realising that she and Ezra had a lesson to be at in five minutes.

"So sorry, Kindling – we wouldn't want to be late!"

"I understand; please visit again soon, Elodie, Ezra."

"We will, Kindling, we promise."

Little did either of them know that the next time they saw the Kindling would be the last time they saw the Kindling, and they'd be the last faces the Kindling would see until over one hundred years later.



"Ezra Squall."

One-hundred and sixty-something-year-old stood in front of the Hearth he hadn't seen in years.

Morrigan had insisted that he visit the Kindling and just talk. It had been very lonely, and it was his fault, and Squall knew that. His plan back at the massacre in Courage Square hadn't gone exactly how he'd planned and hoped it would go. In fact, it had gone the way he had feared it would, and he became the monster he was afraid he would turn into.

He hadn't been a very good Wundersmith back then, and he'd learned so much since – learned enough that he was given a second chance. Yes, Ezra was exceptional when it came to using the Wundrous Arts, but he hadn't used his powers for good, like he was taught to. No, he thought he could be doing better – that all Wundersmiths could be doing better.

He had been a fool.

"Do you have an offering for the Kindling?"

Squall extended out his hand, shivering when the Kindling reached out and brushed its fingers against his.

Fire, screaming, tears, death, exiled, loss, loneliness, power, Maud, fear, apprentice, failure, Maud again, more fear, apprentice again, success! Maud, masterplan, pleading, alliances, freedom, Morrigan.

Squall swallowed thickly, trying to keep his composure.

"Oh, Ezra," the Kindling looked at him, ember eyes burning straight through him.

He didn't need to explain anything – the Kindling knew.

And it was sad for him.

"I-I'm sorry."


"Go on, press your finger against it."

Emily turned around and looked back at her teacher.

"Are you sure?"

Morrigan smiled, "positive, now go on. Don't keep it waiting."

Frowning slightly, Emily pressed the little flame imprint on the tip of her left middle finger to the pulsing circle, opening the door to Liminal Hall.

Turning to get affirmation from Morrigan again, Emily swallowed as she watched the older Wundersmith nod with an encouraging, almost excited, smile and walked into the room.

Liminal Hall made Emily feel tiny as she gazed up at the high ceiling and then around at the mostly empty, cathedral-like room. In the centre of the room lay a pile of sticks. A hearth.

What was she supposed to do?

She was about to go back outside and ask Morrigan just that when she saw it.

The pulsing golden orange lock in the middle of the firewood.

Tentatively, she placed a finger against the warm surface, before pulling her hand to her chest and jumping back in shock as the wood caught alight.

She watched in a mixture of shock, horror and excitement as the fire began rearranging into something that resembled somewhat of a human.

Ember eyes blinked at her, and she could only blink back, her entire body frozen in surprise.

The fire-being cocked its head, looking at Emily curiously.

"Do you have an offering for the Kindling?"

"I-I beg your pardon?"

"Do you have an offering for the Kindling?"

"U-um, what sort of offering would the Kindling like?"

She was about to run out of the room and ask Morrigan what the heck this thing was when the Kindling answered her.

"Hold out your left hand."

And she did, even as it trembled against her will.

Her eyes widened in shock as the Kindling pressed its own hand against hers, and they widened further when she saw past images and felt past feelings in a rushed haze.

"The Kindling accepts your offering."


"What is your name, Wundersmith?"


The Kindling nodded its flamey head, "a pleasure to meet you, Emily."

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